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My Philosophy

of Education

Ryan Zrimec
What My Philosophy is
I want to involve, empathize, and excite to foster positivity and enjoyment while
serving students of low income areas so that students will feel included and
empowered so that they feel just as important and needed as everyone else.
Why I Chose It
I chose this philosophy because to be honest, I am not totally sure if I want to go into
actual teaching in the classroom. I know that I want to work with students with
special needs, but I really want to work with students that are in low income areas. I
think that if I do that, I could make a real change in those students lives. I am mostly
looking at doing occupational therapy with students. I want to be able to help out
with their families by not charging a lot so that they can get the help that they
My Action Plan
- Find out how I can start education for occupational therapy
- Start working in the classroom
- Find mentors
- Figure out how I can donate my time to families in need so I don’t have to
Having my own business in occupational therapy will be hard if I am not charging a
lot to families. I will have to do a lot with using my own money to fund a lot of things.
I will also most likely run into setbacks with working with students with special
needs because they are all different with their disability.
I think this will be a very rewarding thing to go into. Being able to provide families
that are low income will be very rewarding because I will be able to give them the
resources they need without having to charge them a lot.
How Technology Has Influenced My
In EDT 180, I have learned a lot about different technologies. The one that has
influenced my philosophy the most was the Ignite Labs. I learned about a lot of
technologies that could potentially help with a lot of special education students. The
color/music board could help with students that have a sight disability. They could
learn to almost see colors by associating them with music. I also learned about VR
which could help people with anxiety that I encounter.
How Could It Change?
Considering that I have to teach in the school system for a certain amount of time, I
may fall in love with teaching in the classroom and change my mind about doing
occupational therapy.

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