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Good morning your excelensi the judges, ladies and gentlemen, may Allah always keep us in his
protection. Aamiin. I am Sitti Arfa Namsa from As-syafi’iyah Islamic University of Jakarta,
today I want to delivered my speech about Smart Millenials ; Think And Act Smartly.
Dear Audience, Ladies and gentlemen, based on the data reported by KEMINFO RI that there
are approximately 800,000 hoax spreaders in Indonesia today. Can we think for a moment and
imagine about how the condition of this nation for 5 or 10 years later with increasing rate of hoax
spreaders? if hoax spreaders increase rapidly, the assumption that we are unable to control the
media easly.
Based on the research conducted by Aprinus salam 2018 about the hoax phenomenon in
Indonesiaan society, he said that the spreading of hoaxes is a phenomenon of postmodern
society. One of the example of hoax in Indonesia recently is a viral video about child kidnaping
in Bekasi. The media spread this information and become hoax.
Ladies and Gentlemen, many young people as an active users of social media accounts are easy
targets by groups who use the media as a tool to achieve their goals through the coupling of
issues or information.
In this great occasion, I would like to share to you what can we do to prevent and overcome hoax
in order to save our community. This is what I called SMART ways. SMART stands for :
 S for Systematic
 M for Mature
 A for Analyse
 R for Report
 T for Tracking
So what is mean S here, S is Systematic, today's youth must think and act systematically. The
current condition requires young people to have these qualities, be able to act systematically and
think wisely, so that the issues that are going on traced in our mind easly.
The second important thing that must be owned by millenial is being mature. Being mature here
means able to face the problem or when accept the information carefully.Don’t act like a kid who
spread the information quickly without recheking that information before.
The third, A is Analysed. Analysed means validating the information before accepting and
spreading it. Check the data by seeing two sides. As smart millenial we can’t quickly to believe
something that we have never seen.
The fourth, R for Report. If we got the information and we already analysed it, then we know
that the information is hoax all we need to do is report it to KEMKOMINFO RI by giving the
screen capture and write down the link as source of those information. With this action we can
prevent the hoax and saving many people from getting the hoax information.
The last, T or Tracking. It is better to track the news first by finding out the sources so we are
able to indicate the credible sources of information that we got.

Dear collages, before I end my speech today I would like to remind you to be SMART millenials
to prevent and overcome hoax. Remember S for Systematic, M for Mature, A for Analysed, R
for Report and T for Tracking.
Be wise before you spread the news!!!
Billahitaufik walhidayah
Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb.

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