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After reading the topic above you must be thinking , ‘why should we pay attention to this?’ , ‘we are
not suffering from depression’.

Alright! Let’s get serious because THIS IS IMPORTANT!

Let me start with a short story.

Once, there was a sweet, charming , beautiful girl with a smile never leaving her face. But, there was
a sudden change in her behaviour. She was getting thinner day by day, she seemed crankier day by
day, she was becoming quiter day by day – those were the things that her parents noticed, but they
failed to see her shattered eyes. All she heard was, ‘everything is going to be fine’ , ‘you are going to
be okay’ , ‘don’t be such a spoiled brat’. Eventually, she died with all the secrets locked in some
corner inside her.

There are many such stories roaming around every corner of this bleak world with expressionless
eyes and we, we are too busy liking and commenting on others pictures. The people are different,
the age and gender are different, the situations are different and obviously the reasons are different
but the problem? The problem is same- Depression.

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistently low mood and a feeling of sadness and
loss of interest. It is a persistent problem, not a passing one, lasting on average 6 to 8 months and a
really tough stage to be in. But, it is treatable through proper therapy and treatement.
Psychotherapy talk, antidepressant medications can help cure depression. Some natural remedies
include reading a positive, mood uplifting book; eating healthy; listening to upbeat music; surroung
youself with people you love, etc.

At last, to sum up all this, the most important thing is to have an eye in your family and friend circle,
and if someone is suffering from depression or even if you are, get professional help because it’s
okay getting therapy, no matter what others think. Show them empathy not just sympathy.

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