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The impact of Global Librarianship from your old library: development, operations, merits and demerits.

1. Impact of Global Librarianship: Development

I was an OJT here at the Angelicum College, school year 2016-2017, and I have witnessed the
drastic change that this library needed to overcome. I encoded books as part of our training in
the library profession. The development of the library was a big success. And for them to keep
up with the changes and trends in the profession, they need to automate the library materials
and equipment. They developed the database that is now being used by our patrons, now that I
am the reference librarian.

2. Impact of Global Librarianship: Operations

Since our library have already adapted the Online Public Access Catalog or also known as OPAC,
the operations became very easy not only for us librarians but also to the clients that we are
catering to. The system is equipped with features that are sophisticated, one example is you can
view, whether the material that you are looking for is available or it has been borrowed by
another client.

3. Impact of Global Librarianship: Merits and Demerits

The advantages of global librarianship are that it opens new doors to opportunities and changes
that we may adapt and may successfully implement change and innovation that encourages
patrons to visit and to utilize the materials for their information needs. And even though we
have different ways in implementing these changes, we know that we have the same mission as
a librarian.

While on the other hand, the disadvantage of global librarianship is that we have different
capacity when it comes to having the equipment for technological changes. Some equipment
may be available to other country and not in the Philippines. Some activities may be effective in
other countries, but not here in the Philippines. It is the barrier that tends to separate us to

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