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Who am I?
I’m Juliet, I’m a Law of Attraction Coach & Expert and I am passionate
about helping others transform their bodies and their lives.

When I discovered the Law of Attraction, I knew my whole life would

change, and it did. One of the first things I was interested in was
changing the body using this powerful law. Was this possible?

And what I found was incredible.

I was right. People all around the world were changing their bodies,
healing themselves, changing eye colour, growing taller, losing weight,
growing hair back, healing cavities, healing tumours, growing their
breasts… the list went on!
But I wanted books, I wanted courses, I wanted more direct information
from people who had successfully manifested wonderful things for their
body. I wanted to know more but didn't find what I was looking for.

So, I tried it out for myself & had incredible success! And I'm so excited
to share my secrets with you!

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I have manifested...

Losing weight

Larger breasts

Larger Bum without gaining weight

Bigger/plumper lips

Thicker, fast-growing hair

Growing taller

Clear skin (acne scars & bad acne gone)

Healed Rheumatoid arthritis

Improved PMS & Polycystic ovaries

Healed chronic tonsillitis & infections

Cured Major Depression & Anxiety

...and more!

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How will this help?
These worksheets contain questions that are used in Coaching, and will help
you to match the frequency of your desire. They are designed to help you
visualize your end result and focus for long enough that the Law of
Attraction kicks in to manifest them.

Once you ask for what you want, it is created for you.

So now, all you have to do is align with your desire.

Your emotion & thought = your vibration.

And what you are wanting to do is match the vibration of your desire.
Make sure to really focus on EMOTION, and conjure the feeling when
answering these questions.
Changing the way you feel, changes your point of attraction & therefore
changes everything that comes to you from now on. The more you practice
these type of focused questions, the more you are practicing the vibration
that allows what you want to manifest for you.

Use these as often as you need and most importantly, have fun!

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Let's Manifest!
Do this when
you're feeling
Good already!

Write down a list of specific things you want to manifest for your
body/appearance. Really have fun with this, and list as many things as
you can think of. Manifesting is supposed to be fun!

Now imagine the Universe waves a magic wand, and you now have
everything you have listed above. VISUALISE this for 2 minutes. Time it if
you have to. Play music if you need to. Afterwards, write down how it
feels for this to be your now reality. Write down specific emotions too.

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What are you going to do now? How does your life look & feel now that
you have the body you've always desired! What are people saying to you
about it? Are they complimenting you? Keep the momentum going and
write down whatever comes to mind! Feel the realness of it.

When you ask for something, it is done for you. The universe lines it all
up for you, eternally. Now that this has manifested, THANK the universe!
Feel true appreciation for the beauty, satisfaction, ease, confidence & joy
you now feel & ARE! Write down your appreciation below.

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Shift your vibration
Do this when
you need to
shift your
Write a list of things about your body/appearance that you like. These
can be things such as your health, your strength, your co-ordination,
your beating heart. Or aspects like your eyes, your hair, your smile, your
bum, etc! Write down anything you can think of.

Write down a time when you felt proud of your body. (Whether it was
years ago, or yesterday, when did you feel really confident about or
proud of your body?) Write a few if you can, and write how you FELT.

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Write down a time when your body really came through for you. (This
could be how well you healed from a sickness, or when you started a
new sport you did better than expected, or it accomplished something
you didn’t think it could do, or anything else your body did for you. You
are reaching for a mode of appreciation for your body.)

What have others told you they liked about your body or appearance?

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Have you manifested something else with your
body/health/appearance? If so, list them below with appreciation and
feel proud of yourself! Look for even the smallest of things, even if you
manifested a solution through a medicine, doctor, product or exercise
- the Law of Attraction delivers answers in all different ways!

Write a list of ALL & ANY other things you have manifested in your life using
the Law of Attraction. Whether it was money, a relationship, a free coffee, a
purple feather or an amazing opportunity... Write down as many as you can
think of. Sure up your belief in the Law of Attraction and remind yourself of
your INCREDIBLE power.

Use these as often as you need! They create strong manifesting
power, focus & momentum. Happy manifesting!

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