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Johnson 1

Jonathan Johnson

Professor Granillo

English 103

4 December 2019


In this project, largely due to my own poor decisions, I felt as if I had nothing to write

about. My strength is in my ability to quickly to come up with ideas for what to do with the

project. I knew early on how I wanted to change the cake and knew how to demonstrate and

write about those changes. Due to this the creation and planning of the cake and essay was really

easy. The issue was writing the essay.

Reflecting on my process I find that my decision to make changes to the cake before

researching and finding evidence to support those decisions was a mistake. In the end I found

research that applied, but if I had not wasted time I could have found better research and analyze

it more thoroughly. I plan to remember this project as a learning experience, sadly as an

experience about what not to do.

Like much of my work, I put this off until too late. I say that I will learn from this but I

would by lying to say i'm certain I will. Hopefully this experience stays with me to remind me to

work harder and earlier in the future.

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