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What are the qualities of a good leadership ?

The qualities of good leadership are: Positive attitude,empathy,enthusiastic,cooperation,good

communication,creativity and Innovation,honesty and integrity,empowerment and inspire

What defines a great leader ?

To be a good leader you need to know how to manage emotions, have charisma, practice values,
have unique hablilities and abilities, know how to guide a human group, be an intelligent person
with a vision of the future, achieve the common good and above all ability to influence others.

LEADERS : Born or Made ( give your point of view )

Both concepts may be true, although they
appear to be opposite, both could complement
each other perfectly. The most appropriate
personality will never reach leadership if it
does not acquire the necessary skills that it
must learn throughout its life, the most timely
situation will never lead to leadership a person
without the right personality. Therefore,
leadership can point out that it is the union of
an appropriate personality in a favorable situation. That's why I think leaders are born and made.
There can be no denying that if there is an inherent potential that comes with the birth of some
people that is built during childhood. But there is also another force, perhaps the most important,
which is the set of external influences, acquired through knowledge, experience, interactions
that will improve those qualities.As we know, there is no magic wand that makes us leaders,
overnight. The leaders are forging, they are doing to themselves, and when the moment arises,
their opportunity, there they are to lead the group towards the desired goal.

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