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Banning of junk foods in school has been quarrelsome given the benefits and

setbacks it has in the economic, social and nutritional aspects. Junk food should definitely be
banned from school for numerous reasons. The foods are generally characterized by a low
nutritional value and their abundance of salt, sugar and calories. The emphasis on their use
in educational institutions is mainly due to the high level of consumption given the large
populations in them, and the early exposure to health conditions that are proven to result
from junk foods.
One of the reasons why junk foods should be banned is because they facilitate
health conditions such as malnutrition and obesity, which is a predisposing factor to heart
diseases, urinary tract infection, diabetes and high blood pressure. Overall, continuous
consumption of junk food can put your life in danger.
The next reason banning the sale of junk food in school canteens is that schools
have the responsibility to take care of their student’s health. Therefore, schools should
educate young people about good nutrition and promote good eating habits through healthy
food policies.
Why do students become crabby, tired, irritable and unfocused in class? Junk foods
have been proven to trigger behavioral problems in children. Most of the junk foods sold in
school canteens contained chemical additives to give and color and flavor instead of
lengthening the shelf life of food products. These additives have been shown to cause
behavioral problem such as hyperactivity and poor concentration among the children (Smith
2005). According to The Food Show, Dr. Cray said that when such foods are readily
available at school every day, students cannot get the nutrients they need for healthy
development and growth, and their learning potential is reduced.
Once young people are encouraged to adopt health foods, future generations will
have the culture of eating nutritious foods. It is evident that promoting and selling junk foods
endorse their usage among students. Students spend most of their daytime in schools, an
institution that is entrusted with the laying of firm foundations across various aspects,
including healthy habits. Consequently, the converse promotion of healthy foods will be
quickly embraced by students and hence a healthier society. The prohibition of junk food will
benefit everyone as it will be one less thing the school needs to worry about.

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