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Dear colleagues,

Dear Colleagues, We are glad to announce that (nama simpo nya), will be held in
(namaHote)l, semarang on (nama bulan dan tanggal) 2019. This is an annual event organized
by Department of Anesthesi kariadi Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Diponogoro.This
prestigious event is supported by PERDATIN central java.We hope that in this era of Evidence
Based Medicine, we can provide the latest insights in the field of Anesthesiology. The theme for
this year ‘ Enhance recovery after surgery .offer you current advance examples that can be
applied in your clinical practice.

There will be workshops and symposium with comprehensive topic and attractively
packaged for anesthesilogists, residents, general practitioners.these sessions will provide
opportunities not only to renew and inspire the colleagues scientific knowledge at all but also
disscuss various issue ‘(isii isue yang akan diangkat mau ttg apaa)”.

Looking forward to welcoming you all to semarang in september 2019

components of anesthesia can make a considerable contribution in ERAS, such as patient
selection, use of premedication drugs, induction drugs, muscle relaxants,. scientific evidence-based will
result in patients recovering consciously with immediate, minimal complications and recovering
physiological functions immediately

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