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Foreign language Coordination.


Mechanical Engineering.

Name of the class:




6.6 List if the activities.

Professor name:

Paola Nieves Perales

1250328, Abraham Gutiérrez Mendoza.

Date : September 29th , 2019.

6.6 List of activities.

1.Alice going to work in the yard and Fred gonna fix his car.

2..Harry gonna clean the basement .She gonna clean the living room. the children
gonna clean the attic.

3. he is going to the library. he is going to a concert

were all going out for a late dinner. He gonna be tired tonight.

4..Mr.and Mrs. Brown going to the beach they gonna do tomorrow evening she is
going to wear a dress in the restaurant.. he is going wear jacket an tie. They are
going to fancy a restaurant.near the beach. They going back tomorrow night. They
are going to hotel.they are gonna have a great time tomorrow. It is gonna be

5.lance gonna wash your clothes .lance gonna wash your claws. Theodore said
that he never gonna wash your clothes. He gonna make you a promise

6. Edward is going fixing the sink. He is going to call the plumber.

7. he is going a very busy next week. Its gonna be a very busy week. He is going
to say what he will do next week.

Next Sunday. He gonna visit his mother and father gonna cook chicken on the
barbecue. they are going to ask him about his work and friends. they're gonna
have a very nice time.

Next Monday He gonna go to work. He not gonna drive his car because he gonna
bring his car to the mechanic. He’s gonna fix it. He gonna take the bus to work
after he gonna take the bus to the garage and get my car. the mechanic is going to
give him his car. He gonna be upset because its gonna cost a lot of money.

Next Tuesday. He gonna talk his boss for a raise. She is gonna say no maybe next
year and he gonna say okay and he gonna be sad.

Next Wednesday. He gonna fly to chicago. He gonna go to meeting in the morning.

He gonna have lunch with some peopleand he gonna go to another metting in the
afternoon. He gonna fly home in the evening and he gonna be very tired.

Next Thursday he gonna write a report about his meeting in chicago.he hot gonna
about the lunch because the isn’t gonna be very good. He gonna type the report on
his computer. He gonna print it in his printer and he gonna give it to his boss.
Next Friday he not gonna go to work right away. He gonna go to the dentist.
Dennis is gonna look his teth and his assistants gonna clean them.he gonna be a
little nervous but his dentist is gonna tell him don’t worry. He not gonna hurt
everything’s gonna be okay.he gonna believe because his dentist is a very nice

Next Saturday he gonna relax and have fun. He gonna go joggin then he gonna go
bowling. He gonna have lunch in his favorite restaurant. In the afternon he gonna
go sailing then he gonna go shopping in the evening. He gonna go to a movie with
some friends then they’re gonna go dancing. He gonna be late. He gonna go now .

8.Next year is gonna be a great year in January. she gonna start a new job. He
gonna start a new job in febraury. He going to california to visit his brother she
going to california to visit her sister.

May is gonna exciting month she gonna buy a new car. What concidence He
gonna buy a new car in june . he going to canada in july. She gonna go there in

September is gonna be a very important month in september he gonna to acting

school. She gonna to acting school in october. She gonna get married in

In december he not gonna get married

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