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Taken by the Mafia Boss

A Dirty Mafia Secrets Story

Written by Beth Wynne

Copyright: Published in the United Kingdom by Beth Wynne

© Beth Wynne

Published November 2016

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My rock, my partner-in-crime, my best friend, my lover and my husband: you are my
all. I love you. xx
Thank you for giving a new, unknown, indie author such as myself a chance to entertain
you. By supporting an indie author like me, you’re helping me take a step closer to
realising my dream job – becoming a full time writer.

I watched the other girls as they plastered themselves in makeup and fake tan.
They chatted excitedly, apparently unconcerned about the extra men and their activities
within this building. The dressing room was full of noise and I longed for a chance to
just get five minutes alone in silence... But security was tighter tonight than ever and it
wasn’t an option.

I had approached Casa’s because I’d heard the pay was good and I had run out of
other options. I’d worked hard to prove I was good enough but I’d been here long
enough now to know that the real trouble would be trying to leave. Involuntarily my
eyes found the two huge guys standing watch at the dressing room door, Franco and
Enzo. I dropped my eyes the second one of their hard expressions turned my way. It did
not bode well to draw their attention in any way. They knew each of us by name, where
we lived, what we did, and as insurance, they knew who our loved ones were.

I looked around at all the faces… when it really came down to it, no one was
happy, really happy. Not one. Their tired eyes and thin bodies told a tale. The others
seemed to content themselves with the sex, the drugs, the celebrity amongst each other.
“No, you have the best body and the way you can move…” Even the allowance we
were given from the money we earned was good – better than I could earn anywhere
else. We’d all started in here with the pretence that we were dancers. Well, yes, we all
did dance, except there was always more than that: not that we ever talked much about
what went on in the basement.

Something big had been planned for tonight. There were more girls in than usual,
and I knew some had been due a night off. There was anticipation in the air. One of the
more experienced ones, Deena, said that she’d overheard someone saying that Viktor
was coming tonight. If the Russian Mafia was coming, then it really was a big night, and
if the Russians were coming, then the Irish would be too.
I took a long drink from my bottle of water before putting on my lipstick. A last
look in the mirror confirmed my look was complete for the night: the fake eyelashes, my
dyed hair and the hair extensions. I doubted that my own mother would recognise me
like this. The only thing about me that wasn’t fake, and what I later found out was why
I’ve managed to earn so much, was my genetics. When I trained in ballet I’d always had
the problem of a bigger bust than what was in proportion to my slim figure – turns out
that a lot of the mafia guys had a big thing for real tits.

Enzo approached, drinking my outfit in with his eyes, “You’re on in two, Robyn.”
I nodded and reached for my contacts, popping them in quickly and blinking away the

Chapter 1
I was ushered along the back passageway to the small lounge. A trip that I could
take with my eyes closed on any other night, but the dozen or so men loitering in the
stairwell tonight meant took an age to get through even when Enzo cleared a path. I
recognised most of them, they were all D’Amato men. Many had paid for private
dances from me on many occasions… I pulled my dressing gown around me a little
tighter. This close, without Enzo’s escort, I had no doubt at least a couple would have
tried to get hands on.

The noise and voices dissipated as we came closer to the side door for the
lounge, in fact, the only music I could hear now came from back down the hall to the
main lounge. A guy stood in front of the door. He only moved when Enzo nodded to
him. I felt my eyebrows shoot up as Enzo retrieved a key from his pocket to open the
door, which he then locked again when we both entered the back of curtained stage. The
locked door was very much a new thing. I handed Enzo the note I’d written for the three
songs I’d dance for this set, and he disappeared through the curtain. Curiously, the room
was practically silent beyond the curtain. A few moments later my first song began to

