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Urbina, Samantha


English 101

30 August, 2019

Hello Yellow Brick Road

For as long as I can remember, I have always held a deep appreciation for music,

especially those classic 80’s and 90’s throwbacks that would repeatedly come on the radio. There

was something about those old rock tunes that would brighten up my day, whether it was playing

them on my way to a long day of work or attempting to do homework. Elton John, in particular,

has always been one of the artists I admire the most, his individuality and unique sound of music

that distinguished him from the rest immediately sparked my love for his songs.

John is well known for his beautiful piano playing that he manages to incorporate into a

majority of his songs, an element creating beautiful melodies that can be heard in his hits such as

“Your Song” or “Tiny Dancer”, some of my personal favorites. In May of 2019, ​Rocketman​ a

biographic yet fantasy based movie about the life of Elton John was released, incorporating all of

his hit songs and displaying the times in life that inspired him to write his hits. When I first heard

Elton’s “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” in the opening credits, I immediately fell in love with the

delicate sound of his voice, producing an angelic element to it. I often found myself putting it on

repeat, as the harmonic combination of the vocals and piano made me feel as all my worries had

gone away, and the only thing I could feel was joy.

From the beginning, songs that made me sway with the soft melodies of piano or violin

have held a close place in my heart. John’s “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” consists of an elegant
blend of instruments that take you on a journey of intricate piano to a buildup of high vocals and

rhythmic drums. Unlike his other songs, Elton tones down the use of the piano creating a slow

tempo, yet still manages to showcase his incredible musical talent. The songs melody could be

compared to a Disney anthem with its calming yet whimsical sound. Others when listening to the

song, often feel a mix between a somber or joyous mood due to its combination of a beautiful

melody and a message about fame and nostalgia. In Dexter Fletcher’s 2019 ​Rocketman​, the

instrumental itself, served as the background score throughout the film not only for its sound but

the meaning within the lyrics.

“Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” remains as one of my favorite songs not just for the

music, but the lyrics behind it demonstrating Elton’s ability to pour his life and emotions during

his difficult times, making his musical all that more personal. Written by Bernie Taupin, John’s

life long friend and co-songwriter, and Elton John, discuss the nostalgia of life before the

messiness of fame. Elton John has had his issues in his past with alcoholism and addiction to

cocaine to help him cope with the stress of fame producing the line in the song, “It’ll take you a

couple of vodka and tonics/ To set you on your feet again”. Taupin directs this song at Elton to

remind him there are times in one’s life where you need to step away to get back to your roots

and find your happiness. Despite not being able to personally relate to the lyrics nor the message,

seeing where Elton is now makes me happy to see how he was able to overcome his struggle

while still managing a life of fame. No matter what mood I am in, this song has always puts me

in a feeling of euphoria with the calming sounds and well fitting lyrics. “Goodbye Yellow Brick

Road” will always be a song that I will always love to listen to every time it comes on.

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