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Taryn Graziel A.


Art and the Body

What I learned in the presentation is that art is evolving and one effect of this is
utilizing other mediums for a new perspective in expression through art. Body became a
medium due to a new effect it offers as well as. A point was raised that expressing art
through your own body adds a sense of danger because the artist is present in the
delivery. This way is also intensified if the point is a radical one. However I would like to
raise that body art isn’t just a product of the 21st century evolution of art since it has
been existing ever since. An example would be tattoo art displayed in order to reiterate
one’s social status. With this said, I have come to the conclusion that even if it did exist
before, it is still evolving by showing new aspects or messages in the way that the art
medium is being utilized. Instead of merely presenting social status, nowadays, it is also
used to express something deeper like presence. It is also utilized to present the figure
of the body and for people to appreciate its bareness.

Given these, the debate I have found in body art is whether plastic surgery can
be considered as art or is just conformity to the standards of beauty constructed by our
society and which also preserves the system we now live in. If I would answer it directly,
I would say it is a result of our societal construct which makes it not a form of art.
However, these things are looked upon through a case to case basis. An example
would be Marlou’s transformation into Xander Ford. It became an obvious call for
acceptance when it comes to beauty which made people criticize it more. I wouldn’t say
it was an expression of self because he has been doing that ever since however in a
dysfunctional way due to people poking fun at his looks. This was the cause of him
wanting to adjust to the ideal beauty imposed by society in a ble to have the freedom to
express himself and still be acceptable. The process of his transformation also reflected
the system we are now living in since it cost a lot of money in order for it to be done.
However, there are more cases rather than Marlou’s transformation. Some people do
radical surgeries debatably for self expression as well. The way to look at this if it is an
acceptable kind of art is to know that at the very essence, art is also a product of our
social constructs.

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