I closed my eyes as I did one last stretch before confidently striding out to the
smallest of the four lounges in Casa’s, expecting it to be filled with maybe twenty or so
men, and doing my very best not to falter when I only realised there were three. I
recognized Gino D’Amato, the Don, instantly. I had glimpsed him from time to time as
he visited Casa’s, but he never stayed long and certainly never watched us. I moved
across the stage as I turned my body over to the music. My brain went into overdrive – I
had learned that it was self-protection to always know who the most powerful person in
the room was. The other two men were unknown to me, but they too oozed power. I
guessed the second was Viktor Bratva by the scar running across his forehead that was
easily visible in the dim room.
As the song moved into my second choice, I moved to the pole in the centre of the
small stage, spinning around as my head did until I could remember the name of who I
though the third man must have been: William O’Leary, the Irish mafia boss. A rush of
satisfaction flooded through me, I hadn’t heard his name in a few months, but that
certainly had to be him.
Each man watched as I writhed on stage, my costume now down to just my thong.
It was the expressions on the faces as men watched me dance that gave me pleasure,
and even those these were three powerful men, all I would have guessed in either their
late thirties or early forties, they were no less engrossed in me than the typical guys
who came every night. I smiled to myself as I watched their tiny tells, how they shifted
in their seats, moved to accommodate their physical reactions to watching a twenty one
year old coiling around a pole. The three most dangerous, ruthless and influential
bastards in the city, all eye-fucking me.

The third song stuttered as it started, and it was only then I realised that the DJ
wasn’t in his booth. He’d set the three songs up and had left with Enzo. No doubt there
would be someone outside each of the two exits of this room. I was completely alone
with the three mafia Dons, the biggest of all their syndicates. A shiver went down my
spine when I realised I could have screamed bloody murder in here and until one of
these three gave their permission for anyone to enter, I would be at their mercy.

My third song had barely started when Gino reached for his phone. The light
illuminated his face as his fingers danced over the screen. I felt a pang of irritation – I
was practically naked, oiled up and dancing for all I was worth, yet he was… what?
Bored? I changed my routine in an instant. It was against the rules for them to touch me,
but they could certainly get a closer look. I crawled across the floor to the front of the
stage, looking up at the three of them in their huge leather chairs just a few feet directly
a head of me. That got Gino’s attention, so I held his stare as I rotated myself to lay on
my back, now titling my head off the end of the stage to look at him. It made my head
light and everything was upside down but I continued. I rolled my body to the music, my
hands roaming over my breasts, one teasing my own nipple, the other moving down my
tummy and into the front of my thong.

He broke eye contact with me for long enough to look down my body, stopping to
watch where my hand had disappeared underneath the black material. I had his attention
now. His face turned to stone and a darkness flit over him. Yeah, I had got his attention,
but he was not impressed. I lost my train of thought and the song ended. Silence ensued.

“You can stand up now.” I thought I heard the dismissal in Gino’s slight Italian
accent. Suddenly I felt ashamed and very exposed. I rolled onto my tummy and pushed
myself upright. “Gentlemen, I’m afraid that…” he looked to me expectantly, “Your
name?” he demanded.

“Robyn.” I said in a small voice.

“I’m afraid that Robyn will not be part of the auction.” He turned to sneer at me.
“You can collect your things now.”

I had no idea what auction he was talking about and my instinct said I should be
glad I’m not part of it, but my head screamed that I had done something very, very
wrong, and that I was going to be in big trouble now. He tapped on his phone again and
a door beside the DJ booth clicked as Enzo entered. I wrapped my dressing gown
around myself which was entirely pointless as the three biggest mobsters had basically
watched as I all but fingered myself in front of them not five minutes earlier. I felt my
cheeks blaze and I followed Enzo behind the curtain to return back to the dressing
rooms where I’d came from not twenty minutes earlier.

Enzo had other ideas.

Chapter 2


“Where are we going?” I asked before I had the good sense to keep quiet. Enzo
took me along the corridor and opened another door. This was one that I’d never been
through before and I was completely surprised to see it led to a flight of stairs.

“I dunno what you’ve done to upset the boss, but he says you’re to be put here.”
“Oh.” Fuck.

We walked along another corridor, the sound from downstairs was now
completely gone, the silence invading my ears. Another locked door and I was shown
into an office boardroom. I really wished I had been given the change to dress again,
my robe was very short… and thin. If I got 2 minutes alone I would put on the
remainder of the clothes I’d collected from the stage floor. I needed to feel less
exposed. A sickening thought ran through my head: These are the clothes the cops will
find me in. It would kill my mother.

