First Amendment Statement

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Nigel cotton

Mid term-Communication law

Say whatever the hell i want to say! Freedom to believe in whatever i want to
believe in. The first amendment is freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the
people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
It allows all man to be equal no matter what they say. But the question is anything really
free ?

In today's society the opinion is something many based their lives off of. The
voice of others and how they feel has become so regular due to idea of “free speech”.
Because of this many times, we find ourselves in trouble as a nation. This is because we
are so brainwashed to believe that we can say whatever we truly want when in reality
this is a myth. freedom of speech is not real! The thought of being able to say what you
want in a controlled world does not exist. The laws were created to make you feel safe
but also control you. Just think how they allowed hate speech, but then validated opinion
to be deemed constitutional. And if we relate this back to history and racial drama, the
freedom of speech ideal, is why coloreds and whites did not mix.

Freedom of speech is opinion, because ideally what one says to another does not
matter. As people we tend to take others word for fact and endure words for emotion.
And if we relate this back to history and racial drama, the freedom of speech ideal is why
coloreds and whites did not mix. See those who believed that believed that seperation
was not fair and spoke out about the topic, were lynched, mobbed and attacked in early
times. Because this ideal of free speech was just imagination. This is Amerikkka, land of
the free and home of the nieve. We should know that nothing is free in this world, our
very right to live comes with responsibilities and losses. So we must know nothing comes
free! However we can use laws to our strategic value. The first amendment states we
have freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. However in modern times, we
no longer have to deal with falsification, and media lies due to the accessibility to cell
phones and social media. Times have changed, instead of screaming and marching, we
can take a stand in a way so subtle yet loud that they cannot do any harm to our person.
We must come up with creative yet whitey ways to tell our truths and awake the world.

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