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Nyah Robinson


British Literature

04 October 2019

The Only Child

Are you an only child? Well lucky for me I am. I don't know if that's a great thing or not

but it's who I am and I can’t change it now. When my mother got pregnant she wanted a boy and

then have a girl so that the older brother protects the younger sister; and if she had a girl that

would be the only child. Well guess what I am a girl and I am the only child. I love being an only

child. It helps me bond better with my mother and family and me not having to worry about

getting my limelight taken from me. I am literally the golden child in my family era. If I do say

so myself I am my grandparents favorite.

Me growing up everybody uses to make fun of me because I didn't have any siblings.

They would say I was lonely and needed somebody to play with. For me not really I knew from

the getgo that I would be an antisocial person. It really played out for me. Now being in

highschool everybody wants to be an only child and basically wants to kill their siblings. A little

ole me like I got in good in the hood. Laughing out Loud. I go through the same challenges,

probably even more. I lost my dad in July 2016 and I was literally devastated. Me and my father

wasn’t close at all for most of my life. Like a year before he died we start getting really really

really close. Talking on the phone and him sending me money. Him coming from North Carolina

to Atlanta to see me. It felt like I really had a dad again. The pieces of the puzzle had finally been

answered. It felt so great to have that again. As I say “I was glowing with happiness”.

Then all of a sudden one day my cousin was over my house and we were planning to go

to the movies. Right before we left my mama got a call. I didn't know who it was my mama

always on the phone. So we got into the car and started heading to amc. She was just calling

everybody in her contacts and telling them I got something to tell yall but not right now because

were going to the movies. I was thinking in my head “why would she call these people and tell

them she got something to tell them but not tell them, okay”. So she paid for the tickets and I still

don’t know what’s going on but she was so distant and distracted it started to worry me. During

the whole movie she was walking in and out on the phone. So when the movie was finished she

dropped my cousin off and we went to my godparents house unexpectedly which was weird

again. We walk in and everybody looking sad but still smiling and i'm like these folks are crazy

today. My mama told me to go sit next to my godmother and she told me the news.

OMMMMM GGGGGGGG!!!! AHHHHHH!!! I was crying so much. Why would this

happen to me. Wishing I could go back in time to stop it from happening. Everybody holding me

like I was a newborn baby to help heal the pain but It felt like I had just died instead of him. My

heart was literally gone inside. I felt numb. I could barely breathe and stand. Walls felt like they

were closing in. I wanted space and only person I wanted or needed at the time was a sibling.

That's something that I didn't have. Somebody to vent to and encourage me to stand and take the

power to get through it. I wanted that sister or brother to hold me that wasn’t an adult. But I


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