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Major in English
Based on CHED CMO No. 75 series of 2017
Effective School Year 2018 – 2019
(with Board Examination)


First Semester
Course Code DESCRIPTIVE TITLE Pre-requisite Units
EDUC 1 The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles None 3
GEE 1 Environmental Service None 3
GEE 2 Philippine Popular Culture None 3
GEC 1 Understanding the Self None 3
GEC 2 Purposive Communication None 3
GEC 3 Readings in Philippine History None 3
GEC 6 Rizal’s Works and Writing None 3
FIL 1 Kontekswalisadong Komunikasyon sa Filipino (KOMFIL) None 3
P.E. 1 Physical Fitness None 2
NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 1 None 3

Second Semester
Course Code DESCRIPTIVE TITLE Pre-requisite Units
ENG 1 Introduction to Linguistic All content courses 3
ENG 2 Languages, Culture and Society None 3
EDUC 2 Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum EDUC 1 3
EDUC 3 Technology for Teaching And Learning EDUC 1 3
GEE 3 Gender and Society None 3
GEC 4 Mathematics in Modern World None 3
GEC 5 Art Appreciation None 3
FIL 2 Filipino sa Iba’t- ibang Disiplina (FILDIS) FIL 1 3
P.E. 2 Rhythmic Activities P.E.1 2
NSTP 2 National Service Training Program 2 NSTP 1 3


First Semester
Course Code DESCRIPTION TITLE Pre-requisite Units
ENG 3 Structure of English ENG 1 3
ENG 4 Principle of Theories of Language Acquisition and Learning ENG 2 3
ENG 5 Languages, Program and Policies in Multilingual Societies None 3
ENG 21 Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 EDUC 3 3
EDUC 4 Facilitating Learner Centered Teaching EDUC 3 3
GEC 7 Science, Technology and Society None 3
GEC 8 The Contemporary World None 3
C.E.1 Christian Spirituality & Methodist Heritage None 3
FIL 3 Dalumat ng/sa Filipino (DALUMATFIL) FIL 1 and FIL 2 3
P.E. 3 Individual and Dual Sports P.E. 2 2

Second Semester
Course Code DESCRIPTION TITLE Pre-requisite Units
ENG 6 Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education ENG 4 3
ENG 7 Teaching Assessment of Literature Studies None 3
ENG 8 Teaching Assessment of the Macroskills None 3
ENG 9 Teaching and Assessment of Grammar None 3
ENG 10 Speech and Theater Arts None 3
ENG 11 Language Education Research None 3
EDUC 5 The Teaching Profession EDUC 4 3
EDUC 6 Language Learning Material Development EDUC 4 3
GEC 9 Ethics None 3
C.E. 2 Experiencing Christian Faith C.E. 1 3
P.E. 4 Team Sport P.E. 3 2

First Semester
Course Code DESCRIPTIVE TITLE Pre-requisite Units
ENG 12 Children and Adolescent Literature None 3
ENG 13 Mythology and Folklore None 3
ENG 14 Survey of the Philippines Literature in English None 3
ENG 15 Survey of Afro-Asian Literature None 3
ENG 16 Survey of English and American Literature None 3
EDUC 7 Teacher and the School Curriculum EDUC 6 3
EDUC 8 Assessment of Learning 1 EDUC 6 3
C.E 3 Transforming Society C.E 2 3
SP Special Topics None 2
EDUC ELECT.1 Stylistic and Discourse Analysis None 3

Second Semester
Course Code DESCRIPTIVE TITLE Pre-requisite Units
ENG 17 Contemporary, Popular and Emergent Literature ENG 12 3
ENG 18 Literary Criticism None 3
ENG 19 Technical Writing ENG 3 3
ENG 20 Campus Journalism None 3
EDUC 9 Assessment of Student Learning 2 EDUC 8 3
EDUC 10 The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and None 3
Organizational Leadership
EDUC Critical Thinking None 3
EDUC Foreign Language None 3
EDUC English for Specific Purpose None 3


First Semester
Course Code DESCRIPTION TITLE Pre-requisite Units
EDUC 11 Field Study 1 See * 3
EDUC 12 Field Study 2 See * 3
EDUC 13 Professional Enhancement Course 1 None 3

Second Semester
Course Code DESCRIPTION TITLE Pre-requisite Units
ENG 6 Practice Teaching EDUC 11 and EDUC 12 6
ENG 7 Professional Enhancement Course 2 EDUC 13 3

*Pre-requisite for FS 1 and FS 2: Completed all professional and major/specialization subject

Pre-requisite for Teaching Internship: FS1 and S 2



As a last requirement to this subject which is about the curriculum of the College of Education,
Major in English. I’ve change some of the location and pre-requisite of those subject that under in this
curriculum. In First Year, First Semester, the subject GEC 7 Science, Technology & Society swap it
to GEC 6 Rizal’s Life, Works and Writing which is subject in Second Semester, I move the GEC 6
Rizal’s Life, Works and Writing in First Semester because I think that it is good to study it along
GEC 3 Reading in Philippine History knowing that Rizal’s specialized in writing, so it will be the
best way to lessen the struggle of the students, the Teacher/Professor in GEC 3 Reading in
Philippine History can give as an example the Works of Rizal because that is part of our history. In
the Second Semester I make the all subject Code Course of EDUC as a pre-requisite itself, why
because I think that all the subject with the same Code will not able to enroll unless the students
passed the previous subject, I know that some of the EDUC Code Course are different meaning to
other subject, but in College of Education we need to made this because that was the major subject
that will be the most knowledge that all the students must know really well so if our curriculum turns
into this many of students will allow to study and learn all the subject well. And the last concerned in
the latest curriculum that I have is when the subjects are have the same semester but pre-requisite
itself, for example ENG 19 Technical Writing and ENG 20 Campus Journalism this is both is
subject from THIRD YEAR, Second Semester and the ENG 19 Technical Writing is pre-requisite of
ENG 20 Campus Journalism, this is all based on what I thought and understanding.

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