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Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.


First of all let’s thank unto Allah Subhanallahuwata’ala who has given us everything, the creator
of this beautiful world, so we can feel the cold of the sea and see the blue of the ocean.
May peace and salutation always be given to the best man in the world, Muhammad SAW who
has united us by the religion, Islam.

Ladies and gentlemen. We are the master of ceremony, Welcome to SAVE-DC (School And
Varsity English Debating Championship) by the theme Heading Multilateral Society
Through Debating. Friday, 15th February 2019

Ladies and gentlemen, let us read you our agenda in this morning
1. Opening
2. Reciting Holy Qur-an
3. Singing National Anthem “Indonesia Raya”
4. Report by The Chief of Committee
5. Welcoming Speech by The Leader of E2DC
6. Welcoming Speech from The Dean of FPBS IKIP Mataram
7. Welcoming Speech from The Rector of IKIP Mataram followed by the opening
8. Praying
9. Closing

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s open our agenda today by Basmallah together. May our agenda run
well until the end.

The next agenda is Reciting Holy Qur-an. To Mr. Ramli Ahmad is pleased.
The next agenda is Singing National Anthem “Indonesia Raya”. Ladies and gentlemen please
stand up. Thank you. Please have a seat.
Let’s step to the 3rd agenda those are welcoming speeches.
 The 1st welcoming speech is from The Chief of Committee. to Miss. Ayi Nurfazirah
time is yours.
 The 2nd welcoming speech is welcoming speech by The Leader of E2DC. To Mr.
Juliansyah Ade Putra time is yours.
 The next welcoming speech is from The Dean OF FPBS IKIP Mataram to Mrs. Muliani
M,Pd time belongs to you.
 The next is welcoming speech and the inauguration of SAVE-DC 2019. For this case we
please the rector IKIP Matram Mr…………
Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to the last agenda that is praying that will lead by Mr. Time
is yours
Ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for your nice attention.
I am…………..
I am…………..
Let’s close this agenda by Hamdallah together.
Wassalammualaikum wr.wb

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