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Nee Mun Partner 1 Partner 2 BERMUDA TREASURE EXPLORATION For this project, you will follow the below storyline in order to find lost pirate treasure! This project will take from various parts of our class, so you can start working on it rather early, though you likely will not be able to complete it until the end of the semester. You may work with up to two partners on this assignment or you may work alone. Show ALL necessary work for each problem and be sure to box or circle your final answers. You are hired as the navigator aboard the Blacktide, a vessel piloted by some of the saltiest, scurvy scallywags you have ever met, but they pay well. Your mission is the sail into the Bermuda Triangle and recover the wreck of The Arabella, the lost pirate ship of the notorious Captain Blood. The ship was rumored to have been carrying a fortune in stolen gold from the Dutch province of St. Martin before sinking near the center of the mysterious Bermuda Triangle. Here is what you need to know about the Bermuda Triangle before going into this adventure: The ‘Triangle itself is formed between three points: Miami, Florida (M), the island of Bermuda (B), and the capitol of Puerto Rico, San Juan (S). The island of Bermuda is roughly 1,035 miles N57°E of Miami, the city of San Juan is roughly 1,030 miles S68°E of Miami, and the distance from San Juan to Bermuda is roughly 960 miles. 1. As the Blacktide departs from its port in San Juan heading toward the center of the triangle, you decide to do some quick calculations for the dimensions of the Bermuda Triangle. Draw a picture of the triangle given the dimensions and bearings above, and determine all three angles inside of the Bermuda Triangle. Round to the nearest whole angle for all three. = oro! + 1035" = 60%) Z\r0 1035 20,5646 ‘ gua) = S94 About 100 miles into your journey, most of the navigation equipment goes haywire and becomes mostly useless, so the captain turns to you for advice. They know they have traveled 100 miles thus far along ‘the correct path from San Juan toward the center of the triangle and they can keep the same bearing, they just need to know how much further they need to travel in order to get to the center of the triangle 2. Draw the sketch of the Bermuda Triangle again, this time with the center (C) labeled. If you draw the triangle AMCS, you will notice that the line segment MC perfectly bisects angle M, and the line segment SC perfectly bisects angle S. With this in mind, determine how much further the Blacktie needs to travel along its path from San Juan in order to arrive a the center ofthe triangle. Round to the nearest hundredth of a mile. m|z724.5 Be = Mee > = 6S. Sin Se ete rN 1030 \e0-24.5 “NS = Sin (299) — sinQ2\) aaanat (2\ we (20 y x 929.5) = S54), 6 - [vd > 454 454.95 Le Snuiet aa Sr ia Seats BRE ace SRST: tet Me ort i Pea Ue ave Ghee ol wave, tend to increase to 15-25 feet high or more. You time from one peak of a wave to another peak in that the average ocean depth in the current area is about 14,000 feet, which you use as the positive Vertical Shift. Lastly, you determine that cosine would be the best function to use, so that you do not 3. Create the equation for the cosine wave in the following format: Fie) = Acos(cx) +B (Hint: if the period is 3x, then = = 3n).Using the point P(12, 13,998), determine the value of the amplitude A in your function rounded to two decimal places. Should you be worried about a top termi the wea raph one fl oe of hs ancon, Q=\3.t? (Bene ee | wor> 13.46 G4 \2a 3S) Once you make it to the Center, you begin to search the ocean floor using acoustic location, ie. sonar ‘mapping, hoping that your instruments "hear" an acoustic reflection that differs from the rest of the Ocean floor. Just as the sonar picks up a signal that seems different, the machine goes blank and. becomes useless. However the technician assigned to the machine remembers a couple numbers: the ‘ocean depth at this location is about 13,560 ft and the machine was scanning the circular region around the ship with a radius of 800 feet. Your crew decides to send down the two piloted submersibles to explore the region themselves. 