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Ryan Zrimec

EDT 180

Mr. Lewallen

26 September 2019

Inquiry Module Reflection

I did not receive a lot of peer feedback, but from what I did get, people wanted me to

explain it more in what I thought that you could do with the technologies. I also had a lot of help

figuring out what to write for my subject area of interest. I knew what I wanted to be able to

learn about the technologies, but I did not know how to put it into words very well. But I had

multiple classmates help me figure out that I did want to learn how to bring these technologies

into the classroom to help students learn better. Although this student is not in my specific EDT

class, she helped me prepare for my video and how to condense everything I wanted to say down

into the five minutes for the video.

The only critical critique that I received was that at first, I had my whole subject area of

interest wrong. They were not mean about it, they just reminded me what a subject area of

interest was. This was a good learning moment for me because it will be useful in the classroom.

Instead of being mean to me because I messed something up, instead they just helped me

remember what the subject area of interest was. I think this will be something very useful to

remember in the classroom because you do not want to discourage kids when they get something

wrong by being mean to them. Instead, you want to encourage them to just nudge them into the

right idea of how to do it right.

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My plan to critique my project after receiving feedback was simple. I was going to go in,

look at what my peers said, and then revise based on what they said. I was not going to just

change everything they said though. Instead, I believe that since I wrote it, it will make sense to

me, but it may not make sense to others. So I typically read their comments, read what I wrote

and then make a plan on how to make it better. If it was something that they did not understand, I

would try to reword it or add more to it so that it would be less confusing. If it was something

that they thought should be added, I would read the section over again and then determine

whether or not I did need to add or take something away from it. There were not any critiques

that I thought were unreasonable in my paper. They all made sense about why they put those

suggestions there.

During this process of peer review and revisions I learned a lot about how to teach

students how to review and then take their reviews and revise their assignments. This assignment

was a little bit different because your peer reviewer could not tell you something did not happen.

They were not there with you when you went to the lab. So they mostly had to find grammar and

spelling mistakes. There will be other papers though that they will rip it apart because there can

be so much more wrong with essays. This was a good opportunity to learn about how I can teach

students how to revise. They should know how to make suggestions without being mean about it,

they should know how to go through a paper and find the mistakes that the writer has made and

many more. It also showed me ways that I can teach students how to revise. Things like, the peer

reviewer is not writing all these things personally, how to take the suggestions and implement

them into their papers.

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Going into this assignment, I thought that these technologies would only be able to be

used by general education students. I thought this because they are things that you have to know

how to use and how they work. Special education students sometimes have a harder time

understanding basic concepts, let alone advanced technologies like these. But I was pleasantly

surprised when I realized that these technologies could actually help some special education

students more than they could help general education students. There were things that could help

special education students with learning colors if they were visually disabled, the VR could help

them feel like they were in a different world if they were physically disabled. There were so

many different things that could actually connect special education students with the world more

than they already are.

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