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‘The Cabaret artistique $5 songs as needed. Later in the same year, the Quat’z-Arts offered an actress, Louise France, performing in costume 4 la pierreuse—a further novelty in a milieu that the Baedeker guide deemed ‘scarcely suitable for ladies’ 3° In the wake of the Chat Noir, it was the Quat’z-Arts that attracted every chansonnier of consequence, launched many a career (includ ing that of the music-hall idol Fragson), and took the initiative in the kind of mock-ceremonial escapade that thrived on Montmartre. It was here that Willette, having pilloried Salis’s sacrifices to the Golden Calf, conceived the first Vachalaade in 1896 to celebrate the privations of bohemian life. The name of the procession (‘cow-alcade’ instead of cavalcade) played on the slang phrase ‘manger dela vache enragée’ (to rough it, to go hungry), which Goudeau had used as the title of a novel in 1885.5° The second Vachalcade (1807) grew into a two-day festivity including the solemn coronation of a Muse of Montmartre at the place du Tertre, a parade, and a gala at the Casino de Paris for which Gustave Charpentier composed and conducted a cantata, Le Couronnement de la Muse. Charpentier evoked the locale through quotations of street vendors’ cries (symphonically developed) and solemn intonations of Bruant’s ‘Ballade da Chat Noir’, and Willette, costumed as his alter ego Pierrot, mimed the sufferings of humanity, to be alleviated only through devotion to the Muse.” Bad weather

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