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General Evaluator Report

(3-5 minutes)
Evaluation of the Toastmaster:

1. Did the Toastmaster prepare a theme for the meeting?

2. Did the Toastmaster keep the meeting on time per the agenda?

3. Were the introductions of speakers, evaluators and other meeting roles smooth and prepared?

4. Were the transitions and segues smooth and entertaining?

5. Did the Toastmaster lead the applause and not leave the lectern “naked”?

Evaluation of the Table Topics Master:

1. Did the Table Topics Master explain the role and instructions?

2. Were the Table Topic questions related to the theme of the meeting?

3. Were the topics well prepared, varied and short?

4. Did the Table Topics Master call on those that did not already have a speaking role first?

5. Did the Table Topics Master remind people to use the “Word of the Day”?

Evaluation of the Speech Evaluators:

1. Were the evaluations given with a note of encouragement or praise?

2. Did the evaluations offer specific suggestions for future improvement?

3. Were the evaluations too lengthy or too short?

4. Were the evaluations tactful and considerate?

Prepared Explained Role 1 Thing Done Well 1 Suggestion for Improvement

Grammarian  Yes  No  Yes  No
Ah Counter  Yes  No  Yes  No
Timer  Yes  No  Yes  No

General Observations, Comments, etc.:

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