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Define the software quality assurance activities

 Applying Technical Methodologies(To follow proper mothods for developing software)

 Conducting Formal Technical Reviews(FTR)
 Testing of the software
 Enforcing the standards(customer/management imposed standards)
 Controlling of change(Check the need for change, and document the same change done)
 Measurement(capture of software metrics for measuring the quality)
 Keeping the records for proofs(Documentation, Review notes etc)

9. Define a defect

The variation in the actual result and expected result can be termed as a Defect

10. What are the broad categories of Software Testing?

The major categories of software testing are,

 Static and Dynamic testing

 Whitebox and blackbox testing
 Manual and Automated testing
 Verification and Validation testing

11. Define Static testing?

Testing conducted without executing a program or a software is called as static testing. It is a kind of
verification that we do on the software products before the process of compilation and creation of an
executable. It is more of Requirement review, design review, code review, walkthrough and audits.

12. Define Dynamic testing?

Testing conducted by executing a program or a software, and comparing expected results and actual
results is termed as dynamic testing. Ex: Black box testing
13. Define Whitebox Testing?

Whitebox Testing is used to test the internal structure of a software program and working of a
application. It's also termed as Clearbox Testing, Structural Testing and Glassbox Testing.

14. Define Blackbox Testing?

Blackbox testing is a method of software testing wherein the applications GUI and functionality are
tested without bothering to know the internal structure of application code.

15. Define Manual Testing?

Tests conducted by testers manually is called Manual Testing, wherein they compare the expected
and actual functionality are in accordance with the test cases.

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