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Games and sports are very important for physical and mental well

being. They help to keep the body fit and free from disease. They
keep the diseases related to heart, obesity, mental stress and
sleeplessness, at a distance. They promote a spirit of self confidence,
self reliance, discipline, justice, fair play and patriotism. They are a
source of recreation and entertainment.

Games and sports are very essential for students. But

nowadays more importance is given to studies and bookish
knowledge and games are neglected. We all know, 'All work and no
play, makes Jack a dull boy.' This is what is happening at present.
The lack of games in schools is making the life of students
monotonous and stressful. All round development of personality is
not being achieved.

'Health is wealth.' One can maintain good health by

participating in games and physical activities. A healthy mind
resides in a healthy body. A healthy person can work hard cheerfully
and face dangers boldly. If the schools provide an opportunity for
games and sports the students can perform exercises automatically
and need not join the gymnasium to exercise. Games provide all the
health benefits of brisk walking, running, cycling, skipping,
swimming and yoga.

So games and sports should be given an adequate place in

the school curriculum.

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