Enzo sent a text, nodded at me dismissively and then left. My stomach turned as I
heard the click of the door shutting again. I redressed into my tiny outfit quickly and
scanned the room. A television screen hung on one wall, with a long table at the other
side holding a couple of glasses, crystal presumably from the way they glittered, and a
decanter full of brown liquid. There was a large, dark, wooden table in the middle of
the room surrounded by twenty chairs, I counted. The view was what took my breath
away, the most of the outside wall was a floor to ceiling window. This was clearly the
outside, legit, facing side of the D’Amato business empire. So why would he bring me
here if he was going to kill me? Surely my DNA and finger prints would be here now? I
plucked a few strands of my hair out and scurried about as I dropped them into corners
of the room and under the table, wherever I hoped might be unlikely to be cleaned for
some time – at least there’d be clues that I had been in here. As if the cops would ever
get in here to search.
After what felt like an age, I jumped at the sound of the door as it clicked again.
My heart pounded in my chest as Gino came into the room, so calmly, then locked the
door behind him, sealing us in together. He walked slowly over to me, his face
unreadable. “Just who do you think you are, dancing like that in my club, and then, then,
you have the fucking nerve to try to fuck yourself? In front of me? In front of my
“I… ah…” I looked at the floor, feeling very much like a scolded child.

“I saw you, you liked that we were watching.” He said sternly. “Isn’t that true?” I
blinked back tears.
“Look at me when I speak to you.” He demanded.

My eyes lifted up and looked into his. They were a deep brown surrounded by the
darkest of lashes that any of the girls would have killed for. For an older guy he still
had his looks. The wisps of grey that flecked though his dark hair gave him more of an
air of authority than of old age.

“Answer me.”

“I saw you playing with your phone.” I said it quickly.

“You have no idea, Robyn, do you?” He shook his head. “Do you know what
tonight’s about?” He pulled one of the seats out and sat down. Him, dressed in his suit,
sitting at this table; I could have been very inappropriately dressed for a business

“No, I don’t know.”

“We’ve got too many dancers, and both Viktor and William are looking for fresh
girls.” He said it in the same manner I’d imagined an actual business man would talk
about clearing out overstock. “They’re still downstairs, looking over girls who are
going to be moved along.”
I didn’t much like dancing at Casa’s but I liked the thought of going and dancing
somewhere else even less. He must have saw the doubt in my eyes and the tone of his
voice changed from anger to irritation.

“Do you think I’m about to auction you off after watching that little
performance?” he shook his head. “Now I have to throw them in a couple more girls
because I’ve taken you off the list.”
My head shot up in confusion.

“I watched you touch yourself for me, in front of two of my biggest rivals.” He
gritted his teeth and took two slow steps closer to me, “I saw how you looked at me as
you did it. I should have fucked you right there.”

My mouth gaped open in shock as his words sank in. I should have fucked you
right there. From everything I’d heard, he’d practically lived the life of a monk since
his wife had been shot. The whispers had said he’d been consumed by guilt – the bullet
that killed her had been meant for him. I felt my pussy tighten by the thought of this
powerful man wanting to fill me. Suddenly the image was clear in my head… him
filling me from behind as I was bent over the huge table in this room. I had to bite my
tongue to keep my focus on the man in front of me right now.

He laughed, it was a low, dark laugh as it rattled around the empty boardroom. I
felt a shiver run up my spine in response. Inside, my alarm bells rang even as I knew I
was getting wet.

“You act surprised, Robyn.” His eye roamed over me, his eyes seeing behind the
flimsy material. “You can hardly expect anything else, now, can you?” He reached over
and pulled dressing gown off my arms, letting the black silk fall to a shadow on the
floor. He frowned. “What was the point in dressing again?” His hands were firm,
demanding, as he reached between my breasts, opening the clasp making my bra fall
open. The air felt cool against my breasts, “I’ve already seen your tits.” He pulled the
straps of my open bra down, it fell lightly to the ground behind me too. Fuck, I should
be petrified but right now but I felt alive. I saw the need in his eyes, the way he licked
his lips as his eyes roamed over me.
He was everything I shouldn’t want… too powerful, too strong, too dominant, too
dangerous. But that only made me need him more. My heart pounded in my chest and it
took all my strength not to move closer to him.
I whimpered as he took both breasts into his hands, kneading, playing, teasing.
“You have one chance. If you leave now, one of those men downstairs will buy you.
Maybe they let you dance, maybe you’ll be a gift for their men to use how and when
they see fit. Either way you’ll never step foot in Casa’s again… or maybe they kill you.
Or with one word, I’ll own you.”

