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Breakthrough is a life lesson movie there are so many lessons that you can find in this
movie like trusting god at all times, believing god at all times. In this movie there was a boy that
almost be dead because of an accident. John Smith the name of the boy, John and his friends Josh
and Reiger go onto a frozen lake they starting go skate and unexpectedly happen an ice was broke
that John and his friends standing, the two boys Josh and Reiger manage to swim in the surface
but John is not have a chance to swim to the surface. In 15 minutes later the rescuers go to the lake
and they rescue the three kids the two boys rescued by the rescuer but John was not one of the
rescuer name Tommy Shine who didn’t believe in god swim to the frozen lake if its so dangerous
at first he didn’t see the boy once he about to give up a voice whispered to his ear saying to go
back and he go back and see John floating in an ice he rescued him and take to the hospital with
no pulse or sign of an recovery then the mom of John Smith knew what happened to his adoptive
son, Joyce Smith, John’s mother go to the a nearly hospital that John is in and see of a poor John
in a bed with no sign of pulse and finally the doctor said his dead on arrival and have an last
goodbye and his mom Joyce Smith is crying while praying to god that save his son into this
situation and a minute later before she leave the room a miracle happened and the boy has a sign
of pulse and her mom have a hope that he can survive,

In this you can learn that god is there when a hard times just pray to him with a heart he
can hear you even if you didn’t said it loudly, he can help you no matter what happened god can
help you to your ups and down in this movie I realize something that sometimes I forgot god in
my daily basis it is because I’m busy in school works and I even forgot to say thank to god thank
you for all that you do to me god when I’m in my hard times you guide me what do I the right
thing to do, but I didn’t even say thank you to that but I realize something that I can’t understand
in a long period of time that god hear what I’m praying and I realized yes because god find a way
to help you without to see you god use people to have an answer to all what I’m mockering about.

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