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ingen Na raed pep Sm reed sae of Sn Bion Pratt why Boson fr tv Momo Comeane ‘iy Lows & Broo, Pantet, Lt ans Saar, Coxon Tow, Loni, V1 eeeiiee eae nee 2535 Seccieeerne A SANSKRIT GRAMMAR FOR STUDENTS BY ARTHUR AY YACDONELL in DOL of Corp Ch Fellow of the fl Aradeny THIRD EDETION OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON: HUMPHREY stILFORD 1027 « = 3 at | ee iu PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION 1s preparing a new ofition of thls grammar T have found misprints requiring eorretion to bo few anil insignificant. ‘The alterations that seemed necessary are neney all concerned with facilitating the use of the book for students, One of these isthe indication of the relevant nuraber of chapter and paragraph on the Snside top corner of each page. Since the srammar i intended to supply a complete account of Classical Sanskrit, many patageaphs may be omitted till « later stage of study, I therfore here appeod a list of thase which are ‘essoutial for absolute begianers and thus ennstitte a virtual primer of Cassea! Sanskrit. Ts sy, 8g tg Ts 16-28, 97, 30-34, 36 A.B, 37, 38 40, $244 45, 1B, 52°55, 65, OF. Ts 70, TH, 13: TH THe BS: 84, 99, 1, 97: 400, tor Dip. 63), t03, 1, 2, 209-84, 120. A: nar-1a8, 134,132 (ooly Pres Par, pp. 92,98), 136, 136, 158, 1 (omly vind, Par.) 141 a (only Par.)435# (only Par.) 147 (only Par), x48 (only aim), x51 (only Par), 56 (aly Pros) 156, 160, 1,2, 162, 063, 167, 168, 169, 272, 175, When the student bas gone through these paragraphs he will be quite prepared to brgin reading. Any new gran matical forms be now moets with he will be able to fad ‘explained Jn the paragraphs that hare heen passed over. Ta ‘his way be will understand, with the ald of a vocabulary, every word in the frst eanto of the Stry of Nala withia the course of a month, and know all the grammar necessary for wailing easy Sanskrit texte, vi PREFACE 70 THIRD EDITION Since the appearance of the secon eition of this work (1011) my Velie Gruner for Students was publitbed (1916). "Though this new lonk reemed at fits sight to make Appendix TM superdiuous in the proseat work (pp. 236-44), T decided to retain it as presenting Ved granar in an abridged. fora, ‘and venleriog it easier for abvolute boginuers to master, AM 420 Ragmwnt. Ron, Oxroee, November, 1926. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION ‘Twr original form of the pretent work was my abridgement (1886) of Max Muller's Sanskrit Grammar (2nd ed, 1870) ‘That abridgment was the ontoome of what T had found by exprience, bth as a Tearner and a teacher, to be anesential in fn elementary gramat, It wae also partly due to my eon= vietion thet the existing Sanslrt grammars, being too much omiusted by the epstem of Panini, rendered Sanskrit: ane ecescarily hard to learn, Tho introductory sletch of the istry of Sasslt grammer profxod to the prevent volume will, T think, elisiently chow that the mative Tndian system is incompatible with the practical methois of teaching and learning inthe West Tu the frst edition of thie grammar, publiched in 1901, the catler book war transformed into an entivly new work ‘Though, on the whole, considerably enlarged it showed many ominsious. For T made it my guiding principle to leave out sll aotter thet is Sound exclusively in Verio Titertare or in ‘the Hindu grammarians, the aim T bed in view being to describe only such grammatical forms as are to be met with jn the actus literature of post-Vadie Sanslait. The student of Sunslrit grammar would thor not bo burdened with matter ‘whieh could never be of any practical use to him. Hence Trefained from employing, even in a paradigm, any word not to be found in the litenture; thoagh for the eae of completeness T hare often gave iuflected forms reprecentad only by other words of the same type. ‘The parpare of the ool, then, was uot to supply a mase of forme and rules rainly wsefal for anewering exsiination questions more or vill PREEACE TO SECOND EDITION Jess mechanically, but to provide the student with the full ‘grammatical equipment necessary for reading any Sanaait text with ease and exastuee. ‘The pretent edition has andergove s thorough revision sided by the experience often more yea teaching snd by the auggee- tous of pupila and others who have ased the fet edition. The improvements chiefly cassist of editions, which hive inereured ‘the size of the book by twenty-four pages. ‘An entiely new portion of the grammar are the three sections comprised in pages 159-168. The fast (182) deale with nominal stem formation, giving ax sscount of the primary snd secondary suze, and thor forming the student with structure of Sanuksit words than the fies edition supplied. Tn connexion with these sofixes a survey (183) ofthe rules of gender is added, ‘The tied new section (184) describes the formution of verhal compounds. ‘The most noticeable cave of exysnsion i otherwise to be found in the rules about the trentment of final deat w in Saudi these now give complete account (36, 40) of the changes undergone by that Teter. To the ascidence a faw new paradigass Inase been introduce, such as gran (go, 4), and additional forms bave been given, ax in the dificult secret of da, where (144.5) even mide forms, though not oveurving in that verb, are supplied as a model for other verbs presenting similar dilculties of euplonie combivation. Other improvements are {nteuled to facilitate the ute of the gramme. ‘Thos ia the lat of verbs (Appendix 1) abbreviations lave Been added to indicat the ‘yariaus forme which beginners have otherwise often fond dificlty in identifying, Agnin, the Senskrit Index bar been ‘made both aller and more explanatory (sea e.g. pra). A Aecidedly practical improvement is the substitution ofa brief synopsis ofthe subject-matter for an elaborate tale of contents At the beginuing, and the addition of « General Tndex atthe PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION x fend. All these extensions and changer will, ¥ feel sure, be ound to have considerably increased the practical value of the grammar both in matter end for, 'As inthe iret elition, the Look is transliterated thoughout, excepting the list of verbs (Appendix 1) and the syutetical examples at the end (180; 199-218). The system of trans- Iteration temaine the sume, boing that which is now most _gerally adopted in the West. This eystem (to he pronounced with 4 sjllabie veluc, as the v in French Chambre) to vepresent the weak grade ofthe spubles ar and ra "The inproramente appeating in this efition ae largely due tothe suggestions of former pupils of of friends. The gentlemen to whom T owe thanks for thei svice ave—Prof.E. J, Repson; De. Janie Morison; Me. M-L, Pasi, BA, of Bxetor College; Ms, Horace Hatt, M.A, Controller ofthe Univesity Press; and especialy MrT. Moir, LCS. of Wadham Collegeas wellas Dr. P. W, Thonn, Librarian ofthe India Offce. Mr. J.C. Pembrey, Hon. M.A. Oriental Reader of the University Press, bas read svith hie uoual eae the proof ofthis edition, whieh is separated Liyno lesan interval than sixty-four years fom the fst Sankait GGrutumnar which he (together with his father) corrected for the ees, that of Prof HAL, Wilson, in 2847. To Dr. A. B. Keith Taro ldeted for teading the proofs of this as well ws ofall the other books I have published since 1960. I must take thie ‘opportunity of thanking him not ouly for having red the proof ‘of the whole of my edie Grammar, but also for having passed reveralshects ofthat work through the press for me during my absence in India between September, rg07, end April, 1908. A. A, MACDONELL, toy Bassaune Roan, OxeoRs, aly, 19% INTRODUCTION BRIEF HISTORY OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR ‘Tua fist mpl to the atody of geammar in Ini was given ly thereigion motive of preverving ntact the sacred Vedi ext, the efacy of which was bliowd to rogune stenton to every Teton Thn aided Uy the grest tremepareny of the Sean Inogvge, the ansent Taian grammatina had by the fh cen fury me, arvved at sietie veeles Gnequaled by any other don af aniquty. Tei for instanes, tho distinctive weieve™ cut to Dave frog that words forthe mort par onset on {ine band of rots, anton the the of fixe, which hen com sed with the frien, maity Ue rade stayin aon te olde grammar tha has bon preervel is Pints, Tt already represnts «fully developed system, te author standing a the ed of long in of predaceaoe of whom ao fewer tha Sixty-four are mentioned hd tho porely grammatical worke of So whom, cing to the excellenes so omprabanaienee of Hin'woriy ave otis pesithed "Peni de commideratiy Tater than Yaska (probably aboot 500 8.0), whom be mestiony and beteen whom aod bimsll ffosl aoe of impish jrammarae fnew Ou he ‘abc hand, Papin ia much older than hie iterpreter Pata trho pray dats from the lato half ofthe aeoondceatary os tho tro ing separated by waster eminent gran . pune Pipi msl en the word yranda, wb Riyapan ‘Saplsinn a writing ofthe Vavanas' Ge Tacnas o Greeks}. Now W'ievnot otal Mkely that the Zodiane ehould have become seyuaited sith Grek writing before the invasion of Alexaader in'ger_mc Bat the uatives of the extreme nothewee, of Shon Pipi in all probably wan one, would nafarelly hove Treome tequsnted with i soon wfter that dates ‘They min, fowerer have grown familar with it lnfoesgratmatan Moai ake'a fleas to how to form from Yavanm, “Greek, WTRODUCTION si secant, Dake cpt ie sine gate ee ea ee oat thc ge oh et ane Ae oy ae sees ii ty cope fe game maps ot she te ih ya ln a li oem ck gr poet horton Shay eee eae ae el Se ery my om eae a See ee ee Fe a re a Pa edt eno Mea fe edgmenl f n e settee re eee oh be ar San Serotec scree nes pole ekg eerhed gtd ee See eee ne a oie nee eee oc Lika pia ney of tt oes oe eres sii usrRopverion application of this principle, Gngya satntsined eh if ale, “horse for instanee, were derived from a4, “fo eave not only swo everything that travele bw ealled ava, and everyting The nainel afer al ts artviie, but states of being (Pave) woul Tbe antecadeut to things (which ate presupposed ly hose stiles). ‘Puoini makes concession to Garage’ action by exshading sll word the derivation of whic ie iicult owing to their form ‘or meaning, as age, shove; go, cow. and purvia,"ma' Primary Nouns of thie kind ‘had beet tolleted before Piginis te in 2 "pial ist in which they were fen foeebly derived Srom vesbal ros hy means ofa nomber of special eufixes. The ist of those ralfxes being a, technically called wa the whole list of these formations received the mame of andi (beginning with 1’) Pani oferstoall ach words ws ondy-maie stems te formation of whieh doce not coveera hi, ‘The Ups Hist whieh Ponisi, bad befne him eurvives in a somewhat modified form, ae the Unidi Stra with the commentary (ities robs rm ie tsemth etary 4) of Ua ita" In its extant shaye this Sita contains some late words, fsich as dinara (Lat. denarius) » non which eauinat have sone no ase in Tilia mich belore 00 0. ‘The proper slet ef Panini’ grammar being derivation, he Aer not deal with phondtige as tue, bat only incidentally ae fafeting Word formation, or the eotination of words in a Sentenes. "He therefore dacs not give general rale of phonetic ‘hangs, Unt sizes his analyses, unlike thave of the Unidi Sato, ‘nove within the bounds of probity and are generally correct, Ueing in many eases eonfrned by comparative philology, he actully did Uisover several phonetic lews. "The most important tote was the interchange Of vowela with thee strong rates Suna sot ertaht (ep 17), hich Grito called laut and Sch comparative gimmie othe erga Tndo-Bropean Tnngaage he other great phonetic dnsoneries ofthe Indians tn cfaty boon ae by Bont preecemor, the ator of the erigial Prtakiyay the phone teases of the Vale sho Pea lo tate af the acents of words in drination and in the senteney bat with eytar in ur aca be Boe mde Devas owig to the sly of te satente i Sanka ryrropuerton, si ‘The govern plan of Poin?s wok i x fllown: Bask cone tains the tesa tro the goat aad it rae of intr prttion; idea with nouns ucomposion and ase ation; Titeachee bow axe ore to be atta to verbal nse yan ‘explain the same proces with eg oon soe; wand ‘i dearibe the geeent and phous chenges inthe formation of Moris, while vi trate of onde So a etenc. Thin goneal Tl fe however, constantly huterrupted hy tingle ult or by reves of oes which were adel by the aathor as a rect of Jroaresivegremnatical tee, or ansfred frm hee natral {enter to ther present position in rer economize words Tr foralating bie roles Pia! okes iis abn to exprese thom in'auaatinct a. genera a way au posse Tn thie be fcomialy goon t0 fae se to wat a goueral tle for single {Sees while ‘on the ther hand, he sometimes fails to callest ‘ST uaber of related pesomens sera sige ved “Incarsing ot the prineplestextremecomciaoene dominating is gran, Pani resort o various devi, euch aw elle of the verb the se ofthe cee nm spell Techical ene, ad the timlayment of hewding rule (editors) which most be upped ‘rks mone of sro rate ha flow, By such means {ole rule ean eften be expressed lyn single word. ‘Th the Slate zo teralyafcr a fot ot aly tents Hon oat thefollowing efixe are attachel-bativaleoas adlara extend: Ing it atuence (anuerts) over some geortbecquet aphoins “te pce Ot trol nese stay ape i te inven of tania tra Thove of Bane terme which axe zal words, whether hey describe the phenomenon, a8 anda, ‘Compound or expen eategory by an sxample as deg (or cow} uieral compo are probably all borewel fo pr Seceorn Buk tot of he ecb tern are abiray group floes reeombling algsbrl ymiolsOvly« few of thee ace Abbreviations of cto words oxi ndiatory leon from ‘thus! "Son f tem ere the esl of great deieratin, beg chia compodofeters rarely oouring nthe language. ‘hos {he later Fw taken on» snl ofthe pervona ends othe ‘vers combined witha serebal ¢ ie refers ton pray tes OF ‘ood, bt combined with» guttural tit denotes a sacondary {eta uF mond. lati at, of, mean present prec, siv INTRODUCTION fotucs, abjonctiv, ana imperative respectively; Za tel Imperfect avst and pote. ‘Bisnvs grnmar bevios with the alphatet arranged on acen- tide prisipon, To several of ite Lettre ia atte un tor canubana (ndieatorg eter by mens of which eam ba forme onrvenent contractions eed pratyara) designating diferent fqovpe af latrn Tae owes de stangel nts et ner Ly fo, af suse. Dy meane ofthe indleaory letter at the eh af fhe group, all the simple vores can be tepeesed Uy af, the imple vowels tether with Ue dpntbeng bys AB the last Instr i Soot is written a, the ent apbabet 5 = prened by the syne af (nich a i wo wiz to expres thy oy TndleatryTetters ae nso attached to se vote ‘ronda in order to pot to certain rules an applicatito them, Tis eidlng the memory o well ex promoting reity., Paginin work hae to appondiceyto-whih ister, One of thous the Dhatwptar or List of Verbal Roots" arunged According to conjugational sts, she mode of fufexon bain ‘Caprese Uy accents and indioatry lester, A.tsking fact abot {hls sllaction ent fits 900 soot (any of wish owe exer, merely variant of one farm) only best Boo have yet been ound in Sash iterate, wee ota By Vos vert ‘The second ppendie i the Gapapth, or “List of Words troupe’ Papin gives ules applica to the whe of group Ef reterrig to I Art word. "This collection, which sostana ‘ny words occuring in Vedic works ly, hos been Ise el preserved than the Dhate ata. "The Gxpas were mctrially Tijangl in the Gayo-atnasmafodads, or “Ocean of the Gena ‘ Woregioaprs« work compre by Vasshamana in 1340 4:0 Pini work very easy aquired « canoea! vase dha continued, Jon 000 yt, tobe the anand of sage fd the fonadation of grambateal studies fn Bansko. On Acovant of the frequent cbcurty of «work which sacrifice trary conridertin to brevity aticipts ston haga toe mu {2 coplin it; andy wth te advance of grammatical knowtedg, fecorvect end sopplientitevale, Among the cai serge, {thin Ko waa tbe formulation, by anowa author, of ruler of Interpretation (parti), which Papi mas sappored to have ‘ieee a lacs and which re enol by he au ixTRopUCTION cessor Katyipana, A collection of such ros was made in the sightoenthceutury by Nagoj-bhofta in his Parhagehdudebhara, or Meon-crest of Taterpreative Hae Next we have the Virttkas or "notes" (ftom opti “expla tion’), of Katyayana, on 1,245; oF nearly one-thindy of Papi ‘aploriaia” Tint grimmarian balonged tothe Deces al pro: Ibi lived inthe ehind eeutary xc. When Katyapana’s esti shows bits ta difer from Panini, an oversight n the pat of the Iatter ia urually to be nosed; but in extimating the extent of rach oversights, one should not lesve cat of account the fat tht tyiyann lived both Inter and in'a part of India far removed from thot of Pasi. Cuber gramarians nade sitallar notes 08 Piping both before and after Kitysyana subsequent to the Jailer’ time aro the numerous grammatical Kikie or coments in melee fom, All this critical work was elected by Patatjli in his extensive Malsbhdoya, of Great Commentary with many supplementary * ‘oles of lis own, His dlcuesons take the form of «Kind of Aialogue, and dea with 1713 rule of Panini. Patatjaa work probably dates, as has Veen said, fom the Inttor half of the Fecond century nc. The Malai in its tara was coin tented tpon in the seventh century by Dhartrbaet in his Vat Yyeretiya, ot 'Treatice on the Words in a Sentence’, which is Ectevened with the philosophy of gratamss, and Ly Kalyafa probably in the thirteenth eeatury. ‘About 650 4.0. was composed another commentary on Panini, the Kati Pry or “ Benases Compentary’, the fit five books being the work of Jayadity, the lat thece of Vamana.Bered conn dteriorated text of Pagini i contains sine error, bat has the merit of conciseness and Tucdieg. ‘Though mnuch shorter then the Malabhiaye, itis particulaly valuable ax the oldest ene mentary oa Pann nt explaine every Sat. ‘The exauples tat gives im lastation are an @ Tle, dctived fou olde iner= preter Such Dorvosring asa tn pretion; even Pat Jeli apeaks of stock examples us mdrdhsytta, o ernaceated {it "Sprinkled on the heal, ‘Tn the Bfteenth ceutary Ramscandrs endeavoured in his Pra- Iviyi-kavinds, or * Mooolight of Method’ to make Paaiut ‘Banmar more iutllglle by verranging ih matter in » more wi awrropucti0, recied wap, Tho SiddMntokoumedi, or ‘HTH Lanta (96 A 4), the al, sng. mace, ATRIT hint (33) or the ae. sng fon. TTT kanes (421 2) 4. Final Visarga, 49. Vises ithe spirnt to which the hard Rs and the oor responding soft Tr are reduced fm paved. Te flowed by 9 Inara letter— 1 pata, corral oF dont (Me, Weds Zh TMi Me, ‘Ay, it changed to the sililant (RLS Ly, Hs) ofthe ls fo ‘hich the following eter belongs ;—e.. ale C= BEE: pal candy the fll noon"; RT: APR = MT ‘ye a, the bank the iver? 2 gute or IML by LAD, Hp, ph, rene elaged:—e.g. ME OTE aa i, the loves TE “ETE ndith pram, "the oppose shor othe iver” ‘3-H remaae annoyed or ay De seit — c.g. BRE FWY: sopah ud or HAA the hile wleps ‘Raat WE: prthswah sors) oF WRATETA: prthanas srg, “hw teat 44. sug (xcpt wn picded by W aor WE) i followed ya oft letter (coon or vows) b changed to Fie safe aR = PETRA havi yam, “thie poet's ts ae enor esha,‘ ow wal, ATE ATA AT tithe windows? pio teste of Me bet ard atom 35 As 93 Br ‘This simian yn tnoshely thn ginal Sanh sade mpd Yy ae te ace ete phonetn 22 EXTERNAL cONSO: T SANDEE 11 ys, Cs) 2. The foal syllable WI sb drops ts Varga before vowels ‘rit consis: meg. ATE WAL WAT SAY oh ans, “those horses" WOO: ERR = WME EARL: Ti ray. the pont ave ariel ‘ “th oephants ar) Rls” RT FS AMR ns or of TEL, 002 2, The inal spllable ® ah— a drops te Via Detone vows except ‘SHAH: = YA WTA: ts Healy, abence cone Ww UG beh ho (5) he? we AE ‘af a rl, “wh (a) the poet? 2, bef soft comonante ant fone a, ose to afer vbich Wa ie eid @r e)s WME. BR ‘wurha e sito dipt, the np (has bs bon Bam: fA nau, fst. plo, wth minds AE ARS ATTA "this nan? (46. 