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Development B

Submitted By: Nera, Phil Harold P.

Submitted To: Ms. Calderon

1. How to create an impressive resume?
A résumé is a one-page summary of your work and school experiences. Employers match your
résumé against their job openings to evaluate if you'd be a good fit. As such, it's important to make your
résumé a good representation of yourself. Here's how, step by step:

 Decide Which Type Of Résumé You Want.

There are three types of résumés: chronological, functional and combination. You might want to consider
more than one format of résumé if you're applying for multiple jobs.

 Create A Header.

A header should include your name, phone number and email address. You can also include your mailing
address, but leave it out if you plan to post your résumé online.

 Write A Summary.

In one or two sentences, summarize your work experience and relevant skills. Keep this strong and

 4. List Your Experiences Or Skills.

 5. List Your Activities.

List activities in which you have participated and include what your specific role was in each.

 6. List Your Education.

List the schools you've attended, starting with the most recent one. Include details such as GPA, class rank
or special awards.

 7. List Any Awards You've Won and When You Won Them.

When you've been recognized by someone else, you should let potential employers know about it. But
you shouldn't worry if you haven't received any awards; just skip this section.

2. How to make a cover letter?

 Introduce yourself

 Mention the job (or kind of job) you're applying for (or looking for)

 Show that your skills and experience match the skills and experience needed to do the job

 Encourage the reader to read your resume

 Finish with a call to action (for example, asking for an interview or a meeting).

3. Enumerate the things to consider when called for

an interview:
 Dress appropriately

Plan out an outfit that fits the culture of the company you are applying for. If the company does not have a
dress code, it’s a good idea to wear business casual.

 2. Arrive on time

Don’t ever arrive at a job interview late! It’s best to arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled time in case
you have to fill in some paperwork. This also allows you to settle down and check out the dynamics of the

 Mind your manner

Be polite and greet everyone you meet, including people you meet in the elevator. When you enter the
interview, offer the interviewer a warm greeting. These first few seconds can make or break your
interview. At the end of the interview, don’t forget to thank the interviewer for giving you the opportunity
for the meeting. When you leave the company, say goodbye to the receptionist.

 Pay attention to your body language

Poor body language, such as playing with a pen, chewing gum, slouching, and even brushing back hair,
can be a distraction. If you notice you have a tendency to do any of these, train yourself to avoid these bad
habits. You can replace them with positive body language that include nodding, eye contact, smiling, and
solid posture.

 Ask insightful questions

Most interviewers end an interview by allowing the candidate to ask questions. Regardless of how well
you know the company and how thorough the interviewer in telling you about the job, you must ask a few
questions. The more insightful your questions are, the more you will impress your interviewer.
4. Right Attitude when already at the job:
 Punctuality: This is the ability of a worker to resume to work early i.e the appropriate time.

 Honesty: It is the moral uprightness to work

 Consistency: It is the ability to maintain a particular standard at work

 Diligence: It is the act of working very hard and carefully

 Devotion: It is the act of working with dedication or loyalty.

 Commitment: It is showing a strong belief in the work and doing the job with your whole heart.
5. Sample job hiring:

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