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Roof: The intellectual side of a person. It is associated with fantasizing and

ideation too. Too little focus on the roof may suggest fears of ghosts in the

Wall: An indication of how strong one's ego is.

Doors and Windows: The relation of the person with the world outside. It
hints at the receptiveness, interaction with others, and perception about the

Size: If the house is small, it might mean a rejection of one's life at home.

Pathways: Those leading directly to the door exemplify accessibility and

openness, unlike when there is no pathway, indicating a closed, solitary, and
distant state of mind. A fencing around the house could be a sign of

Tree Trunk: The inner strength of an individual might be suggested from the
tree trunk drawn. A slender trunk and large branches may suggest a need for
satisfaction. Dark shadings of the trunk suggest anxiety about one's self.

Branches: These might also hint towards an individual's relation with the
external world. A tree drawn without branches might indicate less contact with
other people.
Observations about where the person is placed on the page, the amount of
detail shown from the drawing, etc., are part of significant interpretations. The
person drawn of the same gender is usually taken to be the test-taker himself
or herself.
Arms and Hands: Position of the hands, open of closed fists, and specific
gestures, if any, indicate behavioral traits.

Legs and Feet: Drawing or not drawing feet, and the stance or the overall
body posture is reflected from little strokes of lines, helping gauge inherent
emotions like fear.

Face: A lot of details concentrated on the face of the person drawn can be
representative of one's desire to present oneself in an
acceptable/satisfactory/adequate social light.
This test is not considered to be reliable or valid by many, as it is mainly a
subjectively scored personality test. There also are variations in how the test is
administered: in one or two phases, all drawings on single or separate sheets
of paper, asking to draw two different persons (one of each gender), either
using crayon or pencil (not both), different questions asked, etc.

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