7The fant syadies Wal and "WHE 3D, inthe few instances? IBaich the Vismgs sepesate sn etymlotol Es. are ot subject tothe exceytinal tle ated a 457 Tn eter wonds Web aa ME ah, reverting oy Sa and WT A, hi ese foo the genes ro (4). Thus $e WAR =GATCAR para, econ aqun's ATE ARSARTERRE tar di, "rte, iv WAT = ATCT Ava of, this door? AIYE flowed hy Tr i: avase droped» yoceling short Yoel ng engthene ee, FOYE CTA = Fy TA vis YATE pana’ TATE peta, ery! WATE sts th A ss Nance HAE sa, ay? AT ee, oor? ATE set's vests of one in En an RR pla, ether” (eo) sme fr cf versa Ep, ae TAT aga, 23 wn. ingen 6 I Sgr, aa 5! EXTERNAL CONSONANT SANDHT 33 lt, ‘the soon shins’s QR: GWA BAT TAR pont rei sl agin 48. The two pronouns WE sb, “hat? and (110.6), resin Vinge at the ead af senenco only, but come WY 20 and TH ao bere Wa 45.21): —ere marl ZaTA os ad ‘ho ges": BE URN TH ss Ta, ehat fd’; bat WHT =ATCAARL 0 “haat ye was”: BAT Et sab, he) dead? 49. 9%: hob, am ieguar contacted vocative (or Uhavas, se as an ateroctoe) of A Marat “sour hosoay,” dpe ita Veugn Uefore all vowels and sft consooanta:—e-e, WY Ears ETA Bo Ht, O Yond AL TATA BT ‘ho devah,'0 god's ut ate = ATTRA bls cht, 0 cutter? ‘4 The cane sole apie to the contacted roatve aE ‘ged (or Dhagoas) fom MAUR Magara, adorable on 0. Nona ening in ni € + (8) roti the Tr buf tho {Yo tee hme ATE + P= eine wa? ae RUC har (2%, ond BT ara indctnabl) eta their iste copied th a sb, Fond of ny” ARE avar-nai, ‘To of heaven” Doubling of Consonants, 51. ch tthe bgining of «word may lenge be doblad ater vowels, it mat bean aller a rho vowel nd fer tho omit Sand RT sje WH RETRY = A NTR ton chy “hy shade’; WY RETTAAA = WATTAAM fecdidayas, “he coves'y WU AAERM=AT FEET rb chi, Vet hin aot ct; bat SECNETAT tas or AERTRRTET tar cy,“ shade of nb tse’ 24 EXTERNAL CONSONANT SANDEE 11 32 44 Tn the body of « word the doubling takes pce aftr all vowel: CEP cst, "he wiser; WERE mlocbab,"harbarin.” 52. Flaal Et and Ma, preceded by « whort vowel and flowed by any vowel (or éiphthong), te outed; OTE, WG = MFT pratyait tte, “he ste wertman WHS UTAAT: ahvann af, 'a seaming bors"; bot EY, HIRT havin thvapaa, “eal the poets” remains, nital Anpieation. 58: Ital >, not flowed hy ard consnst, may tan tn pectin nay lege, angels the omapong opiate IW chats Ee 6) nd Ko) meg. CMA = aT fue eben, "hy a ee MT AH = MTR: ot hay erg are? au Tho same chnage allowed afer x, Soy tengh aot sully ep eee wk tan my coe TEM ‘leit, bude speci? 54 Ini, aftr itoring a proceding Hh Zt Us Is ehinged to tho sft splte ofthe pretng Iter, eg Tey A= ATATT vag hi, for speck" el FE = AAR to ahi “Ta that” 85- HR eb, ab, Lhe, or Eh ae atthe end af (edie!) syllable begioning with Why, & d, 3b, and lose ther aspiration te inl oF other, the inital cqnsonants are aspirated by way of eampensation? —e g. Bf dab, ‘a milk’ becomes Ym uk; BM bud, wie? beonnee BR hut. 7 hiss an Morel orvival ofthe original ital eption of och roa hasnt (ble a Grek ad Sake) Uy the option sf ‘Re ee up aw that rbd mle began nding ‘ihn ania nse a the Slaps dnapenol the tal tare "Op. Gh (=e hae gn. rate U5 INTERNAL SANDEE 25 1B. Internal Sandhi, 56. The rls of internal Send apply tothe finals of nominal tad verbal stems before all terminations of declension (excent ‘hose boglaning with consonants of the middle sem: 13.) and conjvgsion, before primary anes (18,2) and before secondary sullzes (182, 2) hegianing with vowel or Ws. ‘They ave best aegaled by leaning paras of novns and verb Sit, Many of there roles agrs with thne of external Sandi, the moat fmportant of tho which fer frm extemal Sandhi are here sel, Final Vowels, 57. To many cases for a yore! (and even the same om) Ci and Rise changed to Tig; Fuand Haw TH oes WF 0 TE (p18 and 30) eg. WA a Ti FFE dp. oe. singin Shout AEN i FA hos, enh BES: JOUER TAH yeyavb, “they have jin, PAA Foti TEAR eet, he eral 58. Final 9 F before covenant terminations i changed to erable Wy (ter a single cone sonaat) before Qy beoomes FEH (154.3);—evg: eave ee 3. sing ATER irate, eevllowed HUE stron, pat ss pt, “avallowed's pf, pa pres HR pate, fied*s put part, ga pros let"; BE ky pa. pres fara tytn! 59. Te, Wai, Eo Wan oe changed efor sufcs Yesinning with vowels or Ry to Way, WTRF. WALsr, Ae eaoctialy (245 2); e's THUH TR or acow's ME MTA mbes hips, emg, ‘rating to cor 26 INTERNAL CONSONANT SANDIT 11 go ‘Pinal Consonants, 60. The most notable divergence frm extenal Sand is the sebingealenees of the final consonants (ep. 32) of wmbal end ominal stems heir terminations beginning with vowels, semi- ovrels, and uaals (ile before other letters they usally follow the rules of estorual Sandi) ;—e.g. WTR priie-h, “eatarn'; RTE vara, let me apa’ WTR vaca, ‘to bo spoken, AF cao T speaks bat BFR vali, “horpeabs.” (61, Nominel or vert stems ending in consonants and flowed by terminations consisting of «single consonant, drop the tre rmination atgeter,tmo consonants uot Ie tlered at the tod of «word (28). ‘The fo eoneosnt which reais is then ‘rented according fo the oles of exterual Sandi ‘Thos + Rpts, nem. sng, “easter, Decomes WTR pid (he Ks ing vt dropped, the palatal tng changed to potaal by 2, and the MU bing then dropped by 28); similarly WENGE A adoh-gt= TAR aol (65), 5 sing. impet,"he mild? 62. Apleates flowed by any ters expt vores, sm sowels or nasa (6) Tose their aspiration e.g, CHS und dhve= A rand souatstret"s MEER abe yeu EY apap, sal tke bat GPU yud, iu ate” [ATURE Hobhyab, 9 be dose? 1 a ott bet he por ts on me. A sn fed (loa ao Hf, El Before the sso see RA wnt ad HA iooyas—og. TAGAAL vpn ns, scorpio’ hy igang” (riya), and AAT rere, cooing of cay? om Por Sanat tle to span sith at he Bexaning and aa these mle, rat the eal of ene and de bogining of m6 oF SANDEE a7 1. A Yost sft spite sf pons, town ack before By (aot FA ahi) Dh, Rs, ecsording to 55;—eg- MYR bd tae, you obser FAR WOMB, ist ploy IR wht 9, loc plur, but FTW dogathi sng. pe, “nike ‘, Botie i theowa frvardon a following ¢ and th, which aresofened e.g. MAC} abl tab: lA, taken; HEE sand shah = PRE rand. ahah," you two absent FL TPC anh tom = AYA hand-Ahm, "to Vind? 63, Palatals, a. Wile He regis become gota before consonants (ep. 61: 27; 6,1), Lj a sme ese (the majorly) comes ental (Hk Le) thers cerebral (& f By Re) — fg. BW whet," splen” om RL vue); GM paket, joined” (G0 YH yoi)s TA angen, “broken” Com RAL raj; ep bt T1R ra, nom, sng. king” (or TTACA Rj +8), BA wn 2, wipe! (bora Rr): NTR see, kingdom” (Grom TAG: 0.64) ', *Ushefore Wah theme teninatons (734) ana the nom. Hs, wsoaly Docmes & ¢ oF & A (cometines kot Hg); elire AA. With it almays Decumes Ws (cp. 6), en Before the Rs uf ‘he fare and of other eonayatinal forms, alae ®ki—e.g. toon FAP i! we get FER vit, “in theaters"; FAB vigets, *entead"; WERTEA vekegyni (67, "T shal enter.” ee ead M] (aot ML) polalie a following Mas—a.e. ATR MT yen STR He rogue”; OEM yj on UE ts, ‘surRoe"s Dat HH prams, “gestion.” * toeptin theo ofthe root MT dpc? which ha (sing tothe anlgy of) WAL dst before M+ and WL (8 alm, 134, hid ene, 2. FJ vgulary boomer WY tela x eojogtonl RACs 2444» 28 INTERNAL CONSONANT SANDET 11 6 4. The WE ch of tho rook A pach ‘ask i treated ke AU BE pens, ‘aokd RUT peak ni TS ek Hp 1s ‘question.’ (Tn external Band, Le. when fal and before nie terminations, becomes t) 64. Cerebralschangefolloving devia tocersbrals(o.39):— oy wished FF Avi aie!) REHEAT atin = ATR 0-in (op-33) "ot wn? Wl he cereal sits Rp regu Become arr (Gor a) in acest (p80) and elore Hah in conjgte Aion, it segulrty Dcomes HX Detne an Ms in conjugation (ep. 630 and 67)s BF doa, thou tet” fom FL Sin 165. Change of dental Mn to cerebral Wn: Apracelig cereal Wr Ei Tr. Ms oven though a vowel, stra abi, &s, My, Anu Serves) changes ‘deta Un (followed by «Towel of May FLm, Wy. Ly) to ceed oi ne RCTET W ' area at”; FIR Apap, “aban” (a vowel intervene); FU rth onm‘nouising” (Answvey,&b,vowe); WARY ken by the en" (steal and vowel) FREE pn “euowing'(Conslandait); WWTP, by lve (phon sob); UR bran, "hind to rabmins ve, Ini, vowels Ma lloned by 3); FU soa sete? (Mo feed by Ms, which eta anid to a) HORE yen, generally (vowel, Wy, rove). Bat SAME ace-anim," vray" (pt otervens)s RAT RE ade, pal nt trans A followed by 4) 5 TTAT simi, ace. pl, ‘the Rimes” (nm ist. 1165 INTERNAL CONSONANT SANDHT 29 ‘Note The number of intervening letersi will be sem fom the above examples, aot United. In the word TATE imiyapa fr instance, Bre letters (three vowels aia, aa temivorel) intervene botvoon tho € rand the Wp Table showing when Wa changes to Wo, {inept of itervening vowel, | change | followed by | gnttarae Gasuding 2), vows, Iubials Gueloting 7, a, ps aod Ansa Bh 66. A. Tin dental a— serine sebanged ee RL aad yng WA ane ae, “ine”; Lon, steching! aos Goal of a to becomes Amira bere RL ase “he wishes toll” (ER Lno}; he wl think wan); abo when ie insert beforeR(s ory inthe neuter plata (74; 83) eg, UMA Sa, wom. pl of OR gos, “mes Tuving net lof FP bis olen. B, The dental Rs— 1. becoutes deta @¢ the fl of ots ot seminal sens: — 4 before the Rs ofthe vet sues (Cate, aris, desidenn- tiv) in the to rots RE ves, “All and Why,” RFA rat syati, “il del (o51 7 3); WATER ce. city has vet” (144; FBTR iets, "wishes to et (708. 1, before the endinge wth ial 98h oF Rs a i the no, 3° INTERNAL CONSONANT SANDEE 11 6; ing. newt.) of vedaplinted perfect stem (8): PTF cskgeradsthiby TRE eakevats, NA. TR ak 2. Aisappeare— 4 etneen mutes;—e.g, WHOM sah (esata) 3 sing. savist of tj, sare’, WB cane (or cake vigil a--)3 ng. re. of Ack" spak.? ‘This lv ls acura shen the Prponition Ww i come youd i the ote WT, st” ot AL, “euport";—o.g° SATE wep," standing op ST setambbita, “red up 2 fino soft dents avg: WTP Sih (or death, ing Inport. of ATRL, “ont 's alo fertesnsng Raa cerebalring the following deta; eg, TEER Ahan (or astopalbean), 2 pl aon. of @ ty, "pabe? 67. Change of dental qs to cerebral ws Preseing vowels except oF TA (even thoogh Ameen Visa interven) 8 well ac AE and Tr, change dental Rs (lone by «vows, Ms, WI, Ma, Rms WSR) cereal peg gm RR sig sare “with large ars REA carpi, em, pls EY ani, Doe. pl (6p 43 as om RTA wB0 ATR wks, Do. ply “in sects’ tom FE gir: AY ie (8) le. pl, in pence feroft iiat, “sands,” fom RET oh, “staal rat Shaiya “wi be, fon BBG, “bey TAT sng, “he slot rons I sep, ‘secp's fom THR cogs: PHT colgupsan,possensingoys’s but FE: sp (ol) RT suas by med (a pecodee); PRA sissam, ‘dake nes" follon) Ti 69 INTERNAL coNsoNaT saxpit 3t Table showing when Ra chanzes to Ws. ata | dase Voncl exept Ae falowed ty | (invite ot itrvening | Re | vores Anunaror Vinee), | (THM | wom Te | Re [RET Note The rar about the changes of the dental Mn and Rs to the corresponding cerebral, shouldbe thoroughly aonvired, ‘nce these changes must constantly be made in dedeasion snd cexajngation. 68. The Labial Hm sanaine unchanged before Wr, Tr "HLL (op Go and g2 Bi) st before sivas begining with Ly itbecomes Mase WTAE Liw.yaly,"desiable’ ATH tha, “coppereslutedy WE an, sat; but SMT aga having gone” (om gu, “g0") 69. a, The (ot) breathing elie Re en in rote tioning with Yd, nore Ht, Re, WL slo ese ke Mah meg EAE oh in ee, thon est” (6); REF BAH Ash bref aakayt, ‘he wil barn” (65): RRM dak ttn = RTM agA, burs abs Fe GELIETARS aioe cont wy Shae lust ae the pr. pass pape ofthe roots TG ai ad in ono seuse, Hf uh: FATAL sug, ‘mat aad svg, ol? ‘Wl i ll other rots etree ikea eet cerebral, hich, after cheung flowing Me, Wb, Lab to Fd, ad lengthening prseding short woe, i dpe jeg. FE WihstoWte lhe, ‘licked’; GY +A moh pa yw 32 INTERNAL CONSONANT SANDHI III yo ihe, "infant Sina teted ane the roots Wr o Bsa, Bot with an apparent sxe in th vowel: a! “caied” (or WEA sab +a); AFR vodkom’, “to carry" (or WEL IR yah bom); ATRL sofbamt, "to ber? (Gor BEL Rott ‘exception to 5 inthe rst nah a hich ated 9 SUlk: A aaa, “Bova” An exon to bok « ant Bie te root WH dhs HB ap, fra” egng witht and as shrt vows CHAPTER UL DECLENSION 70. Dectessou, othe infesion of nowninal stems by means ‘of endings, is mest conveniently treated under the thes he of 1. nouns (inclnding adjectives); 2. numerals; 3, pronouns. Ta Sanat there are— 44 three genders: mista, Fomine, an neuter », three numbers: sogalar, dus, sul plurals 6 eight eases: nominative, wate, accusative, iastewe ‘mental, dative, ablative, genitive, locative "te elle Wy, wich Hale do Sampeatags (p11, mle, moomes °F abd ten ngtoe, * Hare Wo repreete the Tndodraian aj which flr core ‘rang and vpiing fhe flowing dil Buses, just mail 1 (Urogh 2)Bsomes oe ga RAYA sano: ep 45h 5 Dit eed of te ie gantry hich sot rpured by thm a cnet i convenient a hee freq by which sch cates as ae Mea in frm, ite ashe ‘Sagal th alo hepa, ay be gong agetie mp DECLENSION ‘7 The normal engo-endings allel to tho stom are the falowing:— strove Puves xe = wee a nas ove bee a reap af we wus Lo T= ‘4 "Tho vocative isthe sme (apart fom the aoont) as the nominative a aller xcept the maz. end fem sag. vowel toms generally and the mase, sng of consonnat stemsin Ia, a0 (op. 160) 38, ‘6 The nom. acs sing, net, bar the bare stem exzepting the words in =, which add Fem ‘6, The nom vor, asp. nou, Beloe the KL inert MU afte ‘vowel stem and before singletinal mate or sibilant of consonant am (mgifsing the Mn aeording to he clas ofthe cnsonant) ‘72. An importa distinction in declension (n stoma ending ia Ko, Hh Me, Hs, aud We) that between the strong sad the weak tes, 1 the stm ho tw frm, the trong sd the ‘weak stem ate distingoished; fit bas free forms, strong, idle, and woakont sre dsingished, 1. Shing of aceat wan the east of the distinction. The stem, having boon accented in the attong ces here nator | reserve tefl fra; butt wat shorteed In the weak eases | by the accent falling oa tho endings. Tora similar reason the Test vowel of the strong stem, if long, i regularly shortened ia en DECLESSION my the wostive, Benne the aoent slays sifted to the int ae fn that ca Nom, voe se. dual ‘Nom, vr (30 age) pee ‘Nom. oe. ac, plural only of neuter, 1 When the stem has tee forms, the mile stem appesre ‘wore terminations beginning With conaonant? (OBIT iy, FRR RU); th weak bf teranations ‘eginning witha vowel in the remaining weak ces} ratyéteas, nom, duals WORF pratyé-thib, i plus BAT: presi, ge. doa (9). ‘, Tn neutrs with three stems the nom, vo, ae, sog. ato side, the nom, woe ac. doa, weaeat:—e-g. MIR Tetydk, fing WAYS pate, dus, WMA prayer plo. (99). The other cates ate a in the maseline, Nouns. ‘TA. This declension may conveniently be divided into two awe 1. Stem ending i comonants?