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Kyle Poole

Professor Massie

ENGL 1301

12 November 2019

Visual Rhetorical Analysis Outline

I. Introductory Thesis:

In the Public Service Announcement by Burger King called “Bullying Jr” the

company effectively uses a recurring theme, varying points of view, and emotions

to demonstrate societies tolerance toward bullying. Through out

II. Topic sentence:

The recurring theme throughout the public service announcement conveys that the

verbal and physical bullying of the high school Jr was tolerated more than the

verbal and physical bullying of the Whopper Jr.

A. Scenes where the high school Jr is being bullied

B. Scenes where the Whopper Jr is be bullied

III. Topic sentence:

Additionally, the varying points of view that are captured by the hidden cameras

provide a unique perspective to the viewer.

A. The closeup views

B. The wide angel views

C. The individual shots

D. The actions shots

IV. Topic sentence:

Last of all, are the emotional highs and lows that the audience has felt while

witnessing this staged social experiment.

A. The derogatory words and phrases used by individuals in the opening scene

B. The scene of the high school Jr being bullied by peers

C. The scene of the Whopper Jr being bullied by the Burger King employee

D. The reactions of the customers

E. The reaction of the manager at Burger King

F. The internal reactions of the audience

V. Concluding topic sentence:

Burger King produced a powerful public service announcement for anti-bullying

using varying points of view, emotions, and recurring themes to show that 95% of

their real customers would report the bullying of the Whopper Jr, while only a

shocking 12% of the real customers would step in and stop the bullying a of a


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