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Indian Mythology: Encircle the correct answer.

1. An Indian religion and dharma, or a way of life, widely practiced in the Indian subcontinent and parts of Southeast Asia.
a. Taoism b. Buddhism c. Hinduism d. Judaism
2. The first member of the trinity and is “ The Creator “ because he periodically creates everything in the
a. Vishnu b. Brahma c. Rama d. Shiva
3. The third member of the Hindu trinity, tasked with destroying the universe in order to prepare for
each cycle of time.
a. Vishnu b. Brahma c. Rama d. Shiva
4. The second member of the Hindu trinity and maintains the harmony of the universe.
a. Vishnu b. Brahma c. Rama d. Shiva
5. Also known as Ganesha, is Shiva's first son.
a. Ganapati b. Rama c. Krishna d. Saraswati
6. One of the most beloved Hindu gods and is the hero of the Hindu epic called the Ramayana.
a. Ganapati b. Rama c. Krishna d. Saraswati
7. One of the Hindu god‘s name is known and recognized throughout the world, he is identify as a
teacher of the sacred scripture called the Bhagavad Gita and as the friend and mentor of prince Arjuna
in the epic the Mahabharata.
a. Ganapati b. Rama c. Krishna d. Saraswati
8. The consort of Brahman the creator and is worshipped as the goddess of learning, wisdom, speech,
and music.
a. Ganapati b. Rama c. Krishna d. Saraswati
9. Also called SRI, is the goddess of good fortune, wealth, and well-being. As the consort of Vishnu, she
plays a role in every incarnation.
a. Durga b. Indra c. Lakshmi d. Agni
10. Holds a special place in Hindu fire ritual to this day as the sacrificer (the priest who performs the
ceremony); (the sacrifice the ritual fire the offerings made into it); and the witness to all rites.
a. Durga b. Indra c. Lakshmi d. Agni
11. “The inaccessible“, she is a powerful. Even frightening goddess who fights fiercely in order to restore
dharma and she is full of compassion and love for her devotes.
a. Durga b. Indra c. Lakshmi d. Agni
12. Wields a thunderbolt and is a protector and provider of rain.
a. Durga b. Indra c. Lakshmi d. Agni
13. A god but he is one of Rama’s best friends. He is featured in the great Hindu epic the Ramayana.
a. Hanuman b. Vayu c. Parvati d. Aditi
14. Goddess of love and devotion, beautiful, kind, fierce, and seemingly the only one who can change
Shiva’s mind about stuff.
a. Hanuman b. Vayu c. Parvati d. Aditi
15. An ancient god of wind sometimes associated with the breath of the fire god, Agni.
a. Hanuman b. Vayu c. Parvati d. Aditi
Answer Key: Indian Mythology

1. C. Hinduism
2. B. Brahma
3. D. Shiva
4. A. Vishnu
5. A. Ganapati
6. B. Rama
7. C. Krishna
8. D. Saraswati
9. C. Lakshmi
10. D. Agni
11. A. Durga
12. B. Indra
13. A. Hanuman
14. C. Parvati
15. B. Vayu

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