— ‘A unchangeable; B.ehangeble, * Bowing tho sem So Er (1s) nevtyal osae with changeable tem am ti fnew he win (20) + Teioprectaly mort convenient to ane changeable sem nthe antl fom, ane ie aso th fn In wih hey apear 2 oe ‘mar a composnda Sone grammars hie wih eho vowel dileawon Sa %@ (HA) lace hs conta da aj of al he dined tenn the ang m1 76 DECLENSION 35 ML, Stoms ending in yowslas—a, ia Wa end WS; B. io Ei and Sus Cin Ei and Ba; Dia Wy Ew al, Ro Tan, 1. A. Unchangeable Stems, 15 The nuber of thee stems is comparatively soa here being nose ending Sn guttral oF cereal sts, anf now i taste or cemiowel (except T1}- They are lable to nach ‘ngs only at are required ty the vos oP Sond bine the 3 taranations (ep. 16), Mascoines and feminines ‘ending in the sane consonsat are ialocted exasty alike; and ‘the nantes difer only in the no, vr, sor, dul nd. paral 7. The fal cononsnts ofthe stem retain ther orginal sowed Delore vonel terminations (72): but when there ia n0 ending (om. sing, the Ws ofthe mF bias dropped), and before the loc. yl. 54, they must be reduced to one of the letters %, EL At, LyorVisarga (27), which respectively become As, FI, Fa, Mh, or Ty, Beforw the terminations beginning with Be ‘a Tho Yee. sng. me the same asthe nom, excopt in stems sn (derivative) WAL a (3). ‘6 Forme af the nom. vo. ace, plana are extrmely rate in thie declension je. from SOTA -Uij,“abacng” OES UME; nom. nag. OT =Rba ‘But for pest avo pare peer to bin with te one sonnat doen, hich a he normal eng (0 witout toll ation; whe he wide devlaton ote wdelenson fr hae eninge Ie apt tonne ha bonne 6 con: SANT DECLENSION. IIT ‘Stems in Dentale. 71. aragonite”, cae ba? ag tan js chal Lo ¥egrewia} Afar di DAR otto HORE) ERT: bya a) G, [SER obra “FRR isdsin Le gehen fee: artes FRG nto 32) 44 To the partys of rogue noone with unchangeable sts twill be efiieat to remember the nom. sng. sot the nom. Inet. Toe. plara.g.from Pj, vomguoring” ofA sitab, oFaFa: ido, ofr ~ie-en + oom AT, “dorteovng!: SH mot, CHU: sata, RFR sd Voi, A xt; fom OM vl, “ineeasng: BA nt oF: spbesh, gf orth, RR et ‘Stems in Labial. 48. Only fo ending in Ep end Abb own, Thy oro Aesined ety ie GEG wiqtikenegn, ye ge aes gy nn." gunn afew” gop -eura ehhh Epon SPs, RL aE ABE ARG, region abup ako) Kuby, kakup-s0 my UNCHANGEADLE sTENS 37 Stems in Palatals, 79. The paisa (oe, Wi, LE) undergo a change of organ ‘when fas) and hefore cousouant terminations fp. 63). Xe mays becomes gutora (Ek or Me Wy aud *U nosey alnays ‘oso gtam, bot sometines etebal (2 ¢ or Ei As TE TE Teg ftageeckt othe ea se96 (67) Wome; WoR wefe wet: wey "Bod? bate toneas wh ee sw fda! rake raja reg hhh raga WaT ooeij, WATE WaT wai: ETT, mteorerlgn” —sanedy carey sami) same feu fee fen fefr fey ‘catia plat? AO aa digthih deg Fes, fez fam: fate: freq ‘sete’ vif iba SBD 1 Like TR ie are din toi? WR raf gh BE sre, ade; RR jal nym. *watersheing'). 1. Like HL ave dace HETIL Hs, prot” sucicng in stony FOP bai, we ‘merch AO hss“ physcan's Lam "gaudy ao ALS, stent oom. Be, 28 6 Like WHA sanraj i destined SFC pars, m. “neni” loud” it * St in arcane WAL ws are cangte 38 CONSONAND DECLENSION Mt 89 4, Like FES are declined MPL -de, “nosing? PH ars, “toga” (tthe end of compound) Stems in Cerebrals, Bo. ‘The only sersbral stem are those inthe iilant Ms, which i untarally changed to cerebral Zt or & d Fargo fe fi: fag fey mutevemy? — dsit dvips dvidebhsh vat Se ming season” prt plea patehdcbih pein Stems in Gh, BL Most of the few stems in change tht lettr when Ana for before consonant endings to a gotta, but (cp. 6) 8) in FRG i, ekg, i comes cob and in BATA vps-nah, "shoo" (et which Hele on"), desta: — FEE ah, oye ye cyfen oyy uilking? Abe duluth -dhog- bib. -dhukegu (62 we Fe ye OT dln desta -dhrog hi) Abreu ‘afer sfing: sfenfir: sfterg sik asia omg Uhh weer argferg madiutih, wn. of one: feng: oferzy, “ee? Chonyslcker’) lip li-ab HAN ian SOT opsaah, | STLOME: om: omy foo! opbnatonabah nai -axtou mmr 83 UNCHANGRARLE STEMS 9 Stems 82, The Tr lacomes Visage only when Sn, that i, i the non ng, oly, eewning Before the ofthe Loe. pl. (0) A precoting Xi or us lengthened when the Tr is fl oF followed by « consonant, Ur Wek, TE fL'deor? duly dvdr debi dvi gu (69) fata, freA AY ftvoice? ih gira BA ging wm, Eu ae foure" py porshpebhih Stems in Hs. 83, ‘These stems consiet slot ently of words formed with the derivative suis WR a6, TRL is, BRL sy chiefly neuters, ‘Tey lengthen their Sin vowel (before the sete maa in he nom, voe. Ae. Hut, not, ‘The masculines and frinines tay al uctive eompounds with thes stems as their Sal momber; the i NRE ss lengthen the "Qe in the now. sng Perstigme: BAR yafes, a "fame"; FR ha tion's ATRRLAp-ve a. il “ole Sisovear, NWA. OE far wy yea asi anh 1 ame feat waTt pet Towie-t (6) guest) "Aha aru stn noe esol le 40 CONSONANT DECLENSION 11 83 3 a NYA. Ua LD.Ab. TATA o-bhyain (45,2) havin-bhyam (44) i Gale fet: agit avin aur Puen. Nv.A. ae wate sarge ag (65,2) davies sym 1 aan: fata: argh yao aviebhi——ayeei Dab, Baa: fend: wae: pot shabisih eth 6 ere were Sry vee hee Gera Loy fa: o + sone Tite (62) Seb (ny 4. YoU co-wenws, av an aljectv, ‘chor! har in the | nom, sng. tase. TE sua (voce QAM: nana), bot oator YoU: suman (oot STAT argh nom. sng. al enter). Sinilaly "RAPER siias, my SAT wanes mn | anes of ser, and BL ua, fda” frm the nominaives i RFT: get, BHT: visa (eometines SAAT we aT, ud 18s, afi, "Masi eng (ike the ees in Gn in the oom, ng od Belreeomtnan: nom ing, Swit 2); pom, FATE i, is. TE, tos WARE Y SAD. 6. BT din, nam? i gute rogues om. sings BE dob, nom, dat QTY digs yh fat. QAR: dri, oe. BEY x dobem. CHANGEABLE STEMS " LB £84, oul chngee tone et inthe deta Ma. the pl! Mes those Sn ME end In WM a (sho WA, sats those in Mm end in an oo Amn, HMw) oe Ei (aso FHM min, FHM in): hase a RE oad Sa AL 3s (ogres) or HE vs (pert partie tive), those fn Re end in a, wk is yori nk weaning “to en? "Dh tems in Wt (5-8), TALin (EL sae 8) hae tno forms, srg ad weak; thos i WHat (90-92), RC a8), oF (9) ave tre, strong, mide and weakest (79) Changeable Stems, Woans with Two Stems, 85. 1. Stems in Wat comprise Present and Fatnre ‘Participlen (156) ative (ase, and nevt)®. ‘The strong stem in Wott, the wok in We 2; e.g. WER ad-aat and WEA wt, eating” fom HZ ao et — * Deseo with thee TAL bt fro the (weakened) rot ‘Sess, fore Preratrs ae 2 CONSONANT DROLENSION TIT 86 Mascon ie we ia EAT alse EAT ait] A Wem adatom WEA attaan [WME aie 1. wemaé ‘sef ata ti De WER adat-é jer ge or ss Pes es Le wef at REA Navren S.A Weadet wettat [Prefer ati] 4 MRLs, eat orginally a potent aril, forme it stong tem in St. ‘wafer: nahad-tuik [emt] Laem 86, The stems of the adjectives fonned with the eux al mat and AA vat, which mean "possessed of? “haviog Air from those in WAU solely in Ienthening the vowel ia the noms ge mats Be RAR agit, "tang (ocr) 0” (oe and est) "ho hot mh ign eg ah "Ont aon te in Son 9 ms CHANGEABLE STEMS 43 Nose. ofA eda pl SAT nae a OFT Asafa aetatam [em satay |v sft man | 1 om mat, 2. WAAR jcna-rat, ‘possased of knowledge” (mass, and seat)! ceo TATA joan A. STARA jon-vantam ‘4 HR hay when ued sth present partite of Db, “ee dsia tke WET aie ony he accent rain on he ft eplale throughout); ut when cane “your Henoui ie dene (on if derived th the vf vat) ike WTR ftinerat: no. AAT Mae, ac, HTT earn, Besos BU arin thee ale an ropa voe, (9) A Bho, “Se? contain fa older HR a). free ka," mich?" and TURES so ac ae theo deline he OTN tnt Ni fraTtigan pl Fe: Kw ferent kisntam [faa Kyat 87.2. Adjectives formed with the eulix Tia (mas. ad eat), which mean ‘pouesing? ate ery mumetoue. The ae Aeivativn fom oubtantives ia a; thos WH bl, tenet TRfeeE alia “strong” The stem of thee ors Wek ely ‘efor emnonats sn he or. as signa thet dope a fiat iit tho Mn. Ta the nom. sing mascy where (in all epalar tems) tho MU ie dropped, and in the nom. voc ae. new, nthe frnaton of the feoinne stem me 9. 4 CONSONANT DECLENSION 111 93 the i tengthoned;—a 2, UF dai," possesng wealth,” “ict — Masevtaa, No Wit ahead fort: dhantesb A. afer dbao-sin ‘afta dant, 1 UPR hans fT aang bii, ¥. URI atin, Nevran, S.A. Mt dh, ‘wa cuanfas Vs Phin or WF ahi, Stems fin and FHM in bea sata ening ond se etna i the save way, MFT manne vn, eM agin," age” (Con ATE as). TAMU, sm ord” lt having property) aed a x bsiaotve ol 88. g, Comparatives in €URtiyas (ua 9d aes)! fm their stong em ie RR floss. g. ETNA eau, vier? enmpantive of Fra, “hey Mascots Sater eae aitater erivinsa a mer asiienen (HR sea Veer etiyan aeTRT gars wef gaeyo-0ny 45, 2) Neores SANE ehsiga TETEAR choiyaes we reifa gare | * Om the matin feminine ten MH 8» CHANGEABLE STEMS. 45 Nouns with Three Stems, 89. 1. Pasticiples of the reduplicated perfect in ‘WR was misc, and nent)” for their strong stems wit TRL ips the sdale with WAL vat? the weakest with Bug (67> (e.g AAR cakyvas, "having done, from BE he, Mascosase, A. TATRA cay. vdeame [wenn sk 1 RT cakrsiet 1a af caked Newnan, N, SBUA kat HT tess "Shek Ree bsp aly Ye pte Ftc ene pote gan ne BATE Heng Scena ean 6 CONSONANT DECLENSION III go M90 CHANGEABLE STEMS, a7 sncopation ofthe Ws ofthe ssi optional, Ta the wiakest aes ayreope doce not take place when AA man and AML van te inmesintly preceded by a consonat 4, Tho i which sired etre the Evin nme ofthese erties dropped uo BH up: hos MFT th, oe MRT taste ‘The folowing examples of these stems ray bo ust (cp ‘Tha eomenrenceof thre consonant i her aided, thoogh 151) ot inate in single Wak. Hence "ATHY sna, bot vous. ron, ace, tana RUT tks-0-6, AUT mindhonak Faampls of the ferion of From Ths, aera aferate: wR: afer thee deme we viand” tasth-vdn tasth--vime-a ttt) tast-rid Bi 4 TIM son "hing 9 Roi, Fanta Fetata: forge: “Head? —nini-vin inves) niny-fe-a —nie-v4d-bhily { i NTT Hie Aono, HRM wyREaygE ayaa ATTA san “Wo! tabhterin tathowrhsash tabbOoraspa babendil Ve RRR on olan, fe Reais: AE Saitek? toserdn tended) tently tendered) 1 ow shac erat ati » When, SAAT, sfwaie: | YT: rite or CVF M rij-an-i | CTY rij-a—u “ain” joghm-i-vin jeghn-bvime-ah aghn-dea jaghn-i-v6d-bhip as ih ee 60” jagimexdn! jagam-vigash jgmt-ab —gamevid tid i i j 2. MTA afaman, 2." nine (Lal nome ee = ea ingn-bvke jagm- Sages thh NAW Ee | AWA what or » fagvia, faa? fae fags faafa: | ara nas sow? iden videviguah video videGd-U ‘ |v. wtatatna or | Soe [twee | td eat form th trong atm i An the weaken is MU, , ame the mide in a, Ta the mom. sing. mase, tho fnsl 7m is LWT atone | WTRATA nme thee TATA mona thi Apped. Tu the Toe sng, andthe nom. yo. a8 deal the eres : ae WTA sai 9 Om ei shang o Lm to We, ac 68. 2 Wit repaints : Torataemcansnaee 2 FRM lan, a. ‘orator” (AM anan ater comtonat)—~ oo) Reena 6) mich os TU brakeman 4 UTM rotan, stone! — J area erie [setts grab 2a. Ierogular Stems in Wan. 1 5. TUM pan, "pth has BRITA pat for ite steong stem, TE othe for its middle, ae TM. path for is weakest stems the nom. regal aldo Rs [x wer jaan UT patna | | xcewrmereatsnan ae tah 2 eT pated [fers uniciniy | "Ti i un tthe ft ha nth eater gn hw ad two seme the one WRT paws, ang N. WANT pb A, RETA psothtn th oboe, ARTA pthts, farming N. WT és, A. WRT pethinam, FR ac we fia | ces or WER Gomes [Le mar CHANGEABLE STEMS 49 2, EM Avan, da, takes HL sas os te mideston— 3. APU a,.dg ferm ite weket o, ARCEo th Sumpriona Otbervze is dosed ke TTC. Nt Ana] I dina (rs) cee be Hv, a" yout (Lat jason) orm ie weakart tom, BEL yan, by Samprasirape (yn) and contention (cf Lat, fiir) — YR sora Tye: save thil ‘Rie Vine ime XV. Ang al whe he word ae pr ane ox emosnd (rep in WEYTTR shri ay and igh eee Thea eign T 46 Beo TET ssa, “ayy day dare ese ga” "scala Gee irda 5e CONSONANT DECLENSION IIT 92 5. HU aaghs-van (i “bouatifa’}, ma name of a, hn forts its west stern, TEAL ach, by Saoprastrans od contraction — 1 99 CHANGEABLE STEMS st Se se nd the weakest in ENC Fe oF BE Ge accortng 0s Beto preceded by By oF} eg HAI pray cm nt “eek wetvand?— | — oo ware macasat | eee = |. srr azhi-vin-an [fA maskin [Reregpa aon owt nite Em mre nia aaa nash] ee eee (pas The ot Ubu” won oe a noua the ed of 1. wera pened [META sgt NPT 6g. a Smourd, fr the test pat follows the analogy of sos it Lh ptt Ls rage os | eran The strong ste is ACh (vith ong vowel in the Jom, sing ont), the mile hs, and the weakest Webi — 6 tn rslan-iller"— [s. mare NY MOTE be | | mma son 63) fF | x a 3 Adjectives in WH ae. (93. These words, the soix® of whi is getenly exproned gear? form the strong stom In Wate, the wide a Toros ows RTL ahaa ae alt wlio fue a naghifo gon META: ngha-vaah Pyne eneallnan of Ma (6) doo nat tak phos hes prbuby wean the gltaral ate ninety ese thence are propery eompone orne wth he et WH pecs abc an however, poten oped he character of is, [pretty BIR oye dewonaed? AB yyak A we WTC emyste, ght? AAP Samake WANT arnt free eyo,tranvene? Frag tieyck FAT Rin? EWG, “upward eq idak Cesc! ‘ontratin fr UU yns nd AR 0c regetey (ohieh oly ould be orien to WR aad AL He). The apyarentieel "belay soa ply dae We Se apie br Tlg Inter, bt extra a the onton of compounds he vowel erat the sen woud life th i ned to {he Seal worl ofthe ror ember: eg Epa, WAT * On the rutin ofthe finns 98 ptt Seals RRL ga a EF, hugh oy pte of tl, ya | 52 CONSONANT DECLENSION TIT 94 Seno Sr. Mioux Sm Weante Sr WHE anv toy “flowing? Was WTR oe FE ipa, al pervading” FRR visv-ake FA vsie 2b, ETL parton ave HAE pee, "oven "ester, nnd ATR te, downenr "soutben” have nly eno tens WTA pie, HTL pite aad ATRL Gre for th sro WRT pide, TR pe and WATRL soe fr the weak — [Ri wre pia Gy _ATeE pice ATER prism | ATH: prea arfea: prig-bti arg regs (94. The beginner will indi useful to remember the following point with regard to changeable steme:— 1 The vowel ofthe sufi i Tengtene i the nom sing, nae except in eens a WAU and AE aes AFR TAT wt; MET ssp TATA card CraT os, MAT take, AT yer: WAY dba, TTA sigemi, AM mannsrts Yat WEA alba, WATE pty. 2, The om. sng mes. end in anal in al changeable stems exopt thous fa a (WR ao, FAL a, FH sa0, Kn, FHM ni, Fre rin, wich drop 1 Al changosble tes which lengthen the voxel athe nom. sing: ae kee i shor a the ya, ad ala sai the SU ofthe stem 2. WEAR diem, TAM jinn 5 met sivas WHAM ktevan; TI ra, MUA ona, BML seve; AAS ds, TATA es, MEM, saa vi, me CHANGEABLE STEMS 53 a Inather changeale stm the veative dirs from the nom. ely in almaye Baving the accent on the Sst epable: WM fia, vor a0, now.s TU pra, voc, pray, nom (95 The feminines of nouns with changeable stems are formed by aiding © to the weak stem (when there are two tums) ofthe weakest (when there are three), and follow the Sete of MRE nad (10) souls wee 7 2 age anes en Dente, WIMART in Sen, TERA anv; PETRA sion THRE mT akin, nne; cake TTR ea yuen ) eA shai (‘kiling’); WAVY pratt ws Tho fomiie af he presontpesticigte active oh sunt contin (25) ple foe sing en Watts at othe ec eon em he renee attics e ead thseanty, bog! Sr awe neae aaa een San ‘steing ht QR iho, cia? EY foabat tae Beton rosng: AY "une or on ting” 1 The enfin he sine orp te as famed the et prot he cnt MEER tot feta tent oe? The few adjectives in WHevam frm i fniinen fn REY ror ATI pcan (wi), BTA psa 2 nut AeA saat Sn AL Uara, "your Honsae” (36). *1C the veal ne, however, ead i aseted aime. tad harngG he wen fr may optima be taken when the Ks eesne she cons: RAT cas, PTA sven st COROSANT DECLENSION 11 9s a eee gute yoettoe Guat yo Irregular Nouns with Changeable Btoms, 96. 19K ap, F water? which is almaye plaral, lengthens its Wa in the strong cases (N.V,) and subuitates Ue for Rp Detore Hb [Roweia) Aweea whe ih Ly op 2. TARE and ‘ah bas three stome: the last slab is lengthened in the tro, stor, WATT snag, and shortened by Samprasiraa inthe weakest, WER anad-ah, aod in the mide EAL scat (Gsaiiated, for WR emai: cp-27)- The now. and voc. sce irvogulary formed, af fom a som in WPL vat, su. ox” (it “cartdiawer? from ans ere, ena 1 @ngeT aafait 1 gf ana 3. RL yma." as, eo forme, boing lengthened in the strung stem co GTR duns, sbortened by eyacope ia the moakose to GR puns, acd in the mide to GRE pum (wich nocesay lies of the He: ep. 28 and 64) r L 1 Probly an old compound, withthe cond par of which the Tat sat, any eal. hilo; IRREGULAR CHANGEABLE STEMS 55 = SeRP pate eg) NY ga ps FAR pean HEA psemeam II, Stems ending in Vowels 7. A. Btoms in Wa (mas. nut) and WAY (em.);— woe RTAT hin-o', “Beloved” (pust participle of FR kam, Te poe [ee oot | erro [x Semmes | ove )— Sisaeuan NS. RRE Mote ATE TAT i ——— 4 co 1 ara tena? ATARET kanya? ». wrerticndiya, Tam kanya? a TWAT AGoide | RTT bine 6. STAT kintseya? —-NTMTRT: baat yah cs TA Ato eraTET att yim v are tint ara kaniet VWWeeGh ony or Kat oy em WTSACk a Lam 2 curtain actives nay, WT 8, WAL Slow the proseinal selnln 110) he teas vigils came he pron dodention ns) "Ths tarmition eprom inthe Lat 9 fr 5g, Onl Insp) ned in he Gk (Ch) ne ae hen "i rnin nee ae rd te Inne of ho foe twig 92)7e- gad, ada spn 10), "The vos of WT a ster ie Waa. 56 ‘VOWEL DECLENSION 11198 Dean, NAN, Wait iota BT kinto ATA kante pln nines tent LD.Ab, BTRTTETA int bm ou. waren: ksnte yo NV. RATT: Kanth ATANTPA Acad * TAT br ALTRI kintin! UTR kilt ATOR ht 1. wr hiotain? ‘aremfit: kan. bay DAD, TARA: ATATTET kant Bsa 6. STITT kinetin? STA batten 1. Te into TITY kts 98. B. Stems in Ciand S * pure’: AE weg ol soe os ne) xogfe wo me fay foot meh ane rd acgfen afm afe ae HER FE Hicem Het fei plo mdi ae 1 afer get fist afer get ga ET Tiina mins pied melons (op 36 B, fot oot 1), Goth nm 7 Dw 0 th Hnfoeso of the stm fn SAL an: ATATEW shi, TATA seat, Thi eratin i yrvaed in rsh Ge dativn a fas smeus IN A, A, 1, 57 at ae et z cts) Erol! fine lds mpi! mine cis ple pda eet Bite ea vat owe oa ae me m tice face atta mala Dean savage opt ost gg ag agit Tr Bs Ba Be ven LD.Ab, BAHT ei-thytn PRAT ebay fet: at: att Zicimob mple-6) murlv6h lt Put atte gee: ‘ Aiciat mplaw-ab toneah mien feoni rida wndh myidand Fe my FEU wrlsdhya FETA writ Sq rds soamaloe ending tang the Vr vowel ef wot ode Se | 38 VOWEL DECLENSION 1M 99 a Senlerajtive (nt anatase) maybe deine thong ont (seep BLV.A, of all somber), and fe ajctien and fabsaniverin the D-ABG.L sing Hike mascines Thus the Te sng of Uma tong” fe RTC wat or MAE téu, but WTAE vari, w.