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Teaching Plan


Education units : Junior High School

Subjects : Mathematics
Class / Semester : VII / I
Topic : Finding the concept of comparison
Allocation of time : 1 x 15 Minutes

A. Core Competence (KI)

1. Respect and appreciate the teachings of their religion
2. Respect and appreciate the honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring
(tolerance, mutual aid), polite, confident, in interacting effectively with the
social and natural environment in the range of the association and its existence.
3. Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on
curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture and events related to the
phenomenon of the visible
4. Trying, processing, and menyaji in the realm of concrete (us- ing, parse,
compose, modify, and create) and the realm of the abstract (writing, reading,
counting, drawing, and making up) in accordance with the learned in school and
other resources equal to the angle of view / theory

B. Basic Competencies and Indicators

2.1 Demonstrate logical attitude, critical, analytical, consistent and conscientious,
responsible, responsive, and do not easily give in solving problems
2.2 Has curiosity, confidence, and interest in mathematics and have confidence in the
power and usefulness of mathematics, which is formed through a learning
3.4 Understand the concept of comparison and describes the comparison Language
describe the relationship between two quantities or more

C. Indicators of Achievement
1. Students are able to have an attitude of curiosity in the investigation of
2. Students are able to have an interest in learning mathematics through discussion
and group
3. Students are able to find the concept of comparison in the discussion and group
D. Learning Objectives
With this discussion and group learning activities, students are expected to:
1. Demonstrate an attitude of curiosity, confidence, and interest in mathematics
2. Can find the concept of comparison

E. Learning Method
1. Learning Approach : Scientific Approach
2. Model of Learning : Problem Based Learning
3. Learning methods : Discussion

F. Tools Learning
Whiteboard, markers, Infocus, Laptop

G. Resources Learning
Student worksheet (LKS)

H. Step Lesson
Activity Description of activities
1. Teachers prepare students to be ready to accept learning
with greetings and pray
2. Teacher Checking attendance of learners and ask learners
to prepare the necessary supplies and equipment.
3. The teacher gives you an idea of the comparison 3 Minutes
4. The teacher informs the learning objectives to be achieved
is to find a concept comparison.
5. The teacher gives an overview of the importance of
studying the comparison and benefits in daily life
Identify the problem observe
5. The teacher gives the problems associated with comparison
by flash media.
6. Students observe the problem given by the teacher
contents 7 Minutes

Student Ask
7. Student ask to teacher about problem that not understand.
8. The teacher divides the students into four groups on 4-5
9. The teacher distributes worksheets to each group contains
about problems finding concepts comparison.

9. Students read and solved problem in LKS by discussing.
10. Teacher direct students to make conclusion.

13. The teacher asks one student to conclude results of the
discussion of the concept of comparison.

14. The teacher gives the student a written test as evaluation

of students' understanding of concepts comparison.
16. Teachers give homework to students who contained in
closing student math book. 5 Minutes
17. Teachers motivate students to keep learning and further
study material on the types comparison.
18. Teacher end the learning process with regards .
I. Learning Outcomes Assessment
1. Valuation techniques
No Aspec of the assessed Valuations Instruments
1 Attitude Observation Checklist
a. Being curiosity in the investigation of
b. Being interested in the learning of mathematics
in the discussion

2 Knowledge observations Test

a. Invented the concept of comparative and LKS

2. Learning Outcomes Assessment Instrument

PakAbdul is a merchant cows and goats . Comparison of many cows and goats
owned by Mr. Abdul is 3 : 5. Once calculated , it turns out a lot of cows owned
by Mr. Abdul is 300 individuals. Can you determine a lot of goats owned by
Mr. Abdul by using a known ratio ?
3. Assessment Framework
a. aspects of knowledge
Number scor Max
aspects of assessment assessment rubric
matter e score
1 Determine the ratio of Complete and correct 100 100
students who did not go to Incomplete and incorrect 50
all students Not made 0

b. answer key
The students do not enter : students entering
3 : 5
300 : 500
Subjects: Mathematics
Class / Semester: VII / I

Attitude indicator curiosity

1. Less well, if at all do not attempt to try or ask or indifferent (do not want to know) in the
learning process.
2. Whether, if the show has been no attempt to try or ask in the learning process but still not
3. Very well, if it shows any attempt to try or ask in the process of continuous learning and

Attitude indicator of interest

1. Less well, if the show did not take part in the task group.
2. Well, if it shows there have been efforts to take part in the task group, but not consistently
3. Very well, if it shows there have been efforts to take part in the task group continuously and
Put a √ mark in the appropriate columns of observations
Number Student’s name Curiosity interest

SB: Very Good
B: Good
KB: Not Good

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