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AO3K2 + public buildings exercise 2



The exercise #2 is done in pairs. Exercise #2 for the course Structures 2 and Architectural Design
3 is mandatory for all students. If you have already completed an AO3 subject, we suggest that you
join someone who has not yet completed the AO3 subject.


Developing the ability to identify structural elements, the origin of their shapes and scale.
Recognizing its role as an integral part of built space and the natural environment. The development
of a "sense" of construction through the formation of a relationship between structural and
architectural design. Promoting innovation in structural design.
Design of the exterior and interior of the building in accordance with the characteristics of the
program. Recognizing the relationship to the spatial, content and cultural characteristics of the site.
Establishing basic spatial relationships between existing and new programs. Designing the interior
with natural light.

The roof is primarily intended to protect the audience from the effects of the weather. The
roof should be one structure whose supports should touch the floor in a controlled
manner so as not to interfere with the functioning of the auditorium.

The following premises are part of the project:

- Single open but covered area. The roof must allow for the controlled passage of natural
light, which must be a significant architectural and structural challenge.
- toilets for performers
- dressing rooms for performers

When designing roof and other structures, it is necessary to take into account and upgrade the
design principles you have developed in the exercise #1. Upgrading does not imply a direct
transfer of structural and material features (shapes) but rather an adherence to logic and

The dwg is accessible on the online classroom of both subjects.

The auditorium is located in the area of the demolished Savin Sever's Learning Workshops,
Bežigrad Street in Ljubljana (behind the Astra trading house). Basement floors are permissible.

1. Exercise is done in pairs or threes!
2. Examine the material in detail.
3. Look at the location.
4. Make a draft in the form of sketches, a working model, or a 3D model, and have them
appear on group corrections during the exercises.
5. After completing the corrections, equip the exercise with the required content and
submit it digitally (online classroom) and analog.

- description and outline of the concept
- each poster must necessarily contain a photograph of the construct of Exercise 1
- situation 1: 500 (floor plan)
- all floor plans in scale 1: 250 (the floor plan of the ground floor should also include part
of the narrower situation around the building)
- one characteristic cross section at scale 1: 250
- one section of a smaller, key, part of the building 1:50
- disassembled spatial representation structural representation of a building at scale
M1: 250 or greater (excluding partitions, non-load-bearing facade parts, cladding, etc.).
The exhibited spatial display can be an axonometry or perspective designed to separate
the building into individual structures, which clearly shows the load on the individual
structural elements and their supports. The display should be accompanied by basic
descriptions from which for each structural member it will be possible to read the type of
structural element (wall, pillar, support, structural system wall, frame, ...) material and its
function (basic construction , winding…)
If you think your construction is better represented, if you only show part of the object in
axonometry, you can do so, but only with the approval of the assistants or professor.
- Photo of the model

MODEL 1: 100 (area marked on dwg)

Digitally submitted file names must take the following format:

for K2 broadcast:K2 2v 19-20_»vpisna številka 1«_priimek 1_»vpisna številka 2«_»priimek 2« _»vpisna
številka 3«_»priimek 3«.pdf
for A03:
AO3 2v 19-20_»vpisna številka 1«_priimek 1_»vpisna številka 2«_»priimek 2_»vpisna številka 3«_»priimek


In addition to the compositional design of the entire area, the corrections should show the
technological design of the roof structure on a smaller scale (1: 50/1: 20/1: 10) in working
models. Photos should also be included in the final presentation.

During the exercise, at least one signature or corrections must be collected from both course
providers. All members of the team must be present for the corrections!
Corrections are a prerequisite for submitting the exercise.

WARNING: We will no longer sign you at the latest corrections date. If you only attend the last
date, it is considered that you have not been on corrections.

Submission of the rehearsal digitally: Tuesday 10th December 2019 until midnight.
Submission of tutorials in print and layout: Tuesday 10th December 2019 between 5.30pm and
6pm at the Fabiani Lecture Room.
izr. prof. mag. Tomaž Krušec
izr. prof. dr. Matej Blenkuš

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