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The nightlife of Montmartre was notoriously hedonistic and was centred on the theatre and the cabaret. The two largest were Le Moulin Rouge, constructed in 1889 by Charles Zidler, where La Goulue and Valentin le Désossé performed, and Le Moulin de ta Galette, owned by Nicholas Charles Debray, which had originally started life in 1834 as Le Moulin Radet, and which had a roof-top platform offering an unblocked view over the rest of Paris, Other smaller concerns were equally popular - Le Casino de Paris, for example, founded in 1890 and Le Divan Japonais, founded in 1883 by the poet Jean Sarrazin, at which the chanteuse Yvette Guilbert performed. The Boulevard Rochechouart contained several alter- native venues such as Rodolphe Salis’s Le Chat Noir and Aristide Bruant’s Le Mirliton, which also held exhibitions of posters and published their own eponymous journals; and the Quat’s' Arts, founded in 1893 by Frangois Trombert and christened after the annual ball of the Ecole des Beaux Arts, The latter became the chief watering-hole of poets, artists and writers and may also possibly have been Montmartre’s homosexual bar.” GRAPHIC DESIGN

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