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The presentation touched on a variety of symbols used throughout Persepolis.

These symbols
include the keys, veils, the bed, and the significance of the name Persepolis. The first thing we
discussed was the literal meaning of these objects. Our initial interpretation of the key and veil
was one of oppression and propaganda. The veil was seen as an object dictated forcefully upon
women by the government in an attempt to suppress them and keep them subject to their
whims. The key on the other hand was an extremely effective propaganda tool given to young
boys engaged in war in a bid to convince them that in the event that they die their sacrifice will
yield them the ultimate prize, that being the key to heaven. However the key given to them, the
ones they wore around their neck, were cheap and made of plastic. There was implied intrinsic
value put on them by the government, but in reality they were nothing but a facade to
indoctrinate young men to die in the government's war. Upon further discussion, we reviewed
our interpretation of these two objects. The veil can also come to symbolize a possible type of
freedom given to the women. There was without a doubt some women who were supportive of
the veil, and thus they viewed the veil as an alternate means of expressing themselves. The veil
essentially allowed them this freedom for self-expression.

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