‘ water,’ only TFTA varini. The vor. sig of sutra may opti flow tho mass. form ese, TPE or ATR dee FRY wor UR no. The feminine of adjectives in 0 ls wonetines ano fored by adding € f;—2.g. WA tous or APR tans, thin; 1 ca or YY lage gs Be ths, "brod? BRT pb," bea) eat.” Erregularition. 99.» WF pt (Gk, a, “asband in regular fa th we ats of he gue TWAT ppd, D. WA py $0.6. py, Le UY pean, Whe ns “Lr,” or cre the end of compo, raga ie BF a). ‘The fem. is WAY pani, ‘wits? (Gk. nérma). 2 FEE kien be hate negli, tin ion hw trong ten fom with Wb, TEL kay No WQY subd, A. WUTER sky, 1 MAT sity, . Ba eithy-e, Ab. We ashy, 1. WOR kya, V. W@ cdkhe; du, NAV, Wee sdkhdy-an; pl. N.Y. (MUTE: sdkhay-ab, A. WAM sékbin. At the end of compounds safe sth ergs Inthe wen co, bat staan the ten Ware hy in sho strong. Tho fn. ts WA sak 2 Tho nesters WAR de “ep! FA St, “Done” af hi, ands? kc, "high? or their woke can from tem in a CAMs, eke ATM sa) -— 7 Tir snmalareliag spar be ef he nce 5G in me flay a Ee TOE ps 1 co TRREGULAR STEMS INT AND U 59 NAY fe ae, feat pi wet esi Aisin alsin Lowe safer, ‘wfefi: skevd Agi bayein akgeip a. wea: weit rary asp akg akypeia 4 Yrs, 6 sky” (orginally di, weak grade of BY ayo 03a), retains this stm Before consonant teriaatone (taki ‘Vedabt in the NV, sing.) but changes it wo FW div before vowel WE yh (Zeiemaies) NAHE dah BARA dros SARE diva Abi Diab. SPE drab 6, fare divin L gy dyin 1 fat is (ara ¥. ie dydmen? (20) 100, ©. Staoe in ET ad Bo (fom), acing a shey sro monosylahi or payolaie, show vations difeences of ines: 1 Monel stems change Er and BU to Ri and Rsv ‘etre vowel tho pias seas to Wy and x. 2. Monosabis stems have the norms! tension (71) Ahroogbot: they aay fake the spec einne terminations (tL -, n)', pgelabie vies mast 1 Th nm, wih wert wile he Gra a th opr vg {Tho trata ecel fn She plate so Ia Ko exgialy yp, wi wa ed wt he sro ating We tnd ‘SEL oe to Byes and UTR -3e, ad he To, wth a ceding SA (tna oa TR 60 VOWEL DRCLENSION 11 120 M100 STEMS IN T AND & or 2 Moneylabie stems uy the now, (which Inks 0, py buat. cote ame shorten the K Tend 8 of the nom, by the yrctnh gt er roe. ng. Quiyan Uadeas—nadyan adhe 4: Pi em in ES bce uo i sms oan i TWh TT, cxoapt SBR ls, es of prosperity” MRR tau, veviydin bboydm —nadlcbiysen_ vada “ving? and optionally PREY tod "aah? Sea : ca. fad at wit a: 6 lsh wats form the ac. saga Rim and En, ee aes ‘the sec. pl fn ER ie and BRL, Oe ree ere SivoutaR, PuoRaL. Stem abs, ahs, | HE nad AY rads, NVA fo BRON “ought Heath? ‘rter* ‘woman? Ahiyad Bisa alga vad tp wri Nom Ameo | ay wy mata vad valid A fara gah a 1a: ayfit Qhipam | Bhévam watibn aust vat) 1 fet at ~— p.ab, Sta: aig hurd sade ae ania p.fae gt 3a 6, Fara, ips thane rade bib SS. Ab, farsa wa q = rm - ira sated SoS 1 fafa af war ahiyS Mh dye vaya? 2A str f woman, though monosylabic, bas most of the viafe 4 ‘characteristics of polysyllabe stems in 1 (100, 2g): it twat maa vido taketh pei fe, tcmintons it shuren its lathe vor | Feces aera it has no %s in the nom,, and has au optional ace. sing. in TA im | eee aE OTT and acc pln Riehl dons doe to is eigialy ‘ dadlns (9) te tothe iabaene he plea dela, having Boon diseplabe 62 VOWEL DRCLENSION NA ant NY, FTE: str 1, {ere spam {Fam tt OS tet suet eit wet 1. fearar tiv 1 eit: cet, D. fet sri An, fle: str fle stein v. fer sue 1 hg wat Dual. N.V.A. FAR stcfy-au, T.D.Ad. BATA ati bhyhm, GL, FE suy-6b. TOL. D, Stems in "Wy (ease, end fom), which in origin are consonant sem in WE -at, are closely anslogoss fn thelr oclonsion to tome jn WAL-an (99). Those nowne mostly end in the ls 3 tr Ge ta, GR 9p -rap, Latin). They de tinguish a ottong stom AE tar or ATE stir, a middle J a and a weakest tr, Tho infeson of mass. and fen, dine in ae. plu. only. Jn the strong sem the names of rlaton fake the Gupa form (ar), the sams of agents take the Va frm), "The sing. gent foes in FE us tho loo in WAC a the vor Jn WE ar: the pl. aces nase. in ER Fe, form. fa EAL, the on. iu CUT Stom BY Unf, m. giver" (ar, dtr) ‘Ferg pit ( wes) (ar, mtr) he mare va. father” ATG mth mother" te means, sworn [eemaa) [femme | [armreciian!) | femetsdees | | AImeRutscan mat 1 STAT ae frm ied ATT mtd Digan FUR pine AR matee anoceraeanés FAN ieke TE ke Le era it Ye RTAE ier (89) “tren TOAD TTA bis ATA AP 6.1.77 atch Aer aa Tara aarti | D.Ab RTE: dob | 6, IFAT RAPE yeni (eo) ATMA mtb FRE par (F-pter) AAT mata are) Dost. re nT] FOR: pte ATA sesh Puvma [fees pan | fap vita ea fess) Gs 6 VOWEL DECLENSION 1 toe 4 nity and a Mar, thoogh mas of tlaions, foe Yow TY Ab, tklog the Vet fro inthe strong stem ac. Sing, MATER ndptéxan, ATER adam lao WE aan, {'sior"s as, sing, BFRTER eran, Dt ace ph. BOE sib ‘Yn. ‘ian (Gk, dei, takes the Gaps frm jn tho aurong sts the gon. ple FUT orpkn oe wall as OTR fin the T-D.ARG. sing. rot fn in clic Skit (but tho Dt Gn the Rigwota are RE ake, AE nhs) — S.A, AER aian, Le MAE adel (Bp Gk. dps). VIATG dea (Bp. Gke dine), A. IPC, Le FRE of-thi, Lg 6, YE broth mack” (it. glen", sustiates w Laos i ho middle ome N. pl WET: kroetieab, Le Brg kaon. 4. Stone in i decline in th mete, wold bo inetd ike the nent. of YF foci: NA sing, UTI Aan, da. TAY ausohgt pl TAFE Ahy ay Hn. ATT athe yh ‘arf: ahatb ©, Feminine gout nouns ar formed fom masculine in Yer by the auMls ET: mass, Tg Sih fom. TA Ae, giver” eclne tke Qt nai). E Stems in Vas, Wo, a 102, The only toms in diphthongs aro ri, m. “wealth? hao. bl, ow? RA so, fay? and AT un, fei? rai hangs the i of the diptong to Wy be ‘ot drop it belie congnants Tg, th trong ees takes and esomes Eo, which is shorten oT ein che acvsing and pl The ab, gon has a contracted fore ot 8) rorele, 1x02 stu. IN DrorrEHoNGs 65 ‘These toms form a transition been the consonant and vowel Aoclonsion: they agree withthe former im taking the normal ndings: with the liter ia adding Rs im the nom sng. aad in showing a vowel before eninge with fill comionsnt>— Sixouran, RYT a at: An (Lat res) cheb (SoH) ngsrh (td) ATER ar rT tran thm (8) ahem (474) Lown a oat wy Fork ated v.wa ae me iy (85) gv nd Abo. TE od ara iy oh avi (pe) fe nf eto sv en) Duan. anit anit etv-as bean ED.D TRL eae, ear riebhglan géthsim ——aaacblyd, GL Tr: aod ait: Hips siv-ob iv, Promate ae stay pee) ad oh net (Fo) 6 VOWEL, DROLENSION 11 r05, ahr: ifn: 6h nobis) ad se: us) gé-Wyuh nabs 1 rar fv-tn (Bon) nvan (Fé) ny se ses (pai) 8, Bayo, ‘shy dalined ike Wyo; he mom. sing. is the same as that of J dy (99,4); fu the doa! and ler the strong forme lone ooeues—N. MY: drab (2), A TR adn (Lat diem), D. WF ag6e-e, A0.G. RAE dy6b, Le RAT aya: Deal N.A. STAT, N, pl TE dyed. Degrees of Comparison. 103, 1. The necondasy suis of th compentive A tara (herp) and hat of the eperating * noe (a m6) fo edd to th weak ot sd stom of desiaive actives (cad even euetntiven ag FR fet: PE BFA foie; HT pres ITE pietcy, TW pk toma; FE dhanin: WFFAT dhani-tars, WAHT dhani-tema; Fa videas: FATA deat, FTAA viva, Diya: RANT patel, ANA praia ‘2 These fae form treme a TE; bat Mts, sented an ordinal uli, mst fe. fn 8 (ep 107. 2 The primary cue of the compartive, CR pa (Gk say Dao and ofthe operative, nia (GE. are ‘ed to the ot, which general taken Gg (ni cent) Before thom every word mest be reduced to one sylable By Stopping eullaen;—e.g. ‘WHY don, "minute’: UTR kas, a TIT 10; DEGREES OF ComPAnrsoN 6 Are vias IF eo, heany"s TRL eivins, MACE sinha, lags, ig”: RPE espa, ST Lge Fn (Gk. 2Riqvoren) FE er, fa": ATR digas 2 RR vis, “beter, BR kya “nan”: STEYR, keynes BML yea, young? ANT radia plble: GY digh-6 ‘Jong’: TTR diggs Spe eis eran ee te Tn vome css BRC itched (intend of EU ecg TER dey, “aupein? EW iyi (cnt BRT v8) AA thdsys, ‘more! APAW diya (ont I Us); AR préyes, “dearer! HE prea (rot HR pi) BU "ete (Gk pin, BO ee TE sth, “fim ‘, Some comparative aa soperatve belong oy in ens to Ahetrestives; eg MEME wees, MWA, “neres,” to SRN sok, “ene”; AEE pay Tee inna “Teast? to WO pe, “aml” AW veya “ott, FR vere, “old.” to IH vrldh, ‘oll? NUMERALS, 104. Cardinals, 14 Wea, 4B MIE catie(quatso). 2 Rane 5 WWE pita esr), 38 FH tt (Gk ror, Eat} 6 & Wein (on). 8) | 5 9 aptoa ens "By aman fr ginal AM ge Oh pi Lak * An ret menber ofa compoond fave cc NUMERALS TH v4 8 WE ans (Gers), | 30.30 Fare trimait, 9 @ FF ndva (nove). 39 8@ WAFS ndva-teip- wae emuaim. | pi eaa Waren aba, | reef toa 19 REM baa! Go cn ‘na, 1599 THE trdgo-dain’ 15 94 TWH patent, 16.96 WreT sia”, 17 98 BART apts. 18.qe-WeTaManhds. | 50 19. 9@ WHET nivetate, | 60 wrafeaft ina-vim-| 70 ia, © 20 20 fitafa viméats(viginti). | 82 24 98 WARERTA cknsinsai. | go 228 TIA avi-ninsati | 96 23 2g TafeaTA udyo-vin- 100 28 ge werfimf® oy-vin- 29 3 waffA ise-vin~ waft sas. | 45) Bory tong oda (op ‘Gabi for ots es), ae | 14 98 gS estar [ Ye mawerfemtns: { goo werfemt cana simice! catvtrindt ‘UTA Snap Yo WENT peters Eo Whe anes, “80 waft spot Fo wtf ait ke Bia dvy-ait. eo wate mcs 6 WHAEA sy-ysva. 900 HAREatim(centam), 909 THN cata, ventas we oi. iam tem 903 feHTAM Avian wife WAR acy. sui fata, p89 ft ace 2). ia, ke id Tit roy ‘NUMERALS 6 103 409 FAM ir-datom. | 300 300 Hfte waTEA sia safe WAR ty atti. ata ata, eM Hist. 10 990 TMNT ainis-|sooo 9000 MWAH dasa ta. at ‘arf aR a AURA shia, hatika iat, | to,000 Flak 00 900 WH inet. | tn.00 FRACS fermm iviatien. | soeon000 WE bi (rm) a To ordartofonn the numbers frm 20100 mat enumerated ovo, it is only neces to Temmber tat 2,3, and 8 are RT AME (ia) TE tap (pi, aad ET ao (ard) Yaar 20 and 30 (RTFM dvintriméat, TEAM triyas-trimnint, WET fea attr), and EO, Hr, Ease betco Bo: Neth forme aay be uel wih 4, 56,70, 8 go ‘The alteratve deviations of 1, 25; 8. ae formed wih the ol pst pile Me, "minha e.g. HE ener ivenky diminished (by one)? Dy praising the wccenry cli fo thin parte, other alternative may be ord ;—o.g. SEMFANAtxy-dau-trinia, “thirty diminished by three beat «Similar alters to tor, 102, ac fel by menos fb aljeative FURR, sceding? oe e.g [ATA y-atka fat, a Monde ence hy tua? 4. he diterace of sono in FRA Avian, FATT, tehdaam, ee only toe dnguabed by the ate, these compounds meaning 102, 103, ey when ascend onthe fet reaber, bat 20,360, when arene a he It e DECLENSION OF CARDINALS 11 ios, Declonsion of Cardinals. 105. Only tho fst fur canals distinguish the gender. 1 THE dha, WT ck, WR cha, flowing the dotension of ‘the pronomaladjesives, i ete ik arta (1208), 2. des, “tno in doin ike the dal of RETRY Anta Nake m. WE avin, 6H de, wR ave; LD.AD, ARTA del yim, G.b. UNE dvey-b 3 Ft tin the mas ao nou, it dacined lke the plead of PRs, excopt inthe gon, which i formed a if oma ‘rapa (th reglar frm MYRTTECAn-e it oun the Rive). es fo stem i FAME tithe Unfloson of which dies In the N/A.G. trom that ofthe regular strain “4 NE cals, fou, fn the mae, and nest, bm the strong som SATE card (ep. qtr). The Gol thowgh the stom ces ina cots, insta Un hee the eng (ike W& we ‘The feminine stom is AE citas, which i infected exactly Tice fe i Swe Se fre WaT Wee eee Aca thoi thd atvheat catvhes task, AU Rte fre ge wane wre: tein teint tise catair-aly _cotvde-i citesrah 1 fatenfrefae: gti wnat tecthty tg catérbhih cats ih Daas fia fires: spi ame: aisha tapByah entra etta-bbab rr fret aim area trapighon epoin(e.tor2) eatin cpg fry freq “ai wey twig (race) Gra catirgy atta MM req DECLENSION OF CARDINALS n 106. 4. Wai “sc? s NAL ay (a), LAR ti, Ab BRE dh, 6. MAT agen (6), TER mh a tn, “ive is deine ike str bn RCo 50,2) escpt in the gen, where i follow TRU kSata:—NCA. nen, TWAT: yaleA tM, D.Ab, WA: pat hye, 6 BATHTA patch ni, Le UY rach ‘Tho omer for 710 ar delned in exactly the ase way. ee ant, however ba ako the fllovingalenntive (cet) forme:—N.A, WEY aston, 1. WETLM: astd-bhith, D.Ab, WET bh, LET a", Th cra 0 19 are ated as plarl adjectives, agrvog sth thor uteantives in aunber and case (3 end yin gender She), The crn frm 20 099 (chat feminine} nl fe MMi ad AEs, ae aed ae sng be Aaatves th aceompanyngaubtantv being ether in the sme fase or in the genes. A RTA: or TARA, “ato duit oF disney," with «handed female slaves” Odina 107. The ortnals om ft” to tenth ae formed with coe ter: Wa (wg Mm ye Ep, Cre combisatn of the ist ith he scnd ad fut (A -wa, WE tiya); those from ‘cleventh’ to *ninoteenth * bavi sae for th cri ceing th inex ‘Wrest bang f wen) ve he fom tenth hae ite anette arin or he ala aa 1 WBF anda and WHT agi (rd La, ot Gti hia ld ua tay ening probably he Uo tea” (perapewith rte ‘2th tng a he te baa p OnDINALS U7 to it The feminine of all but “Srl” to “fourth” ie farmed with €i. ope taper dae Pos iolihens sod fata: avian, 6 a | °° URiapaicrimisctamst, (oman leds. | (eFunds at BAT: trab, 8 (Lat. | jor} emTFTATR atv tert. iebtemeh, ao apm smenan.tée | gra yan. rapres quarto); | seth MTT: pata tn e torhab, Ctr | (ancy. Be a a 8 ME i or 6 |g guN a. pau ARON apt mab th ee et a wef a) c 800 WERE anes Lema: cts ptt th SPURT: maven, | Soth WARY: atitanh. oth SIR: -ndly (desi | {— eke me) sunt] toa. ih UATE: cada erat: ib oth {THST moves. goth AAFP: navatisama, 98 Sea nk Cara chs ara Feta vindat. 91 { tictamab. i. ws rem: ‘virpiuti-ta~ TAMIA: eka-naratay. unl rooth WAR: fata-tama. Tito) NUMERAL, DERIVATIVES. 2B ‘Numeral Adverbs and other Derivatives 108, a, Multiplicative adverbs:— ABA skit, one" (it ‘ooe waking’) FH: dv,“ twie? (Gk, Be Lat bis): FRE tue, “thrice (Gk. eps, Ltt); Fea, four tines” (or cats); BRIBE yates eth, Sve ies" (li Bve makings" ZHAT sot-krih, “sc times” e. fie Ov FUT ved in wo way; FUT dor ‘AT to db, in three ways? YUM eaturah, “in four ways AUT pated, in ee wage; YET sod “a six wae (p04 oan): BRMT ep 'n seen ai, in eight wages &e. 6 Distributive adverbs UNM chai vigly's fA: aria, in pty PRE, ts he WE ath, iy fee's eo <4. Agarogative nouns WW doe aj vol a." pelt p NU yay ney ny ff ad rhage, a “erin; EM opts, ajo a tad WWE patentee "fei EME eta hls opady ENAT May, tefl; 1. "devale”; Be. PROwOUNE. 109. A, Personal Pronouns. Stem (in comporiion) AZ — Stam (in eompositin) WE mad (sng) and OE toad (ing) oad Tg sea (put) yma (ae) Simovsan, NNN, Rete, “oa! ALATA mim, ‘ne? I I, “thes! iW PERSONAL PRONOUNS 11 109 Te RAT ny, by RUT toby by hee" D. RETR hyoin(nihi)come” PRA (ito thee AB. wa, rom me” AZ Hd, from theo” 6. mina,“ of me? A tava," of ee? Lime iyi, “in me ‘afet eve, "in the’ Dear NAMATGoin, "we or us vo" ATL Hea se oF you tno” LD.AB.RADATA Svk-bhyim, “hy, YATATAL yovkethyaa, “ts, to, orfevmn us two" fom you two" GALA svi of oF in GAT pareja, “of or in yon Pont. aR," Eun yet Smee, ns? gaan, you" wf wands, “hs wet GRATE yur i, “hy 300” DOT so yom ow FOAL on gem," 300" ARATE asd on wa? TRS yu, tem you? CORTE ore, "of 6" TATA yasoen?, oy LTR sa, "iwe? ERT yom, oo? Saad fon gat EAE ye by he sete 0 | "Pow are prope not geiive al, but nestor sigur of pomen ap todaing ogg obi et { ‘your’ which have cume to be aed as genitive. Similarly in Gertoan, PU etic qoscnn man dey treme tbe Sle st pa roan oo qin ‘DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS 18 ‘a. Tho folloning exsecented frma, which aro uot allowed at {he boginning of «suntence, ate ako sed: Sing A. AT ma, IT Fea: DLG.H me (om), Mee (ra). Dual. 4.0.6. #Y nau (GE. 9), [ATM vin, Pl. A.D.G. Hal (La ds), BE val (Lat wo) 1B. Demonstrative Pronouns, 110. The sem 71 te (in composition M te), that” (aso he, she it?) ay Re taken as the type of the prouonial declension sinovtan Puvman, N. wrabh! aga BT ah Rec vod APH et TE rk Tf eal A. WR tim AEA ATA 1, Ws aT ess D. mA témmat Ta erga Ab. ET 6am] SORTER) mem cryah, RUT thea aTETR nt Le Rein TET Gayam Ayres ATG ew eas WA WY be, ORE a Ree 1 Absa f.n. TOT AE bhyins CL. AR yb. 9 4A compound of Mt “that? ie WR etd, “thio! Te is Aen exactly Uke the former: Bing. N.R esi (48,67) UT eh UG teed ALOR ete, TATA eke, UAE ei, Opa ho dG, 6 fy 7 Gola 5 haa ng at, Tania, * Ham. Gk re (or ne + Lat sara, “Lat intra, Gk ae lorries. 6 DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS IIT ex 1K, Both the pronominal rote Wa and Ci (which here in some cass show a doable fnfexion) are employed ia the dese sion of WHR avy dm, this" iadefinitaly)— ee eee ee fee eee | ee! L WH an-ins WHT an ish | dD. WR smi WA aya ae ee iL afer o-smin War opi = towns a] OEE a andy L UAH: edith sufi: bho eee oS ae Nels RAR Emde, A bam, oA bee TD., MATRULDiytin; G.L, MET: aa-6yoh, M112 DEMONSTRATIVE. PRONOUNS n 112, The democrat pos, mle i ther. gas the corioe frm mn WE send, n, NER es, eal “tat son? employs nthe ef i eseasion te tr Torah a wane i abel nthe ome. pkOe (ho ce, sing, and partly in dual) and ‘WAY ama in the mase. plas (exept he we). Stravean. LSE mens D2 wa amiemat Ah SHAR sws-gte) 6 WAMawige | Le waft anemia Pumas. wetant | ee aa 1 wait amp DAD, “SARE anf-bhyah Lewy alae Dean aR se, [set onda (wepte ni WAT amy Baa onset SAAT: ancy RAAT eniyton ‘weft: and-bn WPT: nenigad RAAT ondegion TAY =p T.D. Ab, SHRATALané-thysm; 6.L, aa, SS eS AM gdamzk 9 UY ¢ ese 78 INTERROGATIVE AND RELATIVE PRONOUNS 111 113 ‘4 The untorntel defestive pronoun of the third penon, UH con (ys, i) dclne in the A. of all number, Te, fd 6.0, dol: A WmeCensn, WATE cake, Wen: WA cma, UH ene, WH eves UAT ek, WAT: ek, WATE eas; Toop, OHM eens, f. TET esay8; G.L. do, UHR: ens, €. ‘Interrogative Pronomn, 113. Tho ste ofthe interrogate pronoon km, “wh, which, what” fe fected erly Bike ty encpting tha the B.A ewer ie RC on —e.g, NE Ah, TAL PA i Se A ae eT ayn keg, fT Kh itm tn ts sene PEM tl Uh, owl wa are ued eg FURR a how geah? Hot, wheel WRT ke, wha? As the frat member of «composnd FR, im is generally employed, cometimoe ku : F8AEU kin 75pe, i. ob what form?” AAMC kaharn, (bat Mid “kad ded” D. Relative Pronoan, 114. The stem ofthe relative pronosn ® ym, ‘who? ‘which? fe declined exactly Uke ta: Moar wee wn eh kde ty Aa UTE um Tr rem orhm yea yk pw@ we we me yma yhegal_yomal yedbyap yhDyeh ye-dhyah ys gph — UIT 147 REFLEXIVE AND POSSESSIVE PRONOI rs . Reflexive Pronouns. M5, a. BTAA sees, ‘self’ Ie indecioable (orgislly « nom, sng. Hike yin), Te anay expe any peroa oF unt er (ong: impal | Te sual bas the ‘easing of nominative, but often ofan instrament times of goitive. Te fegnotly also means ‘spo WIM stmGa, “sl,” fs» mac, subvtantive (dined Hike MBPUdraho, 90,3). Te is wed in tho singular as w reflexive pronona ofl persons aud genders. rh, ERT we, Rsv (Lat. 8, ‘own, a rooive jective (destined Uke WH save, 120 0) retersag to ll three ervns nd mumbers (my, th, bis out ou thei on"). Tee sovsed (ike TAT tzan) inthe oblique eaeassarefexivepro- oun. RH FORF sraninant they bane themselves” {45 is, propely au adjective meaning ‘inborn, “native,” in often uae in the sense of pronominal roexive ajetive( lke Bava) 1. Poessive Pronouns. 