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LAB # 1
Introduction to Network Hardware and TCP/IP

1. Objective
a) To learn about IP addresses and TCP/IP
b) To learn about different network devices

2. Introduction

The whole internetwork is working on the TCP/IP layered model and the layers are such
that each layer encloses the data in the header and pass it to the following layer and in his
way the whole communication system is working. The internet layer of TCP/IP model is
responsible for host to host delivery using IP addresses and these addresses are unique for
each host they cannot be same.
There are different types of network hardware like hub, bridge, switch, router and PC etc.
The devices that are used for local area network are hub, bridge and switch. And there are
different ways in which the computers are connected locally, like single bus topology, star
topology and tree topology. In single bus the computers are connected to a single wire
and for communication only two PC’s can communicate at that time and at the same time
both cannot send data to each other mean the line is half duplex. In star topology the type
of central device will decide the topology if the device is hub then the internal
architecture of the hub is single bus but if its bridge or switch the topology is star.
Because in switch each port is connected to every other port and any two PC’s can
communicate with each other at the same time and there is buffer if more than one PCs
send data to one PC.

3. Related Topics/Chapters in the theory class

a) Introduction to Routers
b) Introduction to Switches
c) TCP/IP Model

4. Hardware/Software required
a) Hardware: PC
b) Software Tool/Application: Windows Server 2003

5. Tasks
a) Install Windows XP on the system.
b) Install VMware workstation on the Windows XP.
c) Install Windows Server 2003 on the VMware.
d) Assign IP addresses to XP and Server 2003
e) Check the connectivity between systems using ping command.

6. Deliverables
a) Lab Report to be submitted by each student at the end of the lab

7. Conclusion
a) To learn about IP addresses and TCP/IP
b) To learn about different network devices

8. Questions/Assignments
a) What is the difference between Hub and Switch?
b) What is difference between switch and router?
c) In which circumstances we need a router on network?
LAB # 2
Installation and Configuration of Domain Name Service (DNS)

1. Objective
a. To learn application layer and its services
b. To learn how to install DNS on Windows Server 2003
c. To learn how to configure DNS by creating new zones and ‘A’ record
d. To learn how to configure aliases for a host in the zone
e. To learn how to configure DNS client

2. Introduction

The Application layer is the top most layer in the model and the basic network services
are provided at this layer including DNS, HTTP and FTP etc. the aim of this lab is to
install the DNS on windows server 2003 from the control panel -> Add remove Programs
-> Add remove windows components.
The aim of the DNS is to resolve the names to IP addresses. When we type a name in our
browser that name is to converted to IP address because the whole network system is
working on the IP addresses but that are very difficult to remember but names are easy so
we type the names and it is DNS which converts these names to IP addresses.
We need to add a new zone to forward lookup zones and then add a host to the new zone
and then you can specify the IP address to which the name is to be resolved.
In internet there are number of DNS servers, first a computer checks its own cache then it
forward to its DNS if that is also not the name server of the name then it is passed to the
root server which then refers the request to another server e.g. com, gov or co etc. at the
end of the day the request reaches its name server and get resolved and then is kept for
sometime in the cache of DNS server and client itself.

3. Related Topics/Chapters in the theory class

a. Application layer

4. Hardware/Software required
a. Hardware: PC
b. Software Tool/Application: Windows Server 2003

5. Tasks
a. Install DNS on your windows server 2003.
b. Create a new zone.
c. Add a new host to the zone.
d. Create alias ‘www’ for the host created in part ‘c’
e. Try to ping the name from DNS client
6. Deliverables
a. Lab Report to be submitted by each student at the end of the lab

7. Conclusion
a. You will learn application layer and its services
b. You will learn how to install DNS on Windows Server 2003
c. You will learn how to configure DNS by creating new zones and ‘A’ record
d. You will learn how to configure aliases for a host in the zone
LAB # 3
DNS/Installation and Configuration of Internet Information Services (IIS)

1. Objective
a. To learn ‘Root Hints’ and ‘Forwarders’
b. To learn how to install Internet Information Service (IIS)
c. To learn how to configure IIS to fulfill http request from a client

2. Introduction

If the DNS server has no resolution for the name requested by the client then either it will
send the request to root that will refer to another server or it will forward the request to
the another DNS server and will resolve the name.
The web service can be installed from the control panel -> Add remove programs -> Add
remove windows component -> Application services -> Internet information service.
Then from start -> Administrative tool -> IIS you can open and assign the web page you
want your client to view when they request for http service.

3. Related Topics/Chapters in the theory class

a. Application Layer

4. Hardware/Software required
a. Hardware: PC
b. Software Tool/Application: Windows Server 2003

5. Tasks
a. Check the root server address from the root hints
b. Also check if there are some forwarder addresses available
c. Install IIS from control panel
d. Configure a website
e. Test web site using http client

6. Deliverables
a. Lab Report to be submitted by each student at the end of the lab

7. Conclusion
a. You will learn ‘Root Hints’ and ‘Forwarders’
b. You will learn how to install Internet Information Service (IIS)
c. You will learn how to configure IIS to fulfill http request from a client

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