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Hey first-semester student!

Congratulations for getting into nursing school! I’m sure you worked really hard to get

here! Unfortunately, I felt that nursing school was the most challenged that I’ve felt

academically, as most nursing students do. But the most important thing to remember is the

reason why you’re doing what you’re doing! Nursing is the most trusted profession and

everyone will love you for it! It takes a big heart to be selfless and help others. There will be

long nights of studying, thick and expensive textbooks, lots of flashcards and long days at

school, at the hospital, and at the library. But trust me, no matter how hard it gets or how much

you think you’re going to fail, you will get through it!

Your schedule will be much different than other college students, and your priorities will

be different too. Most other students won’t understand what you’re doing or what you’re going

through, but don’t let that discourage you from what you’re doing. The clinicals and

assignments will prepare you for the workforce and you will have experience in your position,

unlike many career fields. The teachers aren’t out to get you and most of them are super

helpful! My favorite is Melissa Goldsmith. She’s the sweetest teacher and is a great shoulder to

cry on; I know. Make friends with everyone in your cohort; you’re all in this together now and

not competing for a spot! You’re gonna do great! Most important of all, stay true to yourself

and do your best! All of your hard work will pay off soon! Good luck!


Molly Fung, 4th semester BSN student

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