I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t process what he was saying. “One word, Robyn.
Leave or Stay.” He made his way to my nipples, tormenting them until I felt my hips
roll. He smiled with satisfaction as he watched how he affected me. “Tick Tock,
sweetheart. Leave or stay?”

“Stay.” I moaned, the pain just on the right side of pleasure.

“You know that means I’ll own you?” We were so close now I could feel the
material of his suit brush against my legs as he spread them with one of his own. “I’ll
own every single part of you.” I stared, hypnotised by the way his tongue danced across
his lips as he spoke. “I’ll fuck you until you are hoarse from screaming my name. Which
is it to be?” I breathed in the scent of his cologne: woody, spicy, male. Oh god yes, I
needed him to own me, I needed him to make me scream. Christ the way he was just
working my tits, I was almost off already.

“Stay… I want to stay.” He grabbed my ass and ground me against his trousers,
pressing his erection into me.

“Good girl,” both hands reached to one side of me and when I heard a quick rip. I
knew he’d tore the side of my thong. He stood back and let his eyes wander down from
my heavy breasts and down to my mound. All the dancers were completely waxed, care
of Casa’s since the clients preferred it. I was completely, utterly bared to him. And I
never felt so sexy in my whole life.

Chapter 3
His ebony eyes met mine again and his expression was back to being serious. The
man was gone and the mafia boss was in front of me. “I own you now. Do you know
what that means?” I nodded. “I didn’t hear you. Do you understand?” There was a threat
to his tone.

“I understand,” I said as I nodded.

“I own these.” A hand played with each breast and one thumb found my nipple. I
leaned into it as his thumb made lazy circles around it.

“I understand.”

His other hand slid own my waist, trailing a line across where the top of my
thong had been, then dipped down between my legs to cup my sex. “I own this.”

“Yes.” I said, shuddering at the touch as his hand rubbed against me.
“You’ll only cum for me, and when I tell you.” The combination of his hands on
my breast and on my pussy were pushing me to be bolder than I’d ever been. I clenched
my ass to move myself over his fingers, wanting to feel him inside me. “You’re ready,
baby?” he moved his hands away. I felt myself pout at the cold air replaced his hands.

“Fuck, yeah.” I breathed. My legs could barely hold me anymore.

“Here.” He said, moving towards one of the leather armchairs in the corner of the
room beside the sideboard. As he walked, he removed his jacket, draping it over the
other chair. He removed the holsters he’d had on beneath it and set them carefully
beside the decanter. I shivered thinking about the firepower alone he carried. He sat
down on the chair, motioning me to come forward. “Put a knee on each of the arms, I
wanna taste you.”
He held my waist as I steadied myself, balancing over him, he moved me closer
to him and he leaned back on the chair. “Move yourself up onto your knees, I want your
pussy here.” He pointed to his mouth as he licked his lips. It took a little doing, but
when I moved myself into the way he wanted me, I was rewarded with a devilish smile.
“Let me see you, Robyn. I bet that tastes as sweet as honey.”
Warm hands grabbed by ass and pulled me closer to him, his lips gently kissing
the crease between my body and the top of my thigh before his tongue brought him
lower, taking one of my lips into his mouth. A hand dropped behind me and I felt him
bring it up the inside of my leg and move up towards my pussy. A finger slid easily in,
“Mmm, you are so wet for me.” His head disappeared below me as his mouth dove
further between my legs. I felt the heat of his breath on me as his tongue found my clit,
lapping me whilst he finger fucked me slowly. I looked down at him, wanting to run my
fingers through his hair and writhe against him. But I didn’t dare touch him… this was
Gino D’Amato: Mafia Boss.

I had to be dreaming – Gino was widely known as a hardened criminal. No one

questioned him, ever. No one would have dared. Yet at this very moment he was
beneath me, his relentless tongue licking like he was savouring the very taste of me. He
found a rhythm that made my blood turn to boiling lava within me. When I felt him slide
a second finger inside me, right to the knuckle, I grew bolder. I couldn’t not touch him. I
reached down and pulled my fingers through his hair.