116, Poster ae formed with the aatiz Ep, rom the tos of he peronal eonosne wad, ra es ET ay EY way ys MET asap, or? FEM yoga, sour"; MT ebb, ith (2 With the sulle mk ae formed from the geitinen Wt ram and ave TA ni, ny" ant A rk, ‘thy’ (ep. 109, foot-note 2); from WW bhavat, ‘ your Houowr,” ATO Bde, sour? @. Compound Pronouns, UT. By adding PU des, FH dea, or WR drks, to certain ronomisal stems, the following compound yrosouns have been formed ATP tdi, ATW ede, ATER was, ‘uch” 80 coupouxn PnoxoUNs nr ns (it ‘of at ok), AT, TEA san, hat tke? “of what kind”; CE Hifi, CEM Lakla, KER idfkes, “auch 5 Stem ek AYE Ma wht ko? TRA Hike TAT ute, ike the Tho feminine wo of the compound fs FLA tx de sae as Mo mae and nowesme.e om. sine mf TE Aus ha of he composi nO a forte with RES supe RUEHT si of thve fn oon. ith TERT ke 1B. By ating WA vat and Ws to certain pronominal soos the following componsis,inplyng qua, ba fone: ATA eat al WATER eva, 50 eh TL svt ‘an mich’? URC, 'n0 mic? FUR Kp, "how ‘wach? Town ae all dese ke ans in WA yt (6), ad ee foray thets eminines ia tho eamo way CATRAR tivati, CAT ‘pat, 2) 4 fF LL, “bow many?” (lat, got, MAR, ay” (at. totiton), FR yt, ‘aang, are uniadeted fa. the NA, Dut in tho other ese are declined ke Ff (98) fa {ho pra, 1g. Th intresative Rk by tho ation of FRC, TH aa, oF SFR aps changed to a8 indefinite promun, ‘smo, “ome ono"? RFR it, RTA. ie, FEL i. its WU cans, TRA cans, FH ana; AST koi, rf, FT hi a ‘4 To the same manner ident advo are formed: WT eds," when?” Wana kad ct, ETA hat can, “roe tine o other once"; Reva, where?” HTP ma kv, not snymhery ‘nowhere? 'b The relalivprecading hefaterogstiverndersit infil aly ka," whosoever"; RL ATT yurya ass, “of whoo Mite PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES 8 soon? Sighly ARAN ai HE ATs warty hana "wserer™ ss Te selatve proven, i doubled, ames databace nssings UE yoga. whoever, waver in ach ne” (e Towed by doable crete XL. Pronominal Adjectives, 120, Sevoral adjectives drivel eo lad in mening to, ronmaas,fillow the pronominal dceasion (ike Wa) ihee together or npr : Me at ny oten) WAR aaa tata," A are “tbo! AE ers, “whlch of 0?” RARE hats which of many?” WA okt oe(f ao), fallow She pronominal tctnsion througout, uking @ d tn the NX. wing, net SE ye WAT syd, WARY ange (op. Lab aod): D, UR any WABany st, LAMM anys he (b. B sérva, ‘every,’ ‘all BA ubbé-ys, “both” (sg, und pl)’, 0) EAT skeet? dierent MU intend of & din the NA ig. nek g. RHE es, a cers, Badr; D. BER seve, AD. ERT, devant, G. AGL sdcvacny, LEAH sdeve-emin;, pl. BE save, WA: sera, TATE sdevig. 6.4 evn, prion, “east WAT Avera,“ posterior’ ‘west? PERE a “ein? "west? ATE et, agent “om FU aii, oo pi aubnegnt other” WAT ipa, other? infrar? WATE dat, “olen? BL avé, own asides necenaly taking Fa ithe NA. singe mate, sey flow the nominal dacenson a the AD. gem a0 "Bot TO wUhG eth? Hy dation In he daa ely ike ST ina. 82 PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES IV nar | | in the N. plore masos—e.6. 8. Avo. gaRC erm: Aba m | BERR pee emtt or BRR L. RAPA pean or | BB deve; N, ph m. BB pave or BAT: pina. 4. WE arth, “hol” WHT Alps, “little,” BATT katl-pays, “some? WU peta. ER cara, ast” ress | snd FMR dts “trol (nl snl words fn ya aol | ‘Esp are ined ke orinry ajc, exept tha they emma. 6 | ‘may fll tho rronnnnaldecenson ia the SCAT: cara oF TR card | ited dvi. scond, and GAT eth may ftw | the pronominal dedeason troughovt the obqu caer ofthe sogven eb nn eran tren iste o TATRA penne bt Aumont gee eich {Any ofthese pronominal words curing at the end of poe= vesve compounds (1) are detine Ike ardniry actives. CHAPTER IV ‘CONJUGATION 1a, Swot verb ae insted with iter active or wie termination, The active voice js eal Pazasmai-peda, li tmmstive Ow or wor. Tho middle sic i called Atmane-pad is, soferve (it. “word for one) “he passive taken the terminations oft Atmaneroda with “hid it eacides excep inthe prosnt and imporet (here ie torn ite ees with th woe ® ese in th thik ng wT The Senskrit verb hae fa each fence and mond three swuanbors Singular, esl ead Pl wth theo persona xh seam THT We secondary verbs generally (osnatives, dese wes coxsecarion 8 122. There ave a Sanekrit ive tenses conjugted jn the indicative: 1. Present (with imperative and optative moods) aa Smperiec; 3. Panfects 4. Aorist (thw Kind of optative eed Been or Pre): Fee (wth he Conia, kind of pvt ftaeo Py yo ‘Thercerealas participles counccti ith three of thre tener, rvent ener, aa foto; and one afin (167), verbel ‘own unconnected with ny teme Claseal Ssusket es either 2 plaperfet tense nor enhe {junetve mood fescepting the reals of it im the fst ponseus imperative); nor baa tan imperative ora proper optative of any ave except the preent. There ae, therefore, fr fever verbs) forme in nou-Vedic Sunskelt than ia Grek. ‘The Present System, 123. While tho perfect, wort, and future tenses add the terminations dzety (or alter inserting silat), to the soot, “ae present group (the preset wth ts monda and the imperfect) formn special stem, which made i tan diferent ways, Hear lasses, "Tho teuth clas, which erally a secondary formation, retain ita present stem in nasty all dh oer verbal form lay intentves,denoinatver. ‘The Ten Classes. 124. The tn clusce are divided into two conjugations, mn the fst, comprising the St ourth, sath, end fenth clases the preseat sem ends in Wa, and reine unchanged throughout. Ta the second conjagation, which comprises all the re smsiiog clases, the terminations are added directly to the Bal we aative Sashet grammarians hace divided all verbs io fon” By FIRST CONJUGATION Wag af th ot orthana oes 0, Anu AT a8 Ra Asan hs ‘rosent stem is changeable, lnng eithcr strong oF weak. A. First Conjugation, 195. 1. The feat or BR clos adds a to the at et of te Tot, which, being accented, ter Giga of « Sal vowel (sort of tong) and of & shore wedi von followed by one comsoyant;—e.g. ML EG, "he? form the present ater Dds: adh "Enow': TM bie. 2, ‘he abet of Pad clash as sn scorned W St the sot. vrhich ning accented) hat no Guns. Dafne this WY & fal TREE changes to KE he. Thon OS td, ‘tike’: YR tude heer Pweg ha ‘3 The fourth o Div class ads & ya tothe Ist ettr of the rot, which is accented (bat the wes form tn sume eases sasoned by the rot punt othe ty barn orgy Ben fccenad) jeg. MY neh “had! MT thse FE te pss See ave 38 4 The tenth or Car lus ull the sfx Wa Sym before “sich w fal vowel taker Vidi, but se al owe tnlloved Uy on6 consonant lakes Gupas—e.g. GE cu, ‘eeal ACA oor-4y8. Short medial Ws followet by one consonant isin mot oes longtiened;-—og kas: WTAE hin, dvi” B. Second Conjugation. 126, The strong forms ‘uth singular present nid inportect ative 2 all ist persns imperative active and midale. 2: the think person singolar inerative ative, Tn Thoee forms the vowel of the root of the afts, being accented, is strengthened; while isthe wale formu it becomes short because the terinntions are accented, wor SECOND coxsUGATION 85 aT the smh lan th assent frm of he af is Tn, inc urncunted #5 Ms; inthe aoveuth they ae reser tively a6 and Mo 137.1 The second or Aa cassis the tornnaions dred to the root which io the trong forme takes Gus if oustle Tinga) —eees WR a, eats lng UF, 2 Aes, SFR cs iy os Rs, UAC, UP is OTE ik AR en, AF ekg (650, BE a (698). This and thy seventh re the most diffs lates to con nate, beauce terminations begining with various consonants qome lao onset withthe alcool o 20 and coe Suenly many rales ofintrsl Sandi have to Be epi, ‘The third or Hu lass ads he terminations dre to ‘redupligated root, which in the strong forms takes Guow if owes —eg. Bh acre": NE on sare’ BPE jth, we sien? i Tefatnsivescnjutd in eative (12) thi {3.The weventh or Rnd ca adds the trainations dry tothe fal coment, before which ™ af i inated tthe Seong, dn howe fr e.g 30, jin: MPO ont i ME yan 4: The fh ora clow ads on, wich thes Gupe in the strng fone 10 the roots types ut NE Gants Me eemesdh 45 The elghth or Bam clas als , which tnkos Gaga in ‘the strong forms, to the root; —e.g. TA tan, ‘stretch: AACA “n-bont MaE ane nah, {01th (even) ssa ofthis ce end in ML sce hs “do, Whichhias arilregulay presenistem : WYP kar-i-mi(r34E) 6. Me ninth oF it lt ede to the root MY ah the rng forms, bat ia the wea WY a ere coaonats ad Un 86 coxsvearion Wis Isfore vowels seg. BY ke, buy": ARTE eens ph iter: ket ntaniy, 9. Ant. The Angment. 128, ‘he import, the aovst, ad the condlonal pre to the rot socentel 6 their avgrout, which forsaa Vedas swith an initial vowel (23):—0.g- Geb, know he neta? RAM Stes, ewe, Eg, "c0"s RA rs hg TRE rst, we The aunt dropped in ha ie ad ov (hich ee shen sid imperial ae he pone pale eo RY wT oe ETA ak Kaito hao, “may he aot di ‘Reduplication. 129, Five ves! formations take reduplicaion in Sanskrit the present stem of the thisd cojugational clase, the perf. cous Kia of worst the dsidaraiv, andthe intensive, Each of ‘these ves certain poclirtien which must be teated seprately ‘under the epi rules of redoiation (490, #35, 49, 179,273) ‘Comton to al re the following. Goneral Rules of Reduplication. 1. The Gist elable of noe (se that potion of it whist nda with a vowel) redopieted eg. bodh: FEM busbodl 2, Aspinate ltrs ae opreseate by the cozespouing unas rata eng. FR cats FATA cid; BANG, hk gyn, ‘3+ Gultnrale ase represented hy the correnwnding palatal, Wh by Beg, AR ham, “loves A cokamn; WM hao, ig’: EM cok AA gam, “gp! SAR -gams FAs gh! Rea. Wast [REDUPLICATION 87 4p. 11 he sot bese wih mor tha out consonant th Bat ood te soylcte age BA kw, ‘she: TPLowkres Fac isi, ehrow”: PFU SEIS. My fe ut begins wih sian followed bya hard consonant, tne eerie rednpicate e.g. Yo "ne: TY toe (67) eros staads MENT ths BAUS ip"s FHL; eee st leaps TEE ceshaad, Bat ey, Tomonber Scag (st © qeite radia! cove, whothor Sal oF mia, Us Yong, tis suotend athe reduplewiv ale; —o. 2.4 t,o” ery ees Yh, "hay": FR ca, Hj "hom cok Breve rate (ot Ga) vowel is oy it i vepresote by to or an, by ama BAU rsh": FHT apr (69s YR Aha, approach” aire sale ‘Rows whieh, acording to the native Swasketgrtunavian, cot W a, wore more conveniotysttel 9 cad ia, SMa aes Gontel in vedplcntion;—eg. M ai, “ane 9, sing evict BAT ju (136) Spocin! Role of Redaplication for the Third Class 190. rand Ef re arose ie relahienton by Cha agi tees RT bets Jy A: FRB aa ‘Termination {GE The following tae gives the terminations, which are on ‘he whole the sae for al yorbyofthoreont system. The chit Aiderono isin th optatve, whichis caralerized by Wo i tho fit, od Wy and KF inthe sesoad conjugation. Te will prevent ‘onfsiontovemenber dat the prosatndicatieba hop (cm, ti, 5.) whl tho Sapertive (with some variations) 8 consuaatION od the optatve, as well asthe imperfect, have the secondary ‘orminstlone(sn,--4 9). OF eho oer tentsthe fata taker the inary, aad the ari with the benedstive andthe cone tinal, takes tho secondary terminatony; while the perfect takes Sn the active (mith maay vvitions) the secondary, and nthe ide, th primary endings Tn onder fo undeceand clesly the diforence between th two ‘conjuestons, the following points ehowld bo noted, Tm the first or a-conjugation (atin then-declension), the accent i norer “om the termigations, bat always om the same alae of the ‘tom (the rot inthe frat and fourth, the alli the wet wal ‘ent eases, which therefore reins unchanged. On the other ‘hand, in the second conjugation (as inthe declosion of change ‘ble stems) he accent fallson the strangeten, which is ehorened 4 the weak forma by the shifting of the ascent to the termini ‘ions. Tn the second conjugation, therefore, the ter ‘minations are accented oxcoj inthe strong forms (126) of, “the present ‘The came would apply tothe imperec, wore it without an auzanent (128). PAnAawarPapa. met pe: ee npn 1 fitmit eran Ceteyan? ATA ina afi Ms eis en fete rn Weel Whee atti ae Fam WAR cn Alam A Ain UPL ATTA ATA Wma! Whom TR yim WTR ane Au Wea Ayia 3 RFT ans Want UALepar Byler AY! wot rorauxarioss & Incanreans. ne Q 409 09 “ 2a, um x ae ni ak = 1 8 on nate weet vast! no wa am oa) paler) we wee Tr Bee) aha) Siem) et umm erm term ea aoc) eae) ain am mC) wa wT arr eo(2) atm (a) ‘Sem (2) er pi a ee pt 28 wm mm Bm Gre | tien athvam im dh et = AG mH wT wet) ane) eae ae ann) wt is wa fo) mat) ame) 1. The Saal Wao tho iat conjugation elentbene Ine Fm er yee ATH Nissen, TRE Diarra ~ coxsuGation woe ‘heft cnjgaton fer ping tho an ase. WOR EMhayam, HAA thst, 2 Tho erinatiow ofthe rst conjvaion given in the bore table essing with We rly cob of the Beal Wao he two QF, bt on pact! grounds ea paul fo mete ‘ha hy en wth Wo ‘4 Ven of theft conogin take no terianon in th ating. ingest. Pers ling ently yea with te octive Sure te wdosons Tow of te ssa the F hi (Gh. afer coments, FE ar vel Bat— ‘inthe nat sls SW Bn take he plac oF i ;— ekg hs | et HTM mtn (a WAHT oe Sieh ofits aroped ini ith and eighth loa ifthe i eee! preceded. by « single consonant; — e.g. GU send (hut Sarg sn «6 in the third class WF hu adds £1 dist (instead of f bi) after 1 one: RET sheds 5 Vet ofthe hind as ani ome eter replied sent stoma (1944 428,17) drop the Re ofthe ppl re ‘snd imperat. Par. Tn the Atm. the whole second eon- Seantion refecte the Mu ote 8. plas prs. ny mp 6. Verboftbethndleesome eradicated stem. rau Aa, By 13) ake BE ar lain of Wan fn the dr inp Par, "howe ofthe scood ca wich eo in WU Wa a FQ vi, kuow” ant FHRdsig ate? ay do ny, Belore ‘this sux a dual WE a is dropped, while 1, Bu, Wy aro | | 1 Terminations egiuning with vowels showld be wide ia | "The aga of thin potion Inpertiveouling ly wnertuts Te yeviays std fr smb Delng the vedoed for (wong sal ‘wnt ft eran and the caing wc eed I the Youle np impre}ng: haa, wast TERMINATIONS on vented; 0g. 9 1, es": ROT ay ahs TE SGohawads WAMU Lyk or yb. Tha the fal of this afin (whith lo apr nthe nr optatve and te 3 pur orf active) iv etmologialy and nt Ro, pote pte corenponng fra inthe Aveta Paradigms, 132, Aa the four clases of the Hist conjugation are infected exatly ako, one qaradign will sulle for then, ‘The tame fpplier to tho Mh and elahih claves, Tn the secon claw FAR rvis has Yeen wed for tho pariigm, Yecawo i states Teter than WE all both the volet of intemal Sandi aud the AiferenceHetwoea song and weak forms, FIRST CONJUGATION, 26 ‘First Claas 3. ho, "be": Present stim HA Uhsr Panassearrana Prosent, Arwansrapa voarmf RTE aT: a weet ee ee ee) thivevhe —itsiemahe sofa wee wae aa are ara a Vhdroci—thivathnb Mth thfvnse—Mhdeathe — Ukedlve g jmafe HAA: wafet aah ae aa g Vives Maven venti thinads—Bhdvate thant Imperfect, 8 LR wy wT wT wwrerafe were * Strands thane Gare Endre than a 25H SHEA WHA wee: tT HT, thar) Gchwetan Gthavea Gath Uharethien Charade a Eth Ebel EHhavan tala Dhan thera =e a Enperative. i. nomi are aH a wart weet Shivni hive thévsna——Bhivat | UuBrabal Uh dl 2 aa Ut wa aM Mae Hpac tet eee alae SECOND consuGATION. Second Claus : FRR isis, “hate™: Prenat ston RI doe, FAs Panaaateana Present. Hrwanerans x fae | fae: fe: feat faove viens aignah— dvin viendo aitno 2 fee: few few fen Grint dvipwhh—dvioge—— ip dine arid? (6) 7 fee: fawn fa ferit fav Grete deipdotl ining delat Imperfect. 1 [See | wires wren wife wfrmfy afitrfit Gavan | Sivipre Grips Advis | devine ipa 2 | WES sie whee wsfeer: cafgurer | whaege areb (08) | vieja Gevipte —Gdviethih ip tn Casigevam | 5 wee wom wfte | wfrmarm wftea deaeh (at) | Saving Gdvpan—Gevinga —abiptn avipatn Imperative. ES we tt “ert ae] Anée-toi(6s)__dvéviva_—eépinn_—_advéeai_—_—dvéedvaal_dvé-imaba | 2 fay fern fee fx fewer fagEH eet ar ony oaexe2 axooas Mt hind Claes) F sito" Psat tom N06 Wh & PamAsseatrana Present. Bauaxerana, BE awa a weet geet hurt heen ihve jab jubenthe og wu a i ail ome a 3 jah jako juhusine ——juhure——dhvathe juke | seta wa aga ara ant 3 js fuhostdy ttyl oho? trate trate Imperfect, 3 | wart owqen maf waeefe ware 5 | Ginhuora—jahiema ue jana 2) wee | wy war i ERT aiuto | debate johotn——jubostha —jeyathim —&juhndivam a {wate wget wary wqrn 0 NGEINR WERT [Ajohot | &jthosim Gjahaweah — Gibwta jeri ee mtn geet gear Fst) _jenetoatl | gene 96 Ef Clas Gs ‘yrs ont": Presa stom GAY sen6, Motes, Panaswarmana, Present. Anuanrraps : : a art Ber 3 aah aaa re 8 Lemmést_] stop curt nuse ards ta 3 wart g ismen Seonvrahl gene netl wart TET, omen dame denne Aatevathin emdiam = gare é Astutin deneran sume aime amma Seventh Class: TW roth obsiroct”s Proent stern RMN run, WAL red 3 Panasarrana, Presext, Anwaxsrana. [Rat we we we wait (63) | rondhevd) ——rundhomd rondh-é——rundhevthe —randanthe gy 2. uf wr wr we wae, we 8 reotti(6e) | rondaney(6e6) rods rentaé—rundidihe —rondené = 2 | wae we wife Ta wah . | reebdeant (624) | ruddy randinéatirunddhé—rlbelte —rundiobte = Tuperfect. s | Sere, | wes wee we weufe weir g érepedban | Grundhvo Grudn Grmdhei—rundh-vahi anda | Seu We WUT WET: WET FUE Govan (oy 28) | Gronddhan — Grooddha Grnddilh Grandbithin Granda 3.