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Entry #1:​ Author includes detailed notes from an ​observation​ ​of the teacher’s

instruction​. Then, authors are asked to reflect on that observation. For your reflection,
you should consider answering these questions:


-Students are quiet

-Teacher tells students to work on vocabulary/grammar books using the board

-Teacher sits at desk..tells students time left

-No questions allowed

-Students can talk for 5 minutes for questions

-everyone asked to sit on carpet

-Teacher goes over the information on the board and checks students answered with
whole group

-”do you guys think Ronda is right? Why or why not?”

Describe: ​What did I observe?

During this time (reading), I saw the teacher put up the students vocabulary/grammar
book on the smartboard. Once the students walked into the room, they all knew what to
do and quietly went to their seats and opened up their grammar/vocabulary books to the
page that was currently on the smartboard. The teacher told the students their time they
had to complete their independent work. A few minutes later, a student tried walking to
her desk to ask a question, but she sent the student back to her seat and reminded the
class that no talking or questions were allowed. Once the time was up (her alarm went
off) she explained that students had a few minutes to talk to work over questions they
had with each other. All of the students started talking with each other about the
answers they got. Once the timer went off the second time, the students knew to go sit
on the carpet and wait for the teacher to start explaining answers. She would call on
students and they would give their answer and make other students explain why it's
right or wrong.

Analyze: ​What do I think (opinions, thoughts, comments, questions) about what I’ve

From what I observed, I think that how she went about this part of the lesson was good.
Since it was review from the day before, I think it was good that she made work silent
for the first few minutes. It gave students time to try their work on their own. I also like
that she let students work out what was right or wrong.

Appraise:​ How did this observation influence me as a future teacher?

This observation has influenced me as a future teacher by helping me to be okay with

silent time for students. I used to think that this time was boring and not always useful,
but now I see that quiet independant time can be valuable in cases such as the one I

Entry #2:​ Author uploads a ​classroom document​ and reflects upon it.

Possible Documents: (see clinical experience handbook)

For your reflection, you should consider answering these questions:

Describe: ​What did I observe?

From this photo of a classroom document, I observed the teacher put up this grammar
passage where students had to sit at their desk and try to find all of the different
mistakes found in the passage. After they found it, they could compare with friends
around them to see if the mistakes they got were the same.

Analyze: ​What do I think (opinions, thoughts, comments, questions) about what I’ve

I think that this was a fun way for students to practice the editing process. The students
had a lot of fun with this activity especially when they couldn't find some mistakes.

Appraise:​ How did this observation influence me as a future teacher?

From this observation, it influenced me as a future teacher by letting fun games be used
as a way for students to practice their work. Grammar can sometimes be the least fun
part of reading, so I think a game makes it more bearable for students.

Entry #3:​ Author ​interviews the teacher ​and reflects upon the teacher’s responses.

Write your own list of 8-10 questions and transcribe the teacher’s responses to the

Upload both the questions and the teacher’s responses onto Canvas.

Please DO NOT use the teacher’s real name when writing up the interview. Protect the
teacher’s privacy by using a pseudonym.


1. Do you have students with disabilities?

2. How do you accommodate and modify your lessons for these students?
3. What's your favorite subject?
4. How do you make lesson plans?
5. How do you get to know your students?
6. What advice do you have for future teachers?
7. Where did you go to school?
8. How long have you been teaching?

For your reflection, you should consider answering these questions:

Describe: ​What did I observe?

I had a conversation with my CE.

Analyze: ​What do I think (opinions, thoughts, comments, questions) about what I’ve

I think that its really interesting that she had so many students in her classroom with
disabilities. If I had not been told, I would have never guessed because she makes the
classroom feel as though everyone is truly meant to be there (like it should be). I say
this because I have been in classrooms that treat students with disabilities much

Appraise:​ How did this observation influence me as a future teacher?

As a teacher, this conversation influenced me by realizing that I really have to cater to

my students and be prepared for different classroom circumstances year to year.

Entry #4:​ Author ​interviews a student OR group of students ​and reflects upon their

Write your own list of 8-10 questions and transcribe the student’s responses to the

1.How are you?

A-I am okay

2.What do you like about school?

A-I like AIG time

3.What do you not like about school?

A-I don't like quiet time

4.What do you like to do for fun?

A-I like looking up things to read online from Ms. Jan

5.What's your favorite subject?

A-Social studies because its all different

6.What do you like about the classroom?

A-I like being with my friends

7.Whats your favorite way to learn?

A-I like reading stuff

8.Do you like reading?

A-Yes for fun

Describe: ​What did I observe?

Me and a male student with disabilities had a conversation about different things related
to him.

Analyze: ​What do I think (opinions, thoughts, comments, questions) about what I’ve

I think that the students seemed to really enjoy school. He told me he looks at school
material for fun when he gets home to learn more.

Appraise:​ How did this observation influence me as a future teacher?

This observation has influenced me as a teacher by realizing that there are ways to
keep that love of learning in students.

Entry #5:​ Author includes an ​overall reflection​ about what he/she learned from this
clinical experience.

Genre Suggestions: Memoir, Double-entry journal (what I witnessed/what I think about

what I witnessed), Graphic novel, List of beliefs about teaching writing after observing
this class, Poem, MovieMaker presentation

For this entry, try to answer this question: ​What have I learned from this clinical
experience as a future teacher of writing? How have my beliefs about writing instruction
been influence from this experience?
This entry should be thorough and descriptive.


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