He growled, the vibrations sending an extra thrill through me. His other hand
moved from kneading my ass to reaching up to my breast. I stifled a yelp when he took
my nipple between his fingers. His muffled voice came from beneath me, “You think
you can just touch me when you want?” He pulled the hard nub hard, still invading me
with his fingers. “You’re mine… not the other way around. I’ll lick, suck, bite, fuck and
use you in any way I please. You’re lucky you taste so fucking good or you’d be in
trouble for touching me without permission.” His fingers inside me found a faster
rhythm, and I felt him stretching me as he went for a third. “You’re a bad girl, Robyn.
What do you say?”
I had been scolded but all it did was make me hotter for him. I wanted to test him
– fist my fingers through his hair and cum over his face. He squeezed my nipple
between his thick fingers. “What do you say, Robyn?”
“I’m a bad girl.” I moaned.

“That’s right. You’re a fucking bad girl.” I felt the bristles of his stubble on the
inside of my leg as he went back to licking my most sensitive places. Instinctively I
started to roll my hips. A sharp smack fell on my ass and I instantly knew to stay still.
The beautiful torment of his fingers stretching me, his tongue on my clit and the power
he dominated over me where all too much. My orgasm came from nowhere and
everywhere all at once and I shook as I exploded. “I’m a fucking bad girl.”

Chapter 5
I peeked down to see his face, eyes watching me keenly, chin wet. He’d
continued his delicious punishment until I saw stars. As the waves of my orgasm faded
he became gentler, lapping the wetness from me and then resting his head on the back of
the chair again. His fingers were still inside me. I knew I would be sore, but somehow I
imagined I’d feel his absence as soon as he removed them.

His dark eyes opened to stare straight up at me. Without blinking he slid from me
and smiled in satisfaction as he watched my shock. He licked the wetness and cream
from his fingers and then licked his lips.
His hands steadied me from my position as he told me to stand up. I felt sated but
I was too aware that I was completely naked and he was still in his shirt and trousers.
Surely a man such as him would want his own pleasure? He stood beside me and told
me to turn around. As I did I felt his hand stroke my ass. “You’re skin looks so good
where I spanked you. We will certainly be doing more of that again.”
His hand went to the small of my back as he led me towards the floor to ceiling
window. The full lights were still on in the boardroom so if someone was able to see
in, then they would have seen my nakedness now, and would have seen what had just
happened. I didn’t get long to think why that should embarrass me, considering my
dances often ended up with me naked and writing on a pole.

“We’re so high up!” I exclaimed before checking myself. The view over the city
showed other tall buildings, most with speckles of light where people where in their
homes or working late. All were too far away for someone to see, unless they’d have
some high powered binoculars.
“Top floor.” He said. His hands touched me, teasing my long hair from my face
and brushing it behind my shoulders. There was a sense of easiness about it. He’d said
he would own me, and with the calm way he touched me, it felt like I had given myself
to him already.

His hand found the nape of my neck, rubbing circles into me, releasing tension
that I didn’t realise I could still have after the best orgasm I’d ever had. He must have
felt my tension. “You’ve no reason to be uptight. I already told you – you’re mine.” The
damp glistened on his lips even now as he smiled. “I look after my own.” He pulled me
towards him possessively. “And I haven’t finished with you yet.” His lips crashed onto
mine, an explosion that soon had head clawing inside me again, I could taste myself on
his tongue. The feel of his clothes was rough against my still naked skin but I moulded
my body against his regardless. I needed more.
His hands roamed my body as we kissed and after initially hesitating, my hands
took a tentative move to touch him too, trembling as my fingers moved over his shirt to
feel the strong muscles beneath. His response to my touch was a sharp intake of breath,
and then he deepened his kiss. Emboldened, my hands made their way down to his belt.
“Yeah,” he moaned, “Suck it.” Gino’s hands found my shoulders and pushed me down
to my knees. It was a forceful move that I should have found insulting and demeaning.
But I didn’t. If anything, it turned me on more. I kneeled in front of him, my hands
clawing at his belt and within moments I had his trousers opened completely and
greedily pulling them down.
When I saw him, I couldn’t help but standstill. His long, thick cock was huge and
his balls hung heavy behind. I swallowed, my mouth suddenly dry. A wry laugh came
from above me, “What, Robyn, you ain’t never seen one that big before?” he mocked.
“Don’t play that innocent shit with me.” He stroked my cheek softly, then pushed his
finger into my mouth, prying my lips apart. “You want to suck me dry as much as I want
to fuck your dirty little mouth.”

