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Name : Shusan Ayu Areke Putri




1. Use of term code allows us to use derivative terms like codification and recodification. Writing
system are said to be condification of speech. How do the English and Chinise writing system
differ as condification of their respective languages :
Answer :
The linguistic term condification refers to the methods by which a languages is
standarlized. These methods include the creation and use of dictionaries, style and usage
guides, traditional grammar textbook, and the like. Standardization aims to ensure fixed values
for the counters in a system, wrote James and Lesley Milroy in Authority in Language, this
means preventing variability in spelling and pronunciation by selecting fixed conventions
uniquely regarded as correct, estabilishing “correct’” meanings of words, uniquely acceptable
word forms (he does is acceptable, but he do is not) and fixed conventions of sentence
On the other hand, is an uninflected language and conveys meaning through word
order,adverbials ar shared understanding of the context. The concept of time in Chinese is not
handled through the use of different tenses and verbsforms, as it is in English. For all these
reasons it is not suprising that Chinese learners have trouble with the complexities of the English
verb system. There are various defference in word order between Chinese and English. In
Chineselearners, for example questions are conveyed by intonation; the subject and verb are
not inverted as in English. English has a number of short verbs that very commonly combine
with participles ( adverb or prepositions) to form what are known as phrasal verbs ; for example
; take on . give in, make do with, look up to. This kind of lexical feature does not exist in Chinese.

2. A recodification is a further manipulation of a code. Morse Code and Pig Latin are two simple
recodifications. What are the principles behind each ?
3. Some condification or redodification have very clear social functions. You might care to look at
the following from such a perspective : Walbin úp side-down talk’(Hale, 1971); Hanunoo ‘love
play’(Conklin, 1959); and glassalalia (Samarin, 1973)

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