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Works Cited

Attardo, Salvatore. “Universals in Puns and Humorous Wordplay.” Cultures and Traditions of

Wordplay and Wordplay Research, edited by Esme Winter-Froemel and Verena Thaler,

1st ed., De Gruyter, Berlin; Boston, 2018, pp. 89–110. JSTOR,

Attardo was able to show that words and gestures can be universal through humorous

word play. His studies came from looking at multiple cultures and seeing that many texts

can have linguistic mechanisms that impact how words are interpreted. This article

was helpful in the research because it clarified how words play games with messages. I

was able to tie the pun of the phrasing to the situation. It allows both meanings of “to

hold” to be understood.

Dean, Pamela. “Learning to Be New Women: Campus Culture at the North Carolina Normal and

Industrial College.” The North Carolina Historical Review, vol. 68, no. 3, 1991, pp. 286–

306. JSTOR,

Dean’s article deals with the societal changes that were taking place in 1892 when

colleges were recruiting southern women to be teachers. She describes social interactions

between the women and men along with other organizations like churches that were

against the women changing roles in society. This article was helpful because it showed

that the struggles for equality have been evolving for decades. It laid the foundation for

Feminism. I used it to show cultural norms have to change in order for real social

activism to happen.

Fox, Thomas Francis. “SPEECH AND GESTURES.” American Annals of the Deaf, vol. 42, no.

6, 1897, pp. 397–401. JSTOR,

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Fox used his studies with deaf children to learn that speech and gestures can be

understood even when the language cannot be heard. The gestures seen can have as much

of an impact as the words that are spoken. This article was helpful because it contributed

to the reasoning that people could received a message from just looking at the gestures

on the cake. I was able to use his ideas and relate them to the gestures of the bride and

groom on the original cake.

Graham-Lussos, Rachael. (2018). Have your epideictic rhetoric, and eat it, too.. 2. 28-47.

Graham-Lussos uses this article to show social activism through the use of occasional

cakes such birthday and weddings. These cakes are a way to show social change and give

a compelling claim that there are deeper meanings behind them. The use of this article

allowed me to see how cultural values and rhetoric can be used to create change. This

article helped with the ideas fort redesign. It also helped in the understanding of how to

see things for more than just the surface.

Minnis, Cody. “Let Them Eat Cake”. 26 October 2019. English 103, College of the Canyons

This essay talked about the rhetorical and semiotics of the Wilton Cake decorated cake

“Prisoner of Your Love” and the societal impact that the message was sending. The

essay was helpful to see how the lenses and concepts we learned in class has advanced

the understanding of the original message of the cake.

Petrolino, Laura. “How to Improve Your Word Choice (And Why You Should).” Spin Sucks, 27

Jan. 2019,

Petrolino writes about the use of words and word choices. She shows how your words

can have an impact even when there are only a few of them. I used this article to show

how only a couple of words can have a huge impact on the message received. The word
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choice for the original cake was promoting negative feelings rather than positive ones.

Tyson, Lois. Critical Theory Today: a User-Friendly Guide. “Feminist Criticism” pp. 79-127.

Third ed., Routledge, 2015.

Tyson uses the chapter of “Feminist Criticism” to explain what feminism is and the

terminology that is associated with it. She describes the feminist premises and how it

relates to multiculturalism, gender studies, and literature. This was helpful because it

gave an extensive overview of how to look through this lens and the impact it has on

society. The ideas that are given are an explanation to why things are the way they are in

society. By doing this, it gave me a way to look at things differently for the redesign of


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