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At first, the group thinks that this case was about a problem in the cardio,

pulmonary,and nervous system of the patient. The group came to this conclusion because the
patient came with difficulty in breathing,and begin to lost consciousness. In further
investigation that founded by the group, the patient had a snoring sound, a low blood pressure,
high heart rate, high respiratory rate and a wet perfusion and respon to pain. And other
information was a fact that the patient is a heavy smoker an had hypertension with an irregular
treatment. After that information the group strarts to narrowing the condition of the patient to
a cardio-pulmonary deasease because of the information stated above. After learning about the
issues and get an additional information about the patient further analysis was carried out. The
group concludes that the patient condition was about a left ventricular heart failure. This
conclusion based on the additional information that enclosed a st-elevation ECG and a chest x-
ray photo. The group thinks that at firs because the patient is a heavy smokers its contribute to
the stiffening of the coronary vessels that supplies the heart nutrition and oxygen, other than
that the particle of the cigarates also contribute to the worsening of the pulmo. The group
predicted that when the coronary vessel of the heart cannot support the heart anymore it
becomes a myocardial infarction the evolve to a cardiac failure, why the group concluded it
was a left ventricular heart failure because the analysis of the x-ray photo showed that the
patient had a pulmonary edema so the groups stated that the pulmonary edema was caused by
the left ventricular heart failure and that also contributed to all of the data above.
in this type of case, the group thinks that the first treatment that should go was securing
the airway of the patient, because the patient starts to snore as the tongue starts to fall, the
treatment can occur by tilting the head and lifting the chin of the patient and the
contraindication of this technique if the patient had a cervical injury. After that the treatment
can concluded a oxygen using a ventilator or any other tools. And for the other treatment we
can use group of drugs that used at treating an emergency heart failure.

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