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Construction Module Project – Proposal: Who Did It?

Angelique Vasquez Quintero, Flora Morales, Everli Navarro


Introducing the game, Who Did It? This decision-making game will allow the user to go through a

made-up crime scene. Users will be able to investigate, similarly to real life detectives, and look

into characters in the game to determine who committed the crime. This game is intended for

entertainment purposes and is useful to keep detective fanatics entertained.

Describe Target Audience

This application is for anyone interested. A majority of users, we suspect, will be investigation

fanatics. Also, any criminology, or criminal justice students who wish to do this as their career

someday. Overall, there is a wide range of audience we expect. However, there is disclaimers for

those who might not be able to through the game entirely. It is not meant to be extreme, so we

encourage our audience to take the game lightly.

Projected Outcomes and Benefits

This application can benefit others by helping them develop better analysis skills. Also, to look

into critical thinking skills. As already mentioned, this application is merely for entertainment

and to keep people entertained. It allows user to make decisions so it can also be beneficial to

them in that aspect.

Description of Content

For context, many photos and illustrations will be used. Animations could also be implemented

and some videos. The content will be very descriptive for the most part. It is important to give

lots of details considering the nature of this game.

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