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Serena Gonzalez

English 103

Professor Granillo

December 4, 2019


Graham, Rachel. “Have Your Epideictic Rhetoric, and Eat It, Too,” George Mason University

Rachel Graham Article is about the analysis cakes that she made for families. She talks about

the things that should be incorporated and etc. This was incorporated into the essay by

acknowledging why phrases are important in a cake. This helps portray a positive message to

someone like the message of “Just Married” is positive.

Bunting, Annie, et al. Marriage by Force? Contestation over Consent and Coercion in

Africa. Ohio University Press, 2016

Annie Bunting Article is about the complex relationship between coercion and consent in a

marriage that Sub-Saharan Africa has. Its focuses on the role marriage play in the

mobilization of labor , wealth, and dominance. This is used in the essay by conveying the

assumption that the groom is being forced to marry a woman, not by choice. The marriage

of the women will solidify the unity between communities and Wilton cake portrays that

with the sad groom figurine.

“Prisoner of your love”, Wilton Cake Decorating, Pinterest

Wilton cake Decorating is a wedding cake. It involves colors, details, symbols, and phrases. All

of these details pertain to ethos, pathos, and logos. While pertaining to these semiotics with the

use of a feminist theory we are able to

Tyson, Lois. Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide. New York: Routledge, 2006. Print.

Tyson Book is an introduction to critical thinking. It is incorporated into the essay by feminism

concepts. The feminist concept talks about that a man and women are equal. This shows

what marriage is based on and not based on dominance of another.

Paoletti, Jo B. Pink and Blue: Telling the Boys from the Girls in America. Indiana Univ

Press, 2013.

Jo.B book introduced the journey of children’s clothing and where it began. She Also

introduces the decline fo those gender-specific clothing and involves the new aspect of

who and who can wear clothes no matter what the gender is intended for. This is

incorporated int hr essay by using the history of what pink means because pink is a

gendered color.

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