Chapter 6
Damn him, he was right. I loved the thrill it gave me to know I was here with him
– his power was potent, and knowing it had been me that made him so hard, fuck, I
couldn’t help but feel intoxicated by that. My tongue traced a line up and down his
finger still in my mouth. I grabbed his wrists and looked up at him as I wrapped my lips
tightly around his finger and sucked. Inwardly, I smiled to myself in satisfaction as I
watched his eyes grow heavy lidded absorbed in following my mouth as I sucked his
finger in and out. I drew his finger out of my mouth, catching it between my fingers and
giving it a playful nip as I smiled up at him. I reached for his cock and started pumping
before wrapping my lips around his wide head, my tongue swirling around him:
velvety, salty, sweet and demanding in my mouth. I really wanted to tease him, to build
him up until he begged me for more, but within moments I was greedily taking him into
my mouth. I felt my eyes water from the reflex and knew what was left of my heavy
makeup was ruined.

My other hand found his balls and I worked them hard. He leaned back, his full
body against the glass. In my mind’s eye, for a split second I imagined what it would
look like if someone was at the other side of the window. His back to them, fully
clothed, with his legs apart and my naked body crouched in front of him: my lipstick
smudged, the thick eyeliner and my mascara a complete mess.

I almost forgot. I almost got so carried away that I reached down to my cunt for
just a second while I was there. He was watching and as soon as my hand moved
lower, his hand fisted around my hair and pulled my mouth away from him. “You’ve
forgot already, Robyn?” he tutted. “I told you, you only cum for me when I tell you.” He
looked pointedly at my hand, resting between my legs and motioned for me to stand. “I
didn’t tell you to touch yourself.”

“No, you didn’t.” I said, shocked and embarrassed that he was so cold even
during something so intimate.
He shook his head as he moved over towards the huge table. “You really are a
bad girl. You’re going to get into trouble if you keep misbehaving like this.” He tapped
the table. “Come here and bend over the table.”
My feet felt heavy. Was he angry? A spike of adrenalin coursed through me – was
he going to spank me properly this time? I looked from him to the table and back again.
He sighed, impatiently. “Just fucking do it or I swear I’ll fuck you against that window.”

My feet moved directly to him, bending over the table as instructed. I was
rewarded with him petting my back, his warm hands wandering over my skin and
skimming over the roundness of my ass. “Put your hand on the table and rest your cheek
on it.” His low voice was so full of authority that I immediately complied. “Good,
Robyn. You’re learning.” Approval filled his voice. I watched his reflection in the
glass as he stepped out of his shoes and his trousers. His reflection was one of a man
half his age, with huge, strong muscular legs. I nearly died with anticipation as he left
me there, he took his time in opening his shirt and carefully setting both it and his
trousers over to the side. As I watched his reflection, I caught him looking at my body
sprawled over his table and laying open to him, he paused for a second then moved
back to his clothes only for me to realise he had retrieved his phone. A moment later
and the phone made a camera shutter noise. “Beautiful.” He muttered more to himself
than me, “Fucking beautiful.”

The phone got thrown onto the leather chair we’d been on earlier and he was all
around me. His hands roamed from my legs to my ass, up my back and down my arms.
He scooped my hair to one side and kissed my neck, his cock nudging at me from
behind. “You’re going to love cumming on my dick so much that you’ll be screaming my
name.” Heat pooled at my core in response. I needed this, and from the strain in his
voice, he needed me too. I pushed up against him. “Fuck me then. I need to feel your
cock inside me.”
In one quick movement he was everywhere. His cock slammed straight into me,
forcing me to stretch and adjust to the invasion. Gino’s strong hands grabbed at my hips
as he pounded into me with such ferocity the large table wobbled beneath me. He was a
savage and I was his to do with as he pleased. And right now, he pleased to fuck the
ever-loving daylights out of me.
I forced my eyes to stay open, to watch his reflection as he claimed me. There
was no mercy, no love, no real affection in him right now. This was pure desire and
unrestrained lust. All too soon I could feel my orgasm gather and as my moans became
more pleading he stopped and pulled himself out of me. I felt the lack of him
immediately and would have killed for him just to be inside me again. “Turn around.”
He ordered. As I did he made me lay back on the table, my ass right at the edge to give
him full access to my most intimate parts. “I wanna watch your face as you cream on my

Chapter 7
His sweet, sweet cruelty continued as he pounded into me again. My body ached
from the hard table beneath and from the roughness of his touch, but it was his touch that
made my soul sing. I’d never been taken in such a way before. Never been taken by
such a raw male who threw his very existence into how he fucked.