4, Using the dimensions given, first find the angle of depression the submersibles should follow in ‘order to reach the edge of the circular region fr ip. Then, deter in feet squared ‘the area of the regi Tax Co Jew) = [Wob2? = Reqle oP depursion} ° wha = LPL jr . LAB Fe ged 5. The two submersibles can each search about 1,500 square feet of area thoroughly every five ‘minutes, but they need to return to the surface to refill the supply of air and fuel after every two hours of searching. When the submersibles return to the surface, it takes a full hour to refuel and prepare. Determine the (aximunyamount of time it will take to search the entire region Using these two submersibles. 1M un) Z\GOd = 3000 a4 fb | Smin APIO WIA, BIS SOO = 6F0.2%\-omn te check Adal area 2H dealt efor husmg fo reel Lhe > \LE win | Smo IZ = ‘Lhe CeRuel genols, = |lo%. Ble Horo mimo +.) Seach We Wale arn ‘This captain did not like to hear the answer from problem 5 and instead suggests to search the region by splitting the region into six sectors, starting with the three sectors in the direction the Blacktide was facing when the sonar equipment stopped responding. Searching in this way however will imit the speed of the submersibles due to constant recalibration to ensure they stay within the focused sector at any given time. With the sector method, the submersibles can search 1,000 square feet every 5 minutes and still need to return after every two hours of searching to refill on air and fuel for one hour. Furthermore, once a sector is complete, the submersibles need to return and recalibrate equipment to keep the submersibles in the correct sectors, which takes about 3 hours each time (not including the first time). 6 With allofthe above information in mind, determine the are in square fet of one sector, then determine how long it would take the submersbles to search single sector. ji 1 I ey Ht ZOO, GIA, 248 ght + lo = $35,103.20 4 335,103,207 2aoo +S w 7. Ifthe captain is wrong and this sector method does not work because the initial signal was delayed, how long wil it take to search the entire 800-radius region using this method, including the five times the submersibles would need to be recalibrated each time a new sector is searched. (6.4425 -U) -3 = 37, 355 he After a couple days of searching, the submersibles have finally found what they believe to be the remains of The Arabella, though the ship is now in tatters and spread wide across the ocean floor due to the pressure. After a few more hours of searching, the team finds what they believe to be the chest, and the treasure, of Captain Blood, returning it promptly to the surface, which has now become coated in a deep and thick fog. 33.5\ -24 = 4.5\ B.S1 © Smm 2 bam & 1eoarn = 493,55 ¢ LO = &. F425 te Yer sed Before your captain can open the tightly-sealed chest, the Blacktide's radar picks up something in the distance, again before immediately turning off and becoming worthless. Strangely, instead of giving a bearing or any seemingly useful information, the radar read "18 — 71, a complex number. While trying to fix the radar and wondering why there would be an imaginary coordinate, a crewman points out a ship off of the Blacktide's port-{lef-hend-side. Skatroareh( Ae ) 8. This isa resurrected Arabella with Captain Blood himself at the helm, here to reclaim his treasure! You need to do a quick calculation to tell which direction the Blacktide needs to follow to escape the angry ghost pirate captain. You figure that going in the exact opposite direction, so 180 degrees, from the ghost ship's position would suffice, trusting in your more advanced ship's speed to outrun a decrepit wooden ship that shouldn't even be floating. Using the complex number as the position of the Arabella, quickly determine the angle of the ghostly ship in reference to your ship (use the cardinal direction East as the Polar Axis) and give a bearing for ie eee eee iyueas w eae Yet. z i 57 uso! Bate 13° USO 2 NS ee ataidla, 68.45 _ 45 “Yeo Giving the heimsman the correct bearing seemed to work and you're almost home-free, but instead of returning to San Juan, you decide its best to travel to Bermuda itself, since it is much closer. Your current direction of travel is defined by the vector T = < ~308, 108 > and the vector from the Blacktide to Bermuda is defined by the vector B = < —74,296 >. 9. Using the above information, determine the angle between your current heading and Bermuda, as well as the distance from aes a 5 satus. TIN SYG 2037 Qe NOMEN Fut 4) (BesMeales.o1 i a YL + Fe FB (0.04 ews | Bekween He | ave vectors FH4q4 UA + WLM = {loc 62? vieeae S326, 38L2 % 305,104% Congrats! You are safely in the Bermuda port and survived your brief encounter with Captain Blood! D=- BOTs =H + OF 24, 2 S400

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