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Early America (Founding Fathers)

Our Founding Fathers’ Fair

1. Us History 1 and Ap Us History
2. Grade/Level: 10 / 11 grade
3. Objective: Who are our founding father? How did their beliefs affect our constitution and
bill of rights? How does it still affect our today?
5. Time Allotment: 2 weeks

Idaho State Guideline (Social Studies)
6-12.USH1.4.1.1 Trace the development of our constitutional republic through founding documents, colonial assemblies,
and colonial rebellions.

6-12.USH1.4.1.2 Identify fundamental values and principles as expressed in basic documents, including the Declaration
of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the United States Constitution.

6-12.USH1.4.1.3 Evaluate issues in which fundamental values and principles are in conflict, such as between liberty and
equality, individual interests and the common good, and majority rule and minority protections.

6-12.USH1.4.3.1 Provide and evaluate examples of social and political leadership in early American history.

6-12.USH1.4.3.2 Describe ways in which citizens participated in early American public life.


a. Anticipatory Set

b. Direct Instruction

Everyone gets to parenter up, they will be assigned a founding father together they will
complete assignments. They will make a present on their childhood, education, carriers,
effect on revolutionary wars, effect on consitiontan, political beliefs, effect on current
america and any other interesting effect.

c. Check for Understanding

They will have a week and a half, to do research on their founding father. They will need
to complete a poster and a small presentation on their founding father.

e. Closing

We will have a fair, where they will get to show their knowledge of their founding father.
We as a class, will decide who affect current american the most.

Materials & Resources

a. Instructional Materials:
a. Textbook
b. Founding Father book in Library
b. Resources:
a. Youtube
b. Google
c. Library
d. Teachers

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