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1. One of the most important deities in Egypt,

was god of the underworld.
A. Osiris
B. Isis
D. Ptah

2. Egyptian goddess who embodied the

traditional Egyptian virtues of a wife and
A. Isis
B. Ptah
D. Sekhmet

3. He was the sky god associated with war and

A. Seth
B. Horus
D. Amun
4. The god of chaos, violence, deserts, and
A. Anubis
B. Ra
D. Amun

5-7: Give the triad of gods and goddess who

worshipped at Memphis.
Ans: Ptah, Sekhmet, Nefertem

8. The goddess of truth, justice and morality.

A. Ma'at
B. Sekhmet
C. Ptah
D. Ra

9. He was the Egyptian moon god.

A. Seth
B. Anubis
C. Amun
D. Thoth

10. He was the protector of tombs and

inventor of mummification.
A. Anubis
B. Seth
C. Ptah
D. Ra

11. This book contained all the knowledge of

the gods.
A. The Book of Thoth
B. The Book of the dead
C. The book of truth
D. The book of life

12. Where was the Book of Thoth nestled?

A. Castle
B. Cave
C. Bottom of the Nile
D. River
13. He was the head of the triad of gods who
worshipped at Memphis.
A. Sekhmet
B. Seth
C. Anubis

14. An Egyptian lion-headed goddess.

A. Sekhmet
B. Anubis
C. Ra
D. Ptah

15. Egyptian goddess identified as Aphrodite.

A. Sekhmet
B. Isis
C. Amun
D. Ra
Answer key
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. Ptah
6. Sekhmet
7. Nefertem
8. Ma'at
9. D
10. A
11. A
12. C
13. D
14. A
15. B
 Edzy Adeline Estremos
 Shelamie Nosal
 Rhea Perez
 Bebelyn Pat
 Jessa Mae Dolloso

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