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Praise be to the God and the father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has faithfully accomplished

every good work that He started in me and NUSETA at large for the just concluded spiritually
year .It has been a journey that at first for me it seemed as a mountain, I did not know how to
handle this mountain, many reasons come across my mind to convince me that I am not up to the
task , but I thank God He continually reminded me that He does not call the qualified, He
qualifies the Called and its through Him and in Him that today I can stand courageously before
you Brethren and Declare that this far the Lord has Brought us, He is EBENEZER.

Serving as an MC has been a life changing moment for me, He has continued burdening my
heart to be involved in His Mission of Redeeming all Mankind to Himself .By His Grace I served
Him in sincerity, love and diligence desiring to win another soul for Christ.


First and foremost, I give thanks to the Lord Almighty for giving me the Grace and passion to
serve. To the Executive Team it has been awesome serving with you, thank you so much for
your support in all dimensions, you are Great people. To my Able subcommittee officials Ruth
nyoike as the treasurer and Brian Mwangi as the secretary you have been my greatest pillars in
my term of service, words are never enough to describe your support, May our Lord Bless you
abundantly. Cannot forget to express gratitude to my predecessor Steven Gathii Njuguna whose
advice, moral support has kept me going .To the JKUON MCs (Kabucho, Kinyua and Ben) it has
been awesome working with you did not just encourage me but also challenged me positively
,your Blessed. The NUSETA National MCs I have really learnt a lot from you. My P.P Mum
Peris your prayers and we sharing the word of God kept me going.

Special thanks to my Family mum and bro, you guys have been there for me in ways I did not
expect, you have supported my ministry in all ways you. Mum, you kept encouraging me, aiding
me with all finances I needed even for Gods work, praying for me and above all you kept
reminding me to be committed to Gods work and even went ahead to show me the way through
your ministry . You will forever remain to be my mentor.
Finally to NUSETA Family, our esteemed Associates I am honored and grateful for the many
times some of you would call me and also availing yourselves in missions may our Lord Bless
you. To NUSETA members, I really have no words to express myself, you people have made my
service worthwhile .Thank you for believing in me and even giving me a chance to discover
what the Lord has bestowed in me.You have all shown Great interest and commitment to reach
out, save souls and Preach Christ. May our Lord reward you in all your endeavors and in fullness
of time.


Missions and in reach

We have been able to conduct missions, at least once per semester and in our missions, we have
been able to conduct ground works as recommended by my predecessor. The missions include

Kimbo Mission hosted by Transformation Centre in November 2018

Frontier Mission in Marsabit County in Korr

Kirinyaga Mission hosted by Kenya Assemblies of God in April 2019

Maiella and Ngondi Mission Hosted by AIC.

We were also able to join KUCU in the in reaches that happens mostly at the beginning of the
semester and were able to reach to our fellow students in Nyayo Hostels

Frontier mission

By the Grace of God, after being recommended by my predecessors to make a dream come true
on a frontier mission planned to be in Marsabit it was fulfilled in December 2018 from 3rd to 10th
among the Rendilles in Korr. It was a wonderful experience and also an eye opener among the 26
missioners who were able to attend. We were hosted by the pastor’s fellowship in Korr and
resided in African Inland Church. We thank God that through the help of associates and students
we successfully managed to raise sh 176,090 that helped us in catering for everything that was
needed through the entire mission. It was a mission of its own kind, thank you to everyone who
made it possible to ensure this dream come true and even the purpose of God among all nations
and specifically among the Rendilles is fulfilled.
(For those of us who were not able to attend out this year associate Sunday where we gave the
frontiers mission report a copy of it is attached to this final report).

Missions training

At the beginning of my service, number one of my greatest desire and objective was that
members will become equipped with God’s word about missions, what is missions ,why
missions and even why go to missions. This would help members to go to missions not because
it’s a norm in our family but because it’s a duty and a call to every believer .By the Grace of God
this was fulfilled by us having different forums of learning the whole thing about missions
through a guide book called COMPASS. All members who went for the frontier mission
successfully managed to study it through the help of one of the MCN missioner KG. For those
who had not yet studied it were able to study it through small groups

Ruiru Family led by George and Pauline MCN Missioners

KU Family and the rest of the members led by Sortum and Lucy also missioners from MCN.

Also on January 2019 instead of having our beginning of semester mission with the help of the
executive team we chose to attend a training by the name MISINGI at Trinity Fellowship where
some of our members attended to, learn the foundations of Christianity which also helped many
of us view Missions in a wider perspective and also as God desire for all nations.

Thanks to MCN Mission team ,Trinity Fellowship for your dedication and commitment to see us
grow in knowledge and truth of Gods purpose to all nations ,also to all exec members thank you
for spearheading in this to ensure that this dream come true.

Jkuon mission

By the Grace of God during this year we were able have a JKUON Mission. The main aim and
objective of this was to bring the three chapters together that is JKUAT, KU and UON and
enforce unity and also have a larger group that would be able to spread the word of God to a
larger area. We had two grounds Maiella and Ngondi and both were hosted by AIC church.
Glory to God that the mission was successfull.Being the first time having 3 chapters on the same
ground was not easy but thanks to God that the Grace was sufficient and everything went good
as per planned .Thanks to the JKUON committee for spearheading this, it was awesome serving
with you and cannot wait for other JKUON missions.


 The year was not smooth as per see we encountered various challenges as an office
.These include
 Low turn up of members during missions was one of the greatest challenges.
 Having that the team had so many needs in terms of finances, it was a challenge having
the mission’s kitty, since we would first cater to the most wanting issues, like the frontier


 I would urge the incoming mc and also the exec to consider and even also have it in our
constitution to be having annual frontier missions and also join KUCU and other chapters
and teams in the frontier missions they have and encourage more members to participate
in this, so as to co-work with God in making all men know Him, acknowledge Him and
also Worship Him.
 I would also urge the incoming MC and EXEC to also consider having JKUON missions,
retreats and also fellowships.
 It would also be nice if high school ministries, children home visits and other charity
events would be considered also in the event of calendar.

To the incoming mc

Colossians 4:17 See to it that you have complete the ministry you have received in the Lord…. It
is not by chance or mistake that the Lord has placed you in such a position at such a time but He
has a purpose to it, ensure you seek that purpose and fulfill it before your term of service ends .It
is very easy when you involve God in all you do .Fight the good fight of faith lay hold of eternal
life, where unto thought art called. Do your best in and out of season and always remember that
God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called .YOU WILL MAKE IT IN JESUS
To the incoming leadership

With God all things are possible. Always remember a house that is dived it can never stand .May
God bind you with cords of love that cannot be broken .Be shepherds of Gods flock that is under
your care, serving all time not because you must but because you are willing, as God wants you
to be ….not lording over those entrusted to you but being examples to the flock and when the
Chief Shepherd appears you will receive the crown of Glory that never fades away .Always
involve God in all you do.

To Nuseta family

Kindly always pray for the leaders and love them, support them in all you can and let us always
spread love and unity wherever we go.

Missions is the heartbeat of God, and that’s why God sent His only son that he may die for our
sins so that we shall not die but have eternal life. Salvation and knowing Him is such a priceless
gift hence let us by all means have the desire and even passion of spreading His word to all
Nations and most specifically to those who have not yet heard of Him. If you cannot go, you can
send, if you cannot send, you can mobilize and above all it’s our duty to pray for the unreached
hence let’s all be found co working with Him in redeeming all mankind to himself and even
more of it lets seek God more in our closets.



Report written and compiled by

Ebene Wangari Kamau

Outgoing MC

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