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Motivate Your Employees- Be a Smart Employer

Read and take tips from one of the best business trainers on how to you’re your employees motivated.
Simple, practical and long term!

Interact more:

Leaders prosper when they reinforce relationships with their people by spending more one-on-one time
with them to hear their suggestions, ideas, problems and issues as well as talking about performance
issues and their work.
Discover what motivates them:

Do you know what gets your team members out of bed in the morning? What they're passionate about --
their goals, aspirations, and interests? In other words, do you really know your team members? Great
leaders show an interest in their people's jobs and career aspirations in order to motivate them the right
way. Once that's been established, they look into the future to create learning and development
opportunities for their people. They find out what motivates their best people by getting to know what
desires will drive each team member. This is about emotional engagement.

Know their passion

It's a simple question, but you'd be surprised how often it is not asked: What do you need right now to do
your job better? You may be surprised, or even shocked at the answer; it could be that they need access
to more information to make the right decisions, bettter equipment or even another work space. Acting on
what you find out will be a huge motivational booster.

Praise them

"I don't like to be recognized," said no human being, ever. Managers have to get into the habit of praising
and complimenting their people for their good qualities and work. Use recognition and praise as a
powerful motivator to get their commitment. Employees who receive it on a regular basis increase their
individual productivity, receive higher loyalty and satisfaction scores from customers, and are more likely
to stay with their organization.

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