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Baby mittens

Really simple baby mittens without thumb. The cord prevents them from getting lost when baby
inevitably pulls them off.

Size: 3-9 months

Yarn: Fingering weight yarn, 65 meters/70 yards, less than 20 g
Gauge: 32 sts/10 cm (4”)
Needles: 3 mm (US 2,5) needles or size to get gauge

k knit
k2tog knit 2 together = 1 st decreased
kfb knit into the front and back legs of stitch = 1 st increased
p purl
rnd round
st stitch

CO 32 sts (I use long-tail CO over two needles) and join for knitting in the round. Rib k1, p1 for 4
cm (1,5”), 13 rounds.
Switch to stocking st. Increase 8 sts evenly on the first round (kfb, k3 around), 40 sts. When hand
measures 8 cm (3,25”), 30 rounds after increase round, decrease for top:
Round 1: k2, k2tog around (30 sts)
Round 2: knit
Round 3: k1, k2tog around (20 sts)
Round 4: knit
Round 5: k2tog around (10 sts)
Round 6: knit
Round 7: k2tog around (5 sts)

Cut yarn and thread through the remaining sts, weave in ends. Make another mitten. Make an i-cord
or crochet chain about 65 cm (27”) long and sew one mitten to each end. Thread through sleeves to
avoid losing mittens.

Copyright Malin Nilsson 2007

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