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Alexis Fodor

14 Cherry Tree Ct
Abbottstown, PA 17301
November 9, 2019

Governor Tom Wolf

Office of the Governor
508 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Dear Governor Wolf,

I am writing you to bring attention to the issue of child welfare in our state. According to
The Child Defense Fund “Over 20,000 children have ‘aged out’ of the foster care system without
a permanent family” (“Child Welfare”). The Pennsylvania State Resource Family Association is
actively trying to educate potential families about the statistics and important facts about the
foster care needs in our state. They say on their website that 1 in 4 children that age out of foster
care struggle with things like depression, substance abuse, and even homelessness. According to
their website, their main focus and mission is to connect foster families with the community to
improve quality of live for those precious families (“The Facts”).

The Anne E Casey Foundation is another organization that is trying to educate the public
about foster care. They aim to help children, families, communities, and even leaders. Their
organization targets kids that have been abused or neglected and hopes to provide them with a
safe and loving family (“The Anne E. Casey Foundation, About Us”). Their website definitely is
aimed more at educating people.

Both of the aforementioned organizations pinpoint very important calls to action. In order
to make a change, one must be educated. If you don’t know what you’re advocating for, you
won’t be very effective. There are many foundations and organizations designed to advocate for
children and families in need. It’s our duty as well established citizens to come alongside of them
and support them as they find their own happy and healthy lives.
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read my letter.

Alexis Fodor
Alexis Fodor
Works Cited

“About Us.” The Annie E. Casey Foundation,

“Child Welfare.” Children's Defense Fund, 13 Sept. 2019,

“Who We Are.” Who We Are | Pennsylvania State Resource Family Association,

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