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Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Nice to meet you all today!
How are you today ? I am Reihan fadilla and here I am as representative for our Otsuka
company to introduce our product that is Pocari Sweat. You are already familiar with the
name of pocari sweat, is not it? Yes, pocari sweat is softdrink that will replace fluids in your
body. The drink was first introduced in Indonesia in 1989 using tin cans. The drink is made
using sophisticated machines, so it’s not doubt. The ingredients are water, suger, citric acid,
trisodium citrate, calcium lactate, magnesium carbonate, and flavour. Certaintly, all of the
ingredients is safe, no side effect. Okay, if anyone of you are intrested, please don’t hesitate
to contact me or come to our place. But, if you buy Pocari sweat now, you can get discount
until 10%. The cost of this pocari sweat is Rp. 7.000.- so you can get it a price Rp. 6.000,-
I think enough for me, thanks you very much for your attention. And if I disturb your time,
my apology for the inconvenience. See you next time and don’t forget to buy immediately.
Pocari sweat GO ION !!!

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