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We are about 7 billion people in the whole world. Each of us has a lot of ideas, minds per day.

through this crowd of minds we have some goals, some projects or desires, that need to be achieved.
However, because of some phobias as…phobia to take risks, phobia not to be understand, phobia to fail
take our chance to arrive at destination.

Imagine a world where hadn’t existed Galilei, Giordano Bruno, da Vinci, Tesla, Einstein…. This would
have been a world full of ambiguities and untruths… the planet would have been considered as being in
the center of Universe. We would have considered that a simple eclipse is the end of the world,

Thanks to this people, which had the courage to say, ignoring any phobia to fail or not to be right, we
live now as we live. Now, we know that an earthquake is something normal.

Expressing ourselves isn’t necessary only in achieving a goal in life, it contributes also in our spiritual
progress and human evolution. We become more independent, self-confident and not so complexed.
You can find any way to express yourself, through the art, fashion, music, writing, dancing, or even
inventing something.

Tommy Wiseau said once, “Express yourself, don’t hurt yourself”. It means that being shy, being quite is
not the best decision, it will hurt you and broke your life. Before hiding something, think what would
you have said if you had known that this is your last day, would you be as shy and complexed as now?

So, every day, think that this is your last day, and you will see how your life will change.

Otherwise, we should also listen to the others. Because they need to be listened, as you.

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