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1. If I were to revise my project, I would put more options within the path.

I think this would

help a lot because it would give the user more options within the app. It would also give

them a more accurate option of if they would get to class on time. I also would make the

option of choosing an “I don’t know” option. I think that there were a lot of things that

would make it easier and more accurate for the user to know if they would get to class

on time in the morning.

2. I learned that no matter how good you think that your project is, there will always be

things to fix. I thought that we had done the most we could’ve done to our project, but

people still found things that we could’ve fixed. I also learned that there are always going

to be people that don’t like how you do things. So your project will never be perfect.

3. With our project, we could’ve used this technology to actually figure out if you’re going to

make it to class in the morning. You could think back to the app and think, “if I do this

right now, would I make it to class right now?” It could either make you late or on time

and it could really help with figuring out what you want to do with yourself in the morning.

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