I thought I couldn’t take any more and my cries echoed around the room, but he
pushed me further than even I thought I could go. He slowed his pace, quietening my
yelps, sliding his cock almost completely out of me and then all the way back in, down
until I felt his balls against me. Even with my mews I listened to the glorious sounds of
him sliding into my slick heat. “You’re such a good tight fuck, Robyn.” He breathed,
“You’re never getting out of my sight again.” His eyes took my whole body in and I felt
a thrill of being a goddess. The men who looked at me as I danced on stage never
looked at me how Gino did right now. He was a vision as he towered over me, sweat
clung to his forehead as well as his shoulders. He was breathing heavily and from the
steely expression on his face, I knew he was getting close to his release too.

He held a thick thumb to my lips and I sucked it. He trailed a line straight down
from my mouth, between my breasts and over my stomach to work circling my clit. I
couldn’t hold it anymore, it was all too much and I felt myself arch upwards on the
table as I called, “Gino! Fuck Gino!” he made a guttural noise and I felt his hot spurts
spill within me as he came violently, uttering what I recognised as a stream of Italian
swear words.

I lay back down on the table, slippery with sweat and watched as he looked at
me. “Six years.” He said, matter of factly. “I’ve waited six years to fuck someone on
this table.” He leaned down to whisper in my ear. “And so help me, I’ll fuck you in this
room every fucking day for the next six years.” A hand slowly ran up my side, “With a
body like this? You should never have been dancing for those idiots… you should have
been on my dick since the second you walked in here.”
I shivered to the sensation of his touch. “Yeah, you like that?” he laughed quietly,
“You’re gonna the little play room I’ll make for you. I’ve waited a long time for a
woman who can take what I give.”
He moved away from me and handed me his shirt. “You should wear this.” But
even as I buttoned it his tone changed, “How am I supposed to get you out of here
dressed like that? If I catch one prick looking at you, I’ll kill him.” I looked at him in
surprise, but his mouth formed a grim line. “Don’t act like that shocks you, I already
told you… you’re mine. You said it yourself.” He shrugged into his jacket. “You’re
mine now.”

I had agreed. And god help me, the thought of him becoming crazy with jealously
over me sent a tingle that went down my spine and straight to my core. I needed to be
wanted. I always knew I went for guys who were bad – and entirely not what I should
have wanted. I looked at Gino and knew he was the worst of them, and I feared that he
really would keep to his word that he owned me. Would he let me go home? How could
I really stay away?

More by Beth Wynne: Bonus Sample

Kane: A Dirty Mafia Secrets Short

It’s been a while since I picked a girl up, but Erin wasn’t your typical woman. Her dry
sense of humour made it feel more like I was chatting with one of the guys, but the body
certainly couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than one sexy woman with curves in
all the right places. She drank beer, laughed heartily, smiled widely and had some
wicked one-liners that kept me on my toes.

We both ordered the fried chicken, which I soon found out was her favourite dish and
that Finlay’s genuinely was one of her main places to eat. They knew her by name.

We chatted easily as we ate. She picked at her food with her fingers, and the way she
licked them was just about enough to drive me crazy. I bit the inside of my cheek to stop
imaging those lips around my cock rather than her juicy fingers. I was barely finished
my food when I looked over and Erin was eyeing up the dessert menu.

“So, do you fancy dessert then?” She asked. Her body language was completely
innocent to the offer I thought she was really making and the one I actually wanted.

“There’s nothing on the menu that I want.” I replied, licking the spicy morsels from my
own fingers. It was now or never. If she wasn’t interested, and from what I knew about
females, all the signals were there – but if she wasn’t, this would be the time to know.

“Oh, but you haven’t even looked at it.” Erin went to reach the menu over to me.

“I know what I do want though; I’d love you to come back to my hotel room so I can
taste you.”

Read more…

Beth’s Final Words

I really hope you’ve enjoyed Robyn’s escapades with Gino. Dark mafia
adventures have been running around causing mayhem in my brain for quite a while, and
the next story is already underway!

As well as shorts, I also write some longer works too – why not check out my
website, for exclusive content, sneak peaks for upcoming stories, info
about giveaways, and to say hello.

Interested in more?

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