| eat WOT WE RET FETT wee : Grvmet(on.28) | brinddhin —Grvalh-as Seonddhe Grundbatin Grothe 4 Imperative, wre wre urd coraret repéahiva —repthima mental ruptdinirabat renéedh-imahs’ | UT WE wa a Winth lage: WY Le, lay": Proseat seo WMT Li! Panuamatrana Smomymovo 5. { wrurta | waite: [rindi | irioivh al aan | tate: Jiseabat | deena, — 3 | tena | atte: vaabes | ener Reyna | water) watt Erinn | bkrigeen 2. water: | watelta | cata | cbstaitae 2) waiter | wtehtaTe | carina | Gratin Prosent. wie: we keigimdh ate wie whe Wiigisht kebab’ tate att ripsati — dabalas Imperfect. witata wtf Gbeigine — Ghren waite waiteiter: Genie ——Gepithay witet witite bieipes — Gkreata wai RAR he, PALM write tite Krispiesdhe kgm tere afta bythe ng wt tut krindte kant wwinatafe waititate Gsgivahl Shobak waiterrer, waftefter Gekrpathnn 4e-yeahvam settee, waft wre ater’ kepdmabal | Ieghenaha eet ar ett ar ' pram, “208 104, coNsUGATION W133 Arregalasition of the Present Stems First Conjugation. 133. A. Fiest or BRE Class, 1. 8A keam, ‘step WTA Ji IH eu, concen” FE whi, ‘ait! lngtben sir oval: WTA bsin TATA Rh, ME a, WT Wai clonnso, takes Vrddhi: AT mis ettes ior Was AZ al-s (r seth 15 TE jhe, FORT bs (La. B-b0), FW Kha (Gk. # sro, Ua, wt), Those vrs orgy elnge the thin (odyplcting) clave (7. Rad stow, A 1). “4 PU laa? HAL ant, Chor” AL ea ahr, Ay the nea RA dn, A eta, BH 5. FLO 6! BAT Ah, bow, AT wna UR ey, WHA, AM sn B. Fourth or Div Class, 1. 7A tan, “angsish) A PR Sere AAC, ‘bo weary AE mal, | ein? FERC pln” loge thor one: tmp Te gy, Bai, FN? dope ie acs AN Miia aT faker Semjraicana : AG vihy.—B jon "ho orm betes js BTR S38 (1546 1 ©. Sixth or Tad Clase. 1. BAU eck" ms, oown” Roy bea py at! Fi, a” FAL, “Sovak ase ol — WAL Me, Pomp, Fore in, FR vind, Fite shite BV SMKIRREGULARITIES OF THE PRESENT STEM 105 ee he Re, RE on ep A) 0g pc eky UL ah? WAL vl tke paca aaa ann ‘Second Conjugation. Tate A. Sonar Ad hae pi cee egerenre e e oe fr in nd hte teat Wake rofarGneio tongs ttn, ening ith somone yen, bt ye fi con an Wd ned of eo, smd ey 6 9m pe mn ‘6. WH Ai, “lie down,’ Atm,, takes Guna throughout ite weak ee are ceemerinng ete frog lage og WY ee ne) 9 RS ate, PATH 6C-r-atiin, WHT Kse-w-ata, fT bgt oahu ee lea vt on pag ters rane Fen eb ee ain 2g dbl en pat el te a aaa it; 3. Pl. pros. WfAY s-Guti (sunt). The 2. sing. impv. is TAA Cn eran Arse In npr ee ‘before the endings of the 2. 3. sing.> "WFR: as-7h, WAR Rs-i-t, ethan i Parga hoon toa: goe elm mars pee Tne alpen us nee nal We bed ed | ‘eter eh fg, eh at, Cg, Te nog ine RTE Sd Gv ek ct in and ia sed nd Hy.“ adde 106 consucation a3 2 Avomel rtenivonel ic ieeglaryaertod in theft ing eas Ha, rete! Tae NR weep” A Sa, enter sept fe roaionsbegining with contact except Us bat or Wa bef the Rv and Ro the 23.9 im Pat RP i, RET rdati, RETR rudy ipl. 3. og, WTR Grud 5 or WOE Loe 1 EIR," and RU, le” Doth Rim inset efor terfatons beginning with Rx and Wah (ee 2-M ress and py): RFR fg, Rf Hay fon, FADER Seaham, WL, spealmserta Bia the song forms before tem tions begining with consonants: MTR bravo (but ent), WAAR Ge 4. Ti precesied by WEE adi, ‘read (Atm. only), resolves {i inthe pren and Wai (ang 5) inthe if. blo vowels and HE siy pres og 1. WER ag, 2 AR iropf. ag. 2 WRC ady-di-y 4, 2. WTA: ady-ditha. 4: The reduplicnted verbs WTR aks, shine, We jacks ir ghey, fom gh) et? TY.” oY hs RFC das tee af UA thongh accosted verb of the cond cia, fallow thos of the hid ting WF a nd wt nthe 31 yo.aud aud BE me for Wen the ge ply ag PCR aeri- Cet 3 18 RFA Anat 3 Line GE Chk. TUT‘ fll the sane ala; i lo fakes {Fee as ite wen wes ttre cosonate:—p, WTF dst, a UB: STA iat be por, IV 134 IRREGULARITIES OF THE PRESENT STEX 107 1B. Third or Hu lass. 1. G7 di,"give ant UT ts, “place, me dad TU dah ae semen te weak rms. EU da (oie 626) bacomer MR dba before 7 and th TAHA td Tavs, 2. NOE th ‘The 2. ssipy. Baro BAR dash (for dace) and abe. (Gor diner, 2, T ni “measure and ET i depart” Both Kim, have {te i ond FRY jt thr presen ena, roping the Er before vowees— prea. Ft, 2 FBT ji 3. RRR jfhates pt ae AE ih, 2 fant: gta, 3, WFR Eat {2 TTS, ‘abandon? Pay Ie GY in the weak forms roping before vowal aod ®y:— 9.8. RTE ot, bat hn, TE: bisa, pe RF lett: Spy. 2. oe. NA Sabi op rag: TAG ah ©. Fisth or Su Claes. 1, lotrenting in vols ay diop he bole oF Fn: BATA nse, bot BPE suv) oF PE sons a, Rove ening in consonants change & w to BAL av before ovale: AAPA soko dt 3.3 “bear and db, shake ayy ou oud Gy dima, “"D, Seventh or Rudh Class, WHLs6j sas AH, “break, FER hs. are” drop therm before iseting a AP 2, SFE nj FE i 2. Eighth ox Tan Claas. Wis, do takes WEY hae 6a ita strong to, and nt eal hao the @ wo which must te dropped before Rm, Why, Rhys ATA har, AE rw ot IRE kao, PA: keen ITE ken, Other verbs ofthis las may drop the Bu before Ay aad Rm form the present stems 108 coxsvaarion WW a35 asin the fifth, When emponnied wth che prepositions FE par od BR sa, the vr BE as ial ee UECHPR psi ‘Si, ona SRYR eines yt together?” Thin Le ie ot igi TB. Minth or Kei lass, 1. y dh, ‘shake! Jp" pity WN ca? sven thei vowel ATR dbs, Go poem TF adm 2. WT know,’ and WY cab, ‘ne ake shortened to WT je aod ee — HTT eden; GI sthnkni 6). 2: Sebati ond Lan’ chro? drop: — evtfR Mac, TE math, ‘The Perfect Tense, 195. This tense is formed either Yy rotoplcation oF peri- Pinata. Root flow the former metbod, derivative erks (ehiey caves) the later. ‘Tere ae avo four roots with x rosoticaly lng inl vowel (149 61) which take the per ‘nate parte, Special Bales of Reduplication. 1. WEE EE WT re roprvented by Wa inthe reductive cllables-ee. Bi, 'do!: FTC eorkara, cro": WATE tush: BUR, Be able’: IR ove, 2, Tal Wa or "WEE Becomen WES —.g- VQ meat": TR dea; RCD. “oUtsin": AAP (ep. 1400.1). 1 Hats egg with © contrast Rib is but i ‘he rdical€ tes Gna oF Ved, Wy ie imerted between the rednpliativeallble ad the rout:—e.g. XWin, dest? 3. gE ies (or Fipudy, Doe Lng, TH eye, “Tots egg with of containing 3 or vs, 0 Hable to Senprosimape (ep 137, 20 edupinte with Gi and Bu— W 36 REDUPLICATED PERFECT 109 Aj, sserioe?: KATH esa; A vay fae 136. The singular perfect active is strong, lke the singular active present and impefet, the root being scented the remaining forme ate wen, the truinations being accented wre ‘he eal ave the flowing. we | (RG = |@R(ne (edi) WEL we Be | wyeete see n Ue (R)98 Gv (RFE (i-mate 2 (OR Be (HA (9.20 & UE MA hie Rive ‘4: The terminations with initial consomaut ae eed with the coniiecting vowel Ti! excent in the eight vorbe: % aru, ire, “bear? Rts, "pie? Bary, Mow, BAe “do,” a Vir, Thea! vp, choose Wa, go) whore it mast be damitted. The. Ata. relains tus © even in theve verbs, “Tn a og Par it ie omitted by many uber verbs aly and it optional in verbs ending ia "WT 6, well as in most of thove aling in €5, &i, Sue "Tato to dal rms ST or hat twa Drow rm he 3: hy he two codngs BE dar and I tar creping othe jah pre WR ha ant Rt 2 Thiel wa ign ob the eon emf the fal BY & of rts ie RT te and bce the tring pit of Kt as oe sectng vor in other ars, no coxsueatios wast The Strong Stem. 1. hort vowels flowed hy & ingle comtonant fake Got Aionghoat the rogue. RALin wih" RBM: Fe bod, ake’: AT bob: Bac Ae, oes FAT iit. 2. Final vowels ake Vi or Gupa in the Gt personages, (Gums in the second, Vth only in. tbo third; e.g Ti," 1 UTE hy-a or CUM epson; 2. TBM een: 3. CTE gedyas Why, dott ATE caklo oF WAT seks 2 WM co kértha; 3. TATE oekon 3- Modial Wa followed byw single eotsonant takes Vi i sand optonay irs gUhay, l= TATA aha fr UH fue, 3- PTT jenn 4. Roots eulig in TA or diphthongs 129, 8) ake an ‘nga ty tain TS etre Wain 25 (e- 136 6); — og WT dhs, pace”: 1.3. BAF deal, 2, TUT dada or fer dab. But BT hoor hve “call! i ested as Hg. ITT incite or 154043) ‘The Weak Stem. 197.1 Tn roots contig the vowels 5, 8 the xaaoad syllable rnin auohanged, expt by Santhi>—e FY dhs BFR bo-tndemns ky: TB cach; BGR tose “4. Boforo terminations beginning with vowels final ©, €i, Fr it preceded by one coneonant tecome Ls, 5 mae than one, ROL HE ar While o, and WE ABWAYH becone FA wv and WE arse. g. AY 05 Tend: FH nieaya 5 Fi, rest MPM: Sy}; Who": AE whos Ge, Wits] REDUPLICATED PERFECT nt “acon! WATE taste, jin": BOE soya 1, ‘seater: HG coker, 2. Tn rots containing a mmtil Wor 8 float WTS, the radical syllables weakened. 1: Hoots fn which Wa i greclad an followed by singe cesrnant (eg Wp), a0 whch adult the ni sonaatwschange (hin exlado rove bexianing wit apie, tara a fr the mot pat Ry, atat the two epllablen to oe with the dphthong Weep. at. i fi). Tver. tion take place orem in 29, Pa, when ha i aed witb Gi (the strong form bing wad when Wt is aod without) Tain, “eos 2. AAT yee bah (bt ERs thay 3. phe BYE poe-ch AME tan, “trots FRE teats AE tens 2, Mj (239, 2), "Be on and fone rote wth medial Wa ean ith gurl, vine AU Khe, "dig? WA gam,“ RE han, “eat? Wa, “il weaken the rot hy droning the aoc onal. ve, As ded 3.0 Pr, BT sch, bot 3. RE jogos ART eh, bat; TATA jogos, tat TE eogha-s (p- 134,20) Five routs Boging with ve, i: vc, “se ad, apa A vay ae? AR ray dell? ab, cory 50 TAs, serie” Avra, piers” RA ssp ley UY ah “sis take Sanpnrape Ta the int five a4 Be (9.135 9 contact to inthe sath CIR to Rig BATA endo, bot pH Bes (or vot) ATH EK ot EE HA (et); BERT evry 6), toe HBB Ib, ATE juga, tt I: joer * Tussle far he md Ava a), srk perfect sta of ad "ait (as teeing ej op. 134, 38 and tha. m2 consuGatION Wags 4, Rots ending in HA deop iin all tho we frm, aod optional im 2.95. Pa (40436 at 138 3) Paradigms of the Reduplicated Perfect. 18.2. BR tod," seike": strong stem GATE toto; weak I totwd. Parasnatrans, [BR rosin afm tated gyfegm tad Reine cath YR totus 3 Rte entie Anwssneans, 2 TPR eoode? AYRE wtacrivine area 2 FGM eatadsigs APTS entudsthe AUPE cesniidhve 2 TR wots APM adds Aye tua 2s Why, do" trong WE okie, ATE ev hie weak Wa ouky, AA oaks, Panaswarraps. ral a) SRE ca-kirtha | 3 SeTCliee Anwaserans, 1 Wakes WORE cokeihe AUR cxpinthe 2 aM ontrae ithe aT eakedhoe Fh eakee cite AFAR cared W138 REDUPLICATED PERPECT 113 ‘3 UY Ah, ‘place's strong EMT dash; weak TH d-dh. PaRAnareanA. a [eetrecbde | efit ootiss qa da dice 2 | UTM donde! | Uy: dednatny —-TUAedhee ql eetainin | RMB dechatah — TP alndich Aneasnrapa. ae deans PUR aeabivdte eA be RFA deinigd — ATR adhe FRU edies MTR dette 4c Rho “Tad: strong FAM in, FA ens weak PHY a PanasMarPana, 1.) fare nicedy-a® | Ff aay ‘fata vi-ay imi 2 fe ats | Fg it Fenn 5 frets | Fag inystoh fA aay ——Krarzvape. se FRR ny FATA nnyiehe fT ny dh 2 FARR site FART ningclihe FATE ny base 5 Fain FRU inp ite FARE 5 Reto pao» trong TE tat TET toes weak My ttn aRasMatPapa. Jer wate WA oats TPR teat FETT teste | AAG: twatwe-cthoh IBA testers 5 TETR tot TENE wees IER eTot eae “Anieaxersoa TEA onthe TERR genate TET iokthe IPB veshoade bp ates 2. TPionwee Lak totais, Kate tntids, — * OF RATE kdes, FBtered yest ge ene Torta Tov ft dpe 2 Oc ‘equate ‘cONsUGATION 1 138 rong AA i, MAT an; wes RAL, PARASNATPADA, Rf teers RAAT ean a ee FAG teria REF tor rwayneapa RAWRE ten-irsio RFRA tne RMR tenth fT tones MTR ont HERE tense 1 AR eno: tong A tin, Sen oak TE 1 jedan? 2. SFR jag-tha TT 1 BR jnge 2. fait jn emiv6 2 WH em PaRAswatrana, af je guns ATA jogming SANG: je gm-kibak WTA jog WRAY jegesih TTR gmt Armaxsrapa, FEE nga inrdue FEAR ja gine WIATR jcgmthe PEAR jogm-idhvé MTA jogmt afEAE jagmine 8. aL vac, ‘speak: strong SAM worse, BATA uvk; weak Hse Panaswar ve Jae soins FAA Codins See os 2) Bee ecisie? SRY: docinh — RSes 2 sare 1. BR bos 2 BER Gone 3 BBs HU costo WY’ Genth Arwaszeaps. TTA tos-rihe BARRE oodnnihe HH sekine BA sesame SATA tote BHAT seine COR MATM widen *Or REM unishk. + Or RATA oadann + OF SATE een » on SR eset 113) IRREGULARITIES OF THE PERFECT 115, Irregularities, 139% HO bn ‘shae? though Leasing wit follows the anaey ofthe contracting verbs with Qe (137,28) gee. MATE babble, bt 3. ORY Vt. Shales TH eh (medal 3), and opsionally WEL te, ‘trembio® (ow inital coments, and A Harm," wander (itil ariat, two connate) =. ng ATER ees 3.08.2. AA eras or UGE eh; WAN. Ya-ranub or A; Uren 2. BA ym, roe, and AR rr, "ve though besening with Wyaand v4 donot take Samprsraps but elow 37, 20:— WaT yo-yima, but WH yom-é; HATA vaio, but WEE vemob ; while WA vas,‘ web tm, doesnot weaken the rot af 1: WR yar, FRE vid, “how! forms an oredopicaled perfect with tani: Wed Tow (Gk ete Germ. weiss) RA overt oth igi gla in the mica able Fra cys, Fare jegty-e, PROT jghly-8, TUT eghin- (193720. 5. Fab, inden, forming only. dol an 3.28 ual ps —WTe tha, HR has TE Alou, A Shea TH ahh 6. WL ‘rach redopletn wih the lala WO, in hich the radical maa ie ropeated withthe ail vows Gk torsintineyt; om ibe her band the aia mali roped fn he weak or: a, P. MONT Sa 3.1K. TARE Rnadine, The analogy of thin verb te followed by "Wola, “praise —3. 06. SION Eafe, 116 PERIPHRASTIC PERFECT W igo 7. Atha, “be? han the double inoguluty of redopieating ith Ws sa retaining ite BS throughout (cp. Skerries) — WR balers APT beak MM ttt IRD gata MARTON FAA hobhdovn NYE Yo Poriphrastic Perfect. |) 240. The verte which cannot duplicate, fom thle perfect bymaking an absratfesinine noun inthe astive, WTR, sk wling to this Ue rfoplicatod perfor of Bk, “do” WR as, oF 9 bs, “he” Tas formation start with the employ” Then of the trawiive tere BA, eg, ARE TE gan fenkira,"ho did gg? Ses‘he dl go"; tt im caeial Sonskat the perighrstic perfect ip silly fore with RL, th othe “TE aisilintes cccuting only excejtonlly. The perhati ‘loot entizly limit tthe derntico verbs in WE, F (otha, ea, aa Ceres) so. g, ATOR BTA lobasian es, "ho seakene.” Tedly any example of Gesideratves oF intensive ae ft in this ous, ch YE bubs a. The fallin ro tho fee pears ves taking the peri aie pret 1. four rots Lagaoing with a preicly Tos vm TRL Sone Et ik"e SRLW forsahe’ WH th, te" 2 RT ei cae, ‘he sa? 2 the refit sts ITE cs ee,‘ (proves an ates ‘ahaa, STATA rout Uh, "hee ain tho Eis A el call? only FROTCE AH liar bbls oe shine? 9a) ya gre TATE ‘ade: WW 14 PERIPHRASTIC FERFECT—AoRIST 117 RATE tethtca, “bo bro's (WH) MUTATE (nay fo fame ns ho toes ATE hey or RTA jer,‘ allt? Paradigm of the Periphrastic Perfect. Panassasran seater aerate dramatic Dolly Sie tethydn Be-vaolaghn te areaenfee | yuermreg: eer Tedboyin i-th (ets) todas etic thy ea uaa aeerarag: dtararerg: wotbaydin Bea Yodhasim Satay odbaykim deus Aorist, 141. There are two kis of seins fn Sanskrit, ain Grek ‘The Fost is formed by inserting «sibilant Letween oot and _tervinstin, the Besta ty adling the terminatons to the root for withost the connecting voxel Wa Lot anit ake the ‘ongment (hich is azcented) aod che secondary terminations ‘here ate oor forma ofthe Hnet Aorist, and thee ofthe Second, First Aorist, 42 The first form is mde by adding to the angniented root sux W 5a, and cin ected likean imperfect ofthe rst jonjugation (brit) exept in the Kine Xm 23. dl “tore i follows tho mpl. of FRHdvs). Te taken by only a {err root eng in *Lé and h (whic bosome ® kefore Ls 638: 694), ant containing the vowels Ci, By oF We which emin uosbenols eg: FE sk ‘oint's 3.1. ACER, Cites Te fre sored eth Grek Tt Aust ang La cn, | | m8 Fist Aorist WV age Panannarrans rote heer Mines cate fee Take Piven 3 wee fant lien apn Aruaserana, rowfefe wfgwtafit fied Adib dat afer: weer Wier Ghee tM) Gaetan Glgs-dhvam, 3 we wfgerar wfgeet Geigncte —Gg-Btims— diepanta Simin inecte isthe ot of $b," the tom of whieh ig ke (5) Pat og. SYP uke Rio. WYP Sab 142. The other three forms of the Fint Aorist are made by nding to the augmented rot the wullaes Ra, Tg, FA, s-L4 respectively and avo infleoted Ike imperfects of the second conjugation (6-dve-4m), ‘The sigform ised, inthe Parconly by afer vats ending in WS, which remaine mchanged Yronghowt. ‘he efor apd efrm ao used by root ending in ‘other vowels than "WY 3, of in eanscoanta; both have Vdd ‘thronghout the Parsemaipada (a medial vowel has only Gons 4 the ifr) and Gaga throuphont the Ktanepada (4 mal vowel and final Wf romain unchanged in the a-orm). All three forms have the poculisr endings Ris, €% it in tho 2. Sorng, Par and matt take BE win the 3. plan FIRST AORIST 119 Second or s-form. Goa 2 wat: Seine a wea Gonna 1 wat a awit ne awe ieee 2. fgg cid 1 wee Escalon 2 weet: Fea Dh 3 wet ecitit 1. affect |? san exanpl ofa rootendingin a wowel:— Paasqarrana, wet wer femiert fp wie we Gong tin Keaite wer ain Arwaverana, Gvepvabl —— Gne-sahi rarer WHHL H2) Gnesi — Geneeghvame rere, Wer Kneestie —— Guepata of ws an example of a root ending in a Panaswareapa, were ware Keccuiveva — Goatsme eens) WET 609 fect Geclaltta wRerTH (66 Bs) WEE Gehan dalton “ArxANEADA. wfqrate wheat eechitarabi— deechitssmahi 2 fT: (66382) FRERTATR, — HAERAL (6682) eset FE (66 2 2) Sochitts ecchitetthim — ecid-dbvan, wheat wheat Sechineauin — Gerbitoata | | | 120 Pins? ARIST WV tas 4. Bhs do’ as ending in esl iectod:—Pa, a, AT: har, MTC, ton, Welt ky WOT yA, HAS, Ge. The Inst two forms do not propery belong to the sort, being Yormed feo the scood fort of the root aovst (148) which is not othereise Infotel in the Kim, Trvegulasit 144.4 Define the sue Bs fl rai (0) %n as nel AU becomes Anuar (ep 66.42) sag. WA Santa from FA aan, “Whink? as well ag WE Serene, fom TR am, "Be gad” (op. 42 B1)s O) RLs in he verb HRs ve? ecunes Ut: WAT esate (66 Bx) 2. The termination WHR aban (lore which the sof tho ss alwags et) becomes ZA dhvam whan the Rls would owen ied ee ohn pe ean Ao d-vepabean), RGR ékphvan (for kava) RV aS," gve? MY Gh, “place? WT ths, “wand” (which ‘kes the secon sors in the Pa, 148), anken their vowel fo (69.136, n0to2}bofor the terminations af the Remanepada:— Aedings, AWE Gaithah op, 145 6), RA Cis Geter), BARAT Givi 4 DUA, Sse? Ea, erate” APL aps, “toe take Wh st nate he Payee ng, OT ‘sas (65aynote 2), do, WATETACsip-te (630; (6B) DRATY Gn lesuh; AEE srk ERT Sars WEE sae he 5 The anit of QR ash, “born, and WH red, “bint AifcukoningotheSandhi(6ga:62b) ag -WUTRRGANL-G, of the sform. 1s INST AORIST ror eure: Gasket, RETA (ahs Danika, RETR Cigen, WETETA Stig dhs ome aber, WET ged, SUT ek Fehr Rene WFR slog WET: Sage, ETE Dagens ONT Cana tl, RURTETAL eaak-y- ‘athiim, WHATAT dedhok-g-itiim ; pl WAAAY 4-dhak~ eon UTA dhagtivan (60), WOT bakes; eta rt a dy 2, WETARC Gd n (620) 8 Bere fomdhe Ken ng 1 TR rat 2 THT: ahi, 9. EH Gorda; ph 2 WEAR Srddivan, 3 RRR St ‘Thisd oF ig-form. 145. This for difers fom he proseding merely in aling tho Ws with the connecting vowel Ei (which changos it to ® g, 67) ‘Ta endings ofthe 2.3.56 900 RRS, KALSE (lor S-,gets ep 28; 150). Hany ns Paromalpada farms ot gaorets fom roots ‘ng fn vows oeenr in cnet! Sane, bat one ek, formed fom "iy i the oer language aad fused in both ice, aay be taken as paradigm for tho ctve aa well asthe idle; — Panasqatvapa. sowarfeen wafer wunfiray iSelpem eydlpme wafrem, warfare Git priya GSointe award warfare warfag: Gs Gyivipsim —GgSeie eh 120 Finst AonIst ie Arwaxzrapa, 1 wafefa wefirafe Gpavied — Gyarlp-vabt pa SE a wafer kyarigata 2. FW bud, “awake? at an example of « rot ening in a onsenaut, dose ant take Vridhi fa the Pat. (142) — Paraswareana, vowifewn witfier witfeer sn ebadhegera—Gcbodbspsma swan: witfen wife Sbodbytamn witfarry bin Fawaxerapa. wifey witfenfe oit-e-vahi bod pal awa: watfererere, WaT FRR (4.2) Abolish &bolb-inathim <-bodh-eam jwise wtf, welifera Gvoltniete bodbiedtim &ed-ipata 1b, nod, ‘orks and A vad, ‘spe take Vedi fa he Pars WARY demain; ATEN at wut inst AORIST 133 Fourth or sig-form. 146. This form ders fom the preceding one slnply in pro- fixing on edna R10 the sufie, Tt is conjagted in the arasaiplaony, ea [8 weedy uot Horo Chan six roots all ing im STAT yo" ray vorve as an example: Pamagneasrapa, wafea = wart Geyieipee — Geytnipme wofeen wafer Sybaiptam — doybainte wafer, warty: Lytle yz Second Aorist. 147. Thi arsine an impertect formed drcty from the | roo the terminations being adel with or withont the connecting vowel Wa, "The Seat form le ike an inperfoct of the sisth clas, the om being firmed by adding "Wa to tho unmodified 200k. Te correspouis tothe Sovua Asrat of the fit conjugation in Greek (Ervmors). ‘The infexion of this ait formed om FRR ie, ‘sine’ ew fllowes— Panaswatrapa, cowfire afereTe Hseam sie oowfee: aferrAR sion) Geet safe efereaTR Geiewt Eleni aeseoan 124 SECOND AORIST Iv 148 Amearnrana, swf wfereraty herent besioe sicher ecm ssfrem: seta where Acuthth — sieht senda ‘afetary whee Gsicctim ——derioanta Trregalaritios, 421 HT Lays “tl? lttutes Wa or ATA WL eit. FAA, 0 tk Gua: WHR Sane a: Way“ ade Wh the rots RIC th 44 UA pt fh and AR ve, “opel” form comtact re Suylled sorte: AUR pe-ptan, WATE voc (Gor swe, Ok, arnt) Second Form. 148. The imperfect terminations of the scond conjugation are tached to the rot. ‘This atm cormaponds to the Second Aorist ofthe cecondconjusstion In Greck:—WUTR Sth, paced” Gy), RTA thle, he stood” Eary)s AT st, ho went” 8n)s YR Abit, "he became” (0) A few verbs enling ia YA as well as VAG, "bo" take this form, This “Ts retained Shroughont exept efor the Ear ofthe 3-7 ‘hore i no Kemnneyads cp. 143 1443) 2. RT AG “gives Paraswasnapa, ATR FETT itive WTA Gama ARE Ih WRI Gita WRT Gita RAM Gdit | WRTATAGiettm Wg Sh "Be tf henry weer, prolably RET ah and wk he vowel shortened a in WURR Cyt 1s SECOND AoRIST 195 2. Bbhs, "te" Panaswarrana, ce ee ed 2M bhi NAG Mam WM tht RAG WANTAGE RTE ‘Third or Reduplicated Form. 149. Excepting the primary verbs dru, ‘run,’ and FSi, “gots sort has attached iat to the secondary conjugation fn Wet ayo (Vent clas and caustives). ‘Tho ste i formed by ‘pov redopliaton of the rot, to which "Ya is attache, ‘The inflesion is ike that ofa imperect f the Set conjugation. pwnd of forty yor take this avit in easin! Sanskrit Special Rules of Redupli 2, Wa, WTA, AEF] avorepresentod in the reduplic tive alah by Ei ‘2, The vowel of the veoliative hy position, ie lengthened "The quantity ofthe Bist thre alles of the ates iv thas most invariably vw sation. lable, oles already log Lick, Gilera, Shiga, aia, tidsat (rom di} edaedntora, Fa eklpat, BA we, “selene on RAHA semen Panasmarrana. \ Vee wy ERT Se age eae 3 TT agers, waa 126 REDUPLICATED AORIBT Ty ago ee oe 2 SaGTT Sa emlimoceshsh — aenomue-ethtm s-mimucediyam ‘ 4a : cet varnue~anta eroguaritien ‘a2 UTR mA snc a Wepre soto ther diosa soa to produce the prevailing rythna TUR Rebate, WAFER evevidbnet (cp 133 B2). 2 QW," shine? and AYR, retnig thee Jog radical vorel, do not lengthen tho seduplicaive slabe, thas Snvrtng the awal quantity of these two sylalee: WEI, ipa, FRR ssa. Benedictive or Procative. 150. The ative of his form i very rare hile th middle doew ot octnr otal fa lata! Saas. Te i an ait optative, Ting formed hy adding the tetnnatons directly to the rot, he termination re those ofthe optatve of the second cana tion, wth Rs inserted between WT 33 ad the personal ierons, ‘The endings of tho 2.3 sing. ae BTRL 3 (or yn), ATE (i p28; 143) being thus Hentai form with ‘howe of the opative present (151). The Benedtve Par of $M bth, sake woul be formed fll — 1 Far FUT za Dudieyisam tndheyiere — budb-yfem mer budheybetam boli? Dudheylet budgie wis SIMPLE FUTURE 137 Simple Poture 1 The fata is fred ang to dhe stm he efi ashen vith the conmeting vowel © i, CEG ated Iie pros ofthe it conjugation (ami) Most Fos ening in wove ect oko Rpm han Bale tf howe entng in somonan take Tepe. -Dseatve verbo tual tab the ater ee Ceo: VRP nhl; BW, Sovak’ AREA ‘hotest )s eo, ‘hnder AMAA ray Wh, "do's Cea hac gp sti; [oa o's NAA bay ase, te Several rots take oth forms —e-g. RY dab barn” rent ake (55) and AAR dada 2. Desvave in Wt au ean thir resents dropping gnly tie Saal Wore. WTC cara, steal” comme Rha eiee's— — Pamassearrapa qrera: grea: aiydub denny 2 area: wee Givspdosl——Asyicthah —- Giseydtha 3 erat | zrea: ‘arate dissect deyhtah ——disp-dntt Arwanreava, zrerat dicgydevahe —di-ryd-mmahe wet are Ginythe —— deeyiedbve erat ze ivay tte Aray-dnte 128 IRREGULARITIES Page Irregularities. 2x Soe vers have Ta send of Ear bore RE ya (P44, 4): — Ute ee! At ol Aap, “eee! Pa tose: UAT demkeayst (652), TR orale sped (0), TORR apse, PEM 6 mak get. 2A fo verano th ol wih aml bere Wapa:— A ond be lst": AERA ene yt es wel an fT abaya; ML sok’: ERH madkna 3 BR as ‘vel’ changer i Rs to Ut eto apo arf vot syi (66 44e UR ph, "wine takes Ky instead of E some: A gab-bay (p.60,3¢). 1 ie connecting Poriphrastic Future. 152. It is formed by aling the prosont ofthe verb WE as_ “boy to The wom. mase of en agent non ia J te (10%). The ‘om. sing ie use in all forms except tho third persons dul ant ‘lain wich the nom, deal and para appeae- ‘The airy {in omiced in the thied persons. ‘The Parasmaipads oly found fn use. About fry vt, eet fa the Epis, tke. this form of the fare 44 J rie aed, with o without Tf, to the gunated svt, nue Tn the sane way as Haya, Bt roots ending fa Er, at sls RL gag and HAL, "jet the connecting rowel: —W kr: ATF karl (bat MCCA karin Tf ati! (bt MFRRANER gana) ahs, be Panaseatraps. aofeenfa ufeare: fare: Diner Urethra Bhav-isthamah PERIPHRASTIC FUTURE 129 wf: ferret Me Lethal) Dhaw-itths saftey Wha ith haeteam Pamisqarrapa, Conditional. 159. This i par tese of ho Ft, meaning wos have? ie formed hy trai te simple ftare Sato. pat, which inflected ike an importact of tho ret eonugtion (abba). Errely rte oven the Pa i tl aor inthe Kem Te to bert wih che nthe Bpcvand the dramas. Esnmles se: from 5b (ot PTET hyn) SETA ERiarigean, NOUETOE avis}, NOTE sais, be Xe" (ut UET gE ir, et Km Passive, 154. The pasve, which tales the termination ofthe Kinane ‘la, iors from tho laser only i tho forms made from the root stem and in 3. ag, aor. From the Kip of verb of the fourth class it differs in accent only : TTA nsh-ys-te,‘he binde?; MUR nate, “he Bound” the following changen:— 1. Final WT or diphthongs 19,8) roi o beso Ri — 6g TRE "knows TMA tyes MT ik: A epbtes WT eh ‘sng? Cor 8 yal): ATER eee 2. Baal Qi and wat lengtoned eg. Ci, “go's KA te Feast": SAR cite Ma, one": AA tt. 2: Final Wafer singe consonsatbacomss FC aftr two consonant, WE ar meg. he do's FRR keto; bat “Wows, comember's WU ert “Fal "Fis changed to Kit and, afer bias, o Er — ee BA water": WR Biestte: a tees SER seattle; bat ‘A? (tho only example): GUA pret ‘5 Roots ending fas comounot preceded bya alle the tal e.g, MBL, break: HMR Bhat. 6, Roce lable to Suopraseae (13,28) kes —e.g ahs UR rete; AA vae: GUA wee; MY eh: TOA sthesto; RIRQorap: YOR supp 1. Devnaive verb in Wa apa drop the sui whe retaining the strong rdicl vowel eg, YEU coraya: STEM cor yates TCR Hicaye (om hy): TEA eset, ‘Tha pave of BA," would be infested as fllowe:— Parsex, ger qe Disylevehe — Voarybahe Biveyeaive at thoy tare a PASSIVE 131 thy femabi thyme aa Dba-ybmatal Dia. hte gear, Shiey-cie —-Bhi-y-fatam Dhuey-dheam Orrarive, yeate hiy-cvabl Dood Bhi-y-cyitha hey TUR depp; AT ath ‘wand? are ais pays The consi si fn rete (a fn the tenth clas) throaghout the conjugation excepting the (roped) soit (ich ounacted ts tho ante ins only: ep. 49) Irregularities, MT FAG “Leow? FAT "lagi? AAT “fae? WT soak openly shorten thera vowel before pgs TU ape on HT Jt ays, 2. Afewoutscaingi other vorelthan WTS take aya: — conuoe": ATU ape, ‘case wins Ri wth an end”: TE ay Rp, each; Wy, “go's WH 40 DERIVATIVE. VERDS IV 169 anpayt “put?s WE rub, ‘gow’: SAT ropa, at well as OHA rolidgs, ‘rice! 3 Sabi, “abaks” makes YET dhGn-sye, shake! 3 pet ae ire ptse lash ars hee fearon ells the ropslar ATE Wy. “egten” 44 WHCIabh, take? ogee a nasal: PEAT aaabayas while PM abe? retains te nasal: ZW dagp-aya (op-133.84) ‘5 WU han, ‘hil, sattates the devominativ aca, make slaghter of? 169, Desideratve seme aro formed by adding tothe 204, reduplcated fn a peslar way (he eullz W sa, dvetly ia about event cates, but wth the eoecting vowel € 1 (es RW fsa) in ty ore, ‘Thus UG, "bo Deomes AR bei-n, “aesze to be bat ALi, “ive? FAH joi, desire to live? Deridentives are indootd like verbs of the dt eon jngstion (p92) "The acceat Being on the relocate sylubl, tho root as a rule remains wncbange, but— 1, Before sa, Saal FF and a are Jengthened, while Wy and HF bewome Kir o, Mer shia, BFE Ge vg. FH," gnther’ a bere Wy Baal Fi, wy AEF ost ake Goods edi “ey kes itn, medial does sn one cae, a dial Ci ot al—.g AY, FMP ps 7, ers eMC Sarna GLa, dances Fat marie At, “hey: RTT utes FH iy "haow" ‘fas vi-vidn, s wel os FFE eit, ae DESIDERATIVES ur Special Rules of Reduplication. 170.1. 9, WU end Wy ae reposted by TL othe reductive pablo (bat BU, saning fr Wr afer Ibias redolent Wu) RH dad, brn’: FEW eA (Go: 60); AT sand FAUT thea; eet: fare asian (65 6)5 bh, bar AE bon, ‘2 The redeplcton of rote contuning Gi and wis oneal eg ROU, eater”: FEE eg 3s SH ‘adh, know: SYR bo-bhut-s (55); SE dub, “milk”: TYR dodhalegs 655 6 el: UE muh ows WER rca ‘To al desieien, exept thon fom rots eontinng 8, 1 a rept with © fo. The tro or hie rots wih fil vowel that tke the Aesieraivenebplieat Intaraly with i PU ay eat? WARE ign; EA, see's RAF Tikeien, TREN, “obtuin,’ formas ite stem by contraction: €°g fp-ca. Irregularities 7 Man, so Unite thle ral tore; while Win, hi lngthens the eda vowel a9 well :— Foret ji-zliep-na (beside FAFA ji-gam-iga); Forte egies (66.2); RT nena (66 A,” 1G sr “se? HOE prach, “atk? Rane, see tke Samprsirane: FAUT jek (55; 690), FOBFEEN pi reel, IB susan (2, TT hee? UT Ab‘ place! AT mi measure, WE pa, 1) TWHndh, “ap? Mab, “ako,” Wa ak, be ale coninet th vt tno aylblenof the tin itch away a to ‘tui nly the rotuptitin aa one consonant th ot: FT Bee RT aN or Ueda 5) AU ic, FT FOR He, Fa Hep, EW aye INTENSIVE ae 4 Fate Feo? UM, “a” (p.17,2, revert tht orgalguttut: Fe ckEsa (bcd FT 5) FRA gine; PTR jegharn, 5: UR cha, “ea? changes fla Re toM ts feghatn, ‘be ung. TIT, Intensives (Frequentatives), 172, These verbs are meant fo convey a SntensBeation or fragt roptton of the aston expressed hy the simple rst nly mononlabc verb boing witha cnsoaaa te lable to Te tured Into inteniven, Hence ncther verb af tbo eth la nor rot ike ail an fort the ernie. About sist ote (lm han al ho somber fond ln Vale erate) take the Intensive fa Saas, ot fru of atl ow ‘he sem, which ake a praia kind of strong rdupliction has two form, ‘The one asthe personal eiogs immeiately to th redaplcatd vom aceaed om theft alae intron forms), ng conjugated fn to Parsopada oly, ike vend ‘of the third or reduplicated clnes (p. 96) —e.«- SWATFA bé-bho-ti from 91h, "be The oter ade accented ys, i the sane sry the enive (14)totherdapited stem, being nope {nthe Ktmanepads only, lke the passive (p.239)s—e.g. ATAPRA oct rom A a, The first intensive may optionally insert & ( before termina tion begining wih commnants Sn the sttag forma, Stems ending in consonants do not take Gupa eter Dafne thi 1 or before terminations beginning with vowels; —e.g. fg vid, Snow’; BRAT ve-vod-mi or BATE ve-vitsemi, FET secs per RPRETE vé-v-Ea; a BG “calls Bf joel or TTMAR joker, Trea ba. a IRREGULARITIES 143 ‘Special Rules of Reduplicstion, 178. The redoplintve lable ter Gaga and lengthent was—eg FAR al, ‘cleanse? RAF ab-neketi; WA, “lead” Bate velco; Bu, kaon’: TARA to but is gpl fae" WA po-hoeetes MM ape hos ATA fiprete {2 ets ondng in WAlam repethe ane engtening the vom AC kam, ado”: IBAA ata aye dinate - (6, Roots containing W y insert Ki between the reduplication and the root e.g. my‘: WEAF marF-marti; PL Ahi ses CONTR ae dpLaete; Por dace”: MENA arbor pete, Irregularities, MTA. er. “erake? redoing with WEE (a foe 22) foe the sen WT i, which bat aot atone the character of «rot (154A 4) ae wed a the only ree tem of the verb: 3. 9g. TANF ji-wart, 3, pl. ITAA fleur 2 Rab, “bor and Eb, sp at rdupite with ‘ts, while er, “mve? changes it ede vowel at wel: RRA dan tk and TAM dandabyte; THA Sab hires TER occa yt 8, pad, “go, Besides neduyliating with a nasa, inserts G7 stiri: TATURR yoyo; wile HU run cede- lean ab (1738) I eontained "Hy (oiy that the ard Yow is which, Bowers, lng by poston): RCRA theLareil (op. 13444) 4g DENOMINATIVES vis IV, Denominatives. 175. A tage suber of verbs, infected lke howe f the seconption (9), 70 derived, withthe sulls Ey fom rows fo which they’ epee ame auch ration as "be or at Tk teatan ako, ‘desire? Before tho sos, al Ci and ‘Su are Lengtoned; a ft el, but aametines becomes Er (op t54 te Examples are: Mme," py Dome (cans) to"; RAAT aye, “regard os» mar” (ees) AUT cons, “Be lke m hordaman (go) tn? “pote [CTATE ry “lay the lng? (3; sa tet” (ro) EL pu, "dete won" (ptr)- ‘4 Denominativee which bavo the casative eet (ya) aro reckoned ert ofthe teath cls by the Hinds grammarians Such are MAAR snide, “ake sown!” (entra), HL itty “clare? (nt, ames NEM vara ples? “deseuibo” (vir, colour) TE hatha, “tll bow, "relate? (Gavthéa, “how. arand-y, “rok, CHAPTER V INDECLINABLE WORDS Prepositions. 175. Owing tothe cases having « more independent meaning than in oer Rryan languages, the aumber of preperitions Is Gguite sal, and their use every Kine in Snaskell, ‘They aro early all pontpoiions, and thoy do not “govern? but only Aefing the general sense of, the ease to which they are ade "Tn mans Grok ie pepalionnprnrse tei rg porn slave naa: rh sy ne ri (oe. ~ ey oe PREOSITIONS 5 ‘of the doen Vee pontoons also ployed as vba pe- fet) Sansa proceryes eal thre ia common eda? and AR rai (Ok. ner “abn ater tbo ncousativ 12. WTA, fom? oe up to before the ablative, he orig a snl wet ih, enlarge fullonng thelr cs sb, “epi! ac) , ‘erga con ee) were ne, Hog ener," within’ betwee" (oo, ately ge) towards? ‘Propositional Adverbs. 71 Tho ls or chshcence fthe Vote proportion inte tr tn i cpio in Sasi by the frome no genineprepetinn, tht to any, thse which enae be ed to teria andthe rg of wih rom ese for {be most prt dear, Thay ave employed with al the ote fave ate te Dative a he dative nth he ata ne > repro! werd over comand in Soi, Thaw adverts te given inthe fring in rospo dr the cine hich fay scopy — ‘Boo, WATE ata and, BAPTA darn,“ bet “ett th Ter la “reuiog's {HRT kas and WAT sandy, “new”; WHAT: abhi-tab, ECA: part-tal, SHA ria, ROT wnt, and”; SOs, “enbothiden Ae em, bond's TAM, rag? pts ao ab) 2 Kaw AH aks, RAE amin, ATE Sk, ATE Sr a, oper wih; FMT vi ton "exer a ae, say at) ADL, AIL the adverts aed ith hin cate expose sme soliton of he fndanenal alive son of eurton 146 PREPOSINIONAL ADVERES 9g 1. “before” (of time): WATE arvik, GUT pars, FSA pirvan, spk. osteo dna): UOC ecarme, AR, Sram, TER param, TERE pariah, WAT yea, aA he (oignly fon. aout moaning "commenonment 2 ‘outsde et of: WARE ba. 4, apart fom': ATW aay tha, A po Go we) 4. Gan. Neay all the avers ws wih nce expr tome selon i pace:—t"elre!"in prance of" Se raly-akgem, BARE saab. 2, ‘ate’ 2a: "bosond”: CHE parte, CEMA yrketit. 4 “over agan”: UAE wp (lo as) and UPL aps, the form alo “with regu tog. “blows EME ad and WUT ath Wit the gen lao ted BH hte, “or tho ake of! 178, The concnoins of the arcuaive (‘whither’), ablative (whence), and Toative Chee”) are ute graphed by oune meaning“ provimity,” woh ay WASTE ants, SRS pecan, FOE alas, MOA ks, Af css, ‘actin UTA ples ide"), Inthe ace, they mean “towadn! to” ‘near; inthe abL, “fom”; aed in th Joe, “nea “in he provence of: Sneach av gvertng th gnitive. For examle:—XTWS feat HE "go to the king"; THT. TITS WOT ‘he withiow from Rash; Aa TAL "side so ‘near me's FT: RL Me HG: “they praised Nala in her presence.” ‘Propositional Gerunds, 179. Several indosinable ptcglen ar waed in the nee of * pointing at =" towards” [PREPOSITIONAL OBRUNDS M7 or’: RTE Saye, ETE rhs, taking, "Teng? = with"; PRB aihieyn, WA eet areanb-y, FMA E30, RTE ath, *2e- ceoting to'=by means of; BPRT nak 3, TCR party ye wiferert vi oxcopt!; WALA anki “pulling a the head’ with reference to? ‘about! fe with a. TERR Kms, "eginnngfrom’="since? Conjanctive and Adverbial Particles, pry": HH ray do sgh en wh, how mach mete?? something new a the beginning of sonenco=' now’ asin the headings of gine” (oppo to CF 23. compoctng pars of 8 sentences" ah,” Sabet 4's Teper ore TTA if Tao not follow ther, Teall goto Yama’s abode’ fem, ha km, "what eee? "=it iss “eetiniy “yen! SAT tha vk: 1 ‘or oie “or? 2. comeing a provious statement ‘on rather? "Wut? "3. ang » coroorative statement, "or ets ERT ATEN thw iin wet WH dh, ‘then? ‘aerwarde® ee WW anyne ca, ‘and actor thing!="and b ‘ec aparany, fier? morse ‘been’ connecting tke fc) parts of sentence Ike and (WAR —NWfR “Yoth—and). 2. ‘ao, “ex one's own part": EAMTSTR FHREATH ‘Daracaks also (om Ma part) went away. 3. "even ‘though: TREE “even 0 for 148° CONJUNCTIVE AND OTHER PARTIOEES Vv is0 4 hid"; TARTU chan, “thogh lone 4. “oul “hae” (oF ime) aA tot arnoment” 5. ‘all? with moment ‘rafter of al the four castes” Inthe above re senses HF ap lvaye flloma the word to which it belongs, I 1s alo ore atthe beginning of sentence at an interagtve Lovie, and wih the opts to expr «wish or preference TF AR AUER "is your penance prospering?” WER TH ‘BAA woul thatthe tne al come’ WER RTMTI aT [RACY vowld ater absadon fe than thee! 94 AT a 1," peshapn (se MT a ‘WaM Glan, ‘enh constr with he instrament, sera or native, exromenaprobibition WOE May ith fer HOUTA eso reproacing me"; RHE RAYUEGR do not asaken? fi i,t": evn ater th exct won of qutation ‘With vers of saying it supplies he place of iavetel one sod oftieindvet onstruction a English: Mart ef CeTER TA B RTGRTW "bead 0 mos wild hy bidng (vader) "told me that he would de my bidding 4 Tes similarly wed toque shonghts intentions nome, Hong not steed: Tafa aT me Cf fa one should not devpte& king, though a child, (thinkin, Docause he ia more han being": ETeate eT Ca ‘it which te prevented (thinking “it out he given fom 9 souse of daty's 1 MAMTER EAA BTC “ie aowleg) tat he rats the bok ofthe ay not seus at conidece ia hin)” aen"Bore ens a the end of book, choper, eto, ast fe te ese eo te hed st? ain he apy of “as aga "as ors ARE RE ‘frag Frere wR as or ding) quel. # (vad vaso CONTUNCTIVE AND OTHER PARTICLES 149 ‘eae a for (ing) vei. two egnteconeideration’ {Seo lo F49Ckimand AUT tah) eee ig ci torr ih ei setne or e's ETC RTATR he 9 lh ko a hie) a. ‘oes “as ie wore'= TREC ORT Forfa Tee ait wer, Sine hia Hefore me? 3, “sone bat ardrafira somowtat auc? 4 aloe RATER ale fu hour’. jt? “quve's RFRA jos» Hite PETA gute wo? 6. "indeed? "ro? (Grn “wo si sero: Fe ag CTAT EW TATA se, Taeed, nt a ramen vel Son? ‘Sean patel of ryuent ocuerencein the Vad, ean “ol in posrved in Semi caly i eovnination with FL im ge ant Sa WU ato (bg, and wo" "tea? and a6 (or ny, no", or? "BA wt, «coon yrs nthe Veda, oanog “and, “abo? “on? eurvives only ncomtiaton with BA ont RCW esti on the contrary’; FRA Ki oa, how sanch mare? “hom mock lve"; ai he seve art of «doe qostion: = far (Sram —an) "wheter? Tie ala frequen me sm expletive atthe ond «ine in he Eder WH evk isa etitoe pace flowing the word wish i fempnsies, Thay often breed by ot ‘on, exatls. ait a wall wn trou ter mys satin tae by Stren: UR WA “quite alone"; SAAR "the very sight; WATT nyse AER shat ory the same"; BAPE ‘ee est; RGD the whole cath’ apr wal ao. — A {ekg “Mews ao! BE agra, ‘nt at at? "hy [eer hoya! so a FAME sv, 150 CONJUNCTIVE AND OTHER PARTICLES ¥ 185 ‘AER kiccit (Vodic nster of intr WE hid FA cid, wed in quetone expecting the anawer "yen (Lat. none) ope! eFAFET era CTA TATA T hope you hee wen Damayani,Ohing?” With negutive="T hope aot” (La um): safer Tere weTaT fa 'T bre not dose you any injury, Tope? TWTARChmaem (ac. of WT dese), primarily aed ws an sdresb meaning ‘at wll “gladly” i freqsetly employed as concestivepaticle-—1 indeed” "cet “fonoath “ta bo ture"; a. ‘grant “eopponing” (gonrlly with Smpertv) followed by adversative adverb :—@THR—Q, flea, MATAR, oF YH rue though gots TRA certainly — ut ot "rather—than” (ep. TER yaasr—¥ a} fart ktm: 1. ‘what?! "hg?! ga simple inerogative parte not to te translate, and enpecing the anener “20” (Cat. num). 4. whether?” in double questions, fllowed by 4, fe, or simply BA, AT, oF STETAERE “or. Combinations of ER kim with ater articles are the fllow- Jog: 1 ‘moreover’ fA Yb! ‘howe’ — Fafa, Ce ray” *T wootor?” FRR 1. "yey "vehemetiy": Fa ‘WEA weeping itely*; a, ‘oay, more — Ferg, Fa, fe petec cine ee erent Gear caer fg YET ‘sven eck ney (les) oral, ow tc mote (is it 0) whe the four (ae combined)” FAR Dis (quidem): 1. indeed? “certain? “to be flows the word it emphases: WE FR FEA SULA to be aur the rogue deserves calamity.” Sometimes FR may be rendered by strvss moroly: Wenftat f@% RITH WTA fet “coe day tiger di cone’ "they ay, "we are tld” y so CONJUNOTIVE AND OTHER PARTICLES — 15f 1 dovatoo sitet Ft WTAE thre te eo ened Kista. “Gert aetnim (nut pt pat), "done i wd ike Pattee SB Bebe avay wit du : Spear oval, ‘coly' af be mares sap a eq nt only—bat™ eh wher? ifrepented with another qurton ogress incougray, or incompaiity: BY Fae a react FA “wher (s)he ace sprang fom the ‘sun, aud where (my) limited intelligence?” i.e, “how great is the STerpaney twine the glory of th ela aco aad ry powers of deasion” hs ines on may eon ue peceilng word. 3. rug “please? in eiratin: AR Jeg afr lee give nner (Cor oe). iin gorundenough of do oot (ike WUC) Seer do ot weap! MFG ‘ota all erty no Thope aot” on, eclic (0e qu) “and ‘aug! FEY ToT “ovina nad Kia!” Ho yooty tho partile ia otcsonaly paces ATR for KATY i ths wold ond the tent? When mare than two wos are connected, the conjane- ion te commouly sed with the lat only a6 Sa Bagih— Ew 1 oth—and!) on the one bandon the or? thoogh—yek”g no souer—tha” Rg bd ot) it! nvr tg eee ohn Be day Bg hn Ro “iC not(nealy) other's wa Fog el AB vwerarrd fora everything sont ke done after iba tin oarite you wll cme to repentance! AE enw, 152 CONJUNCTIVE AND OTHER PARTICLES ¥ 19 ot” fades): TF SE ETT ii nto ot (wil) not (le) otherwise’ AFA BAT IC this (is objected, i ie) not (s0).” ‘rg Stem atalhoer! "possibly. ‘perhaps 3,‘ene? “one day.) * TG “aot at alk! "hy no maar; ‘never? “ARE theta 1. 'thone! 2. ‘theropon “then” AR ‘tan tate = what nent) “pray go on” (With what yon are sayin). Wer ththas 1. ‘thos, “ato! ‘an well! “and “accordingly.” 2. ‘ikea,’ LG). tat ie vo" “sos! ‘teh te done’ —MeT | ‘so als” ‘smarly’—AeTHe tay, * noveetelon’—RTAT FR foro (it), “a0 fr netanes eat Js to ny “namely. fh th TE hed (neue. of pron "that": ‘thea? “in that cue? “thereie?“accringy's Tanger we wg fea 3} princes; therafre we ave cutoaty Fara we to bear of wat ‘mean! 3 ‘in the Brat place 4. ‘jon? ‘at once? (wth inpeive= before doing aything lee: ERUTRRTREATR pray cme here at once” gale, “even” (os opps to ‘low snuch more? “how mich Jes). 6." only! "mero 7 'at nat: TATA oh eat ese rota human being 8. (oncessively “inded “otal. trae (otlowed by "but? Se). g emphasizes» notion Hike Wa): "a on rogue Go ait ta Ra rendered nly. TRA scacely—when? WATE “not yee? 1 #4 (never commencen a sentonce): “Dat! “however? Tie rometinos= or RT, of w mere expletive; tie even found ‘omfiaed with of reyeted Sa tho came sentence. fe at ther? M1 “but not! WA Gua taena fo, never ¥ \8o COXJUNCTIVE AND OTHER PARTICLES 153 2 YA iadeot—bon! FZ no! ARTE! not ny") 00 man TRE ‘ashing; MTR now: Be ETE never? iC cept smn to an mpd positives AW FEL MY AFA ‘uo ove wa tere (sho ts) not salad! He enery ona was thornghy ete "nota al * in guetionn expecting an airaatve surely’: WE ® FHA: manashem te sb, surely Tam thy beloved?” a, with ntargstive roe "yay" WY AAT “pay who 10 our” MATE one yeyte, “pay tll? ein argument ili ot the case tha?" nay be objected fallowel by WITS atrayeyate, ‘to this the reply is” WTA nana, besides its adverbial meaning "by name? (c.g. 9A WTA ‘Nala by name"), has the following senses as particle: 14, indeed,’ ‘certainly,’ ‘to be sure’: WET ATH FST have indeed conquered.” 2.‘porhaps': FEIT BFA WW ATH “you have pers seen a righersa man’, iron with Sntertogatives=! pray’: BY ATH TATE FH: “who, pry, favourite with kings?" 4. with imperatives" granted,’ ‘no: ater “ener so mach"? UT A THe hi eee to rich? "Af ATA, at tho Beganing of seatnce ih lena’ rhage’ 2. empbasne a peeting word nore ‘stoomaly than "WFR sono, — MQ] ATA “acy: WY ATATEPATET em sucly Yas des Uo toe? Wn “sow wih ateregtives pens": Yo, pray?? IA. i ante quetons exproning ancora, ihe) or ‘Net ST WHY on ths be Buna or Dharma!” nonns abd imperative est 154 CONJUNCTIVE AND OTHER PARTICLES ¥ 185 FR aGak, sly the fat word ina sntooe: Sn ll endoubely anaes aa mat STS ere “saucy tink Hf nt the fall ofthe Ring of ina Fr nb (0640) inthe Vous mesnt ‘and aot? ‘nar? but in Sansloit simply =" not” (ep. WE cfd). THO phan.“ Mghy? greatly? “entity? “very aCHyETAT FHT am greatly obliged? 2 8 the mon” age a iT oe FATE aR i i th it of mores (ant) a mont hic (year)? 3. "othing ba eal: Fey HE TEA “yon only lack the horns’ 4. ‘bat ‘however’ adore TE gFHTTAERT "they re) thursghly versed In al earning, bat ack ntelige [GRE phan 1. "agtn” 2 ‘onthe other hao the cone ie AME BR, oF ily BE nn ea se repeatedly.” ‘AVG: priiyal, WTEW: priya-duh, HVAT praiyena: x. foe the vost part,’ generals,” ? [ATE bAghE ti pring const: “very wal.” 9. exprnning saat probs, py generals ese with FU MR oF FT HE donot ts erploped Inthe same mays Both tod RHC saga azo nod lily = oot 01" “don'ts Slsly ATW 'aot for esve's ake!” "Gol foi? [RUTH with potential or elipeallys would that nt oy not": RY MY CTR: "heaven forbid (hat should) the wares ‘GUE mba 1 every monet ‘repeatedly, incmany” '¥ Wo CONJUNCTIVE AND OTHER PARTICLES 155 2. "on the contrary! BREA other? "whence (often =" where, ‘wth’; oftensablave ofthe elaine ys). “wherefore? for which reason." ‘ecause/ ‘aluce? "for" (often intadas- ing verve in suppor of « prevookatatement)- 4. "that ater questions or bare orto rete: TY HAA: CH TET, ‘Bat AT ‘what misery in gosto than thi, tha there is m0 fatent of dese?” lace! = be dah “3 Dhan shone Heth Thing” "a or : wan gal ged meat in het she sal chia af no oer man than thea”, 90 ‘Sars we mer ‘wfCO eT wa FCAT sao con- trv that he wil lay hin 6. “that ftroducng (ko W& y68) 4 et aston, wth oF without RF at the ead: Ua fot "tho more—tbe sore? tad pat hat () ae (tows thas fr Instance? WR yids 1. "tht intodacng inet wera (ko Gk 2) ‘with or without €f a: the ond: Twa Sfge war CAT HULA “you mut any, T have alan my Uetoved hte” 2, (0) ‘tat? ‘fils rat Bf RET how (is it) that you do not know?" 3. “in order tha": 6 Med if BH BMA TE ‘whos canbe done inorder binge note? "naan a "Yea IR has, St (op BE ccd, — WAR ATE Soe ee? or eas EMTATAAE TMT win tw tingly a set : “although.” hoener!— “as sour Majesty Come ae ap 158 INTERIECTIONS vi Tyee "Os, the avestnns of the song!” WY fieceT ‘BVaAT FH“, Minaya, you aro prievorthy “UA op. 24) ed ese to expres on rocllection aU UE FER ATA, a0 inded twas!” “RU: Rh (p24) exon joy oedema, APeEATFAT Ab, you wo slight your geet EMC kagtarm, "Woo!" ‘alan” often combined with FUR dik or Fama ait, {EMT ainG4B (isi by goo Lock'=) ‘thank beaven often vith JUL pdb," proepor’="to hare caus for joy oF congrate- Intion: FUT METTTER FAH TR ‘your Maja is tobe congratlaed pon your vor” aR Aik, oxlsmaton of ination rproch or aenta- tion: “Sol "won!" TL celaty wed with the acousstie, ot ‘bono. gon,voe- ab oeur: FR FTTR| ‘shame on you!” ‘Wa bate, exposes rantonishinet: ah!” norte” 1a aluo combine with oor itauctions inthe se see wai€ toaare, SET A, SAR A. AY boss. nulla exclamation of addon; "srt" hot” sen!” ‘Thongh a contracted form of old mucin snglar ocatve (Dara) i i uted i eroing fre a wel oe ale arson, and fa connected oven withthe por] numbers Ts sftensopoated:—ay AT: GFREMT “sen, Page” 2, sometimes occur in sloquies: tot afa. el doget” "rare! with imperatin ATY WAATA ce, let Damapant Ye lage fr anak? gl!” wih pr pens AT WP Set wil go? ewer": TRC RT AA ‘i¢Tive, Tall dou oe hn? fe avant: "bal!" 2, "farewell? vise INTERIECTIONS 159 {Gm bata: 1. exclamation of exhortation =" come ok, spay?s BAUR OTT ome, Lvl al eho! PEAT spony Tnen! 2 expats gle: “alas!” joy surprise, or bury; “ob! fahi* Serna expresses tstolshment or aisfeton: "ahi" a. palo aaa!” BU RATE alas! Tam undone” Tei frequently accom ponied bya voostive; and Le sometines used with following ae. Blas for!” Teis often combined with ER, FER, or TH. CHAPTER VI NOMINAL STEM FORMATION AND COMPOUNDS A. Mominal Stems, 1B, Desiable stems, though they often consist of the bare wot (ither verbal or proncrial), ae chilly formed by mane of wulices added to roots, ‘Those wuizes are of two binds Primary, ot thovo added dvetl (o roots (which my be com- pouuded with Yorba prefios); sooondary, or thos added to flame already ending in sux, 1 Primary derivatives aa role show the root it strong forma ;—e. 6. 8 vs, "knowledge? (FAQ knoe"). In meaning they may bo vied into the two cates of abstract ction nouns (oguntein sense to innitives)and concrete agent nouns (cognate in sean to participles) ued as actives or substntives:—e. ‘fit mats, “thonght? (A man," think’); WTR yah, "aghter’ (GR yadh, fight"). Otbr mosnings aco only modifica ions of thee two, ‘Thus abstract abatantves often segura a ‘comeretesonso;—e.g, FM may-ann ms “eaing” comes to mean “eye (ihe organ that leads). X60 PRIMARY NOMINAL SUFFIXES Vr spy 4 When the bare root i ola desi se, i nally tosnnn nchangets—vg, FRR, (ate) “enemy oo), BAL, 6g m,Agter? any of ease stem we only a the end uf orp e.g. duh, “milig” (0), Rost ending in HK are sbostenad to Wa, au thon in Ri, ‘Tor Wr, ae alvage mute by wing a Cr there sons se only nae a te last mambere of compouniss—e 8. GBR sf, ding wall ep 1878) ‘Sov pimary nomial ee connote withthe verb sytem hae ally een sully del wi iss thn a ‘he prsent aod fatre parses: Ra (864 156, fon BT ron (158); of the pots ARE st 8s sy) at ‘hyp sve price): ta a ofthe grav an-ipa’, MR" tav-ya?, and W ya (162), ‘The formation of stems to whieh the primary ene of the eompertne a sapetiative, CaM ys nd UW iin ee adel ee ses ony cslsined (68; 13,2) OF tre filing nlp fer, ao the most weal an portant: Was sntetatinesandadjetives eg WH gama! (CEA aj, “emit”); RE mngheg,t. “eloud” “changers fr in); HTT Hes a, har RAL hn Avie’ Fay 1-4 plewing? ‘dat pr," peao, The uttativen are ‘tot exclsvely mate; bot GM yur we "Jake" (Ge ren Tat rem) “Wl mnse.agent nosed afer defective ter stems 5. TICs, ruler “king” (go 1): HAL Shea 2 “ae? (gt ho ater pat, ey ad ayo ae vo wz secnly (98%, 2), but the whale i omplaped a a pimary wit (a3) "The at prt of MIs rv un che ld ate coding AR tv (Ay. 130). V1ise PRIMARY NOMINAL SUPFIXES ——16t wt ana: nest ation none: g, Hm deans.” galas se), TIO Dann, m enjoyment” FA bi Cojo") also agent sounes—e-g, TE vkbaon, cover weil; very tae wih oak yowsts BOUL kr-ant (Chaentng’, miner? ee Meas, KR is, BE uae never aston moons, ten wit coveree meaing (p.89):—m 6 ARs sens, spec! EE ei, lh; NAR ha, bi? SET fom. neton nonny, avo agent sons (dj, nd sb, ow ener of sce ose. kes fg Saf hes, ig TERE pie, m. “hs ER She, aye? RARE dat, n "tone? FA Aah, sour milk” Mss agent soya abt he er ng monty pve bt nln set fd pee on! (an tones MT thea. (Ok he, phen ojo's RT hae” (9) TE naa ayaa mae. mt etme EM GH mith-ons on}, pal! BME fale, 1B Rs fom, mostly corresponting tow. and fin Bui—e.. ag tant independently formed: FH cau, ‘ams, yy : : Wi tas besides osdinarily forming past prsive pastcples pps i n more general sense 2 tho sis of fw sess (to sutantves ee YAS ol? WER “bck s ttm." mesenger, RRL Lea, hand fais toon wv gf So oa (Gk. inne) FR 35, "Meth" TFA jt "sins? however, mage, (ing to itr concrete se desiguating« male Ing). 362“ PRIMARY NOMINAL SUPFIXES VT 182 Rs chiey forms the sto of ftaivs in GRE -tom — ek WR ae, log eng fr want oo stimives AY "ten! Ba hem cause (FE, ep"): ATR vst, "nai? (Gk fr), tes mes. agent noons;meg. He larify “doers al aes of rio, fom at well as makes g. TG kh, Cotes! 9 ph her (we) tra, na AT tek fs expen of the insirument op meanest ATW pean, cop” (BT ply" deak'); Sw dg team Soak? (iter? Qld), der, a." peayer™ (nan, tiak”); TAT mts mer? (Gk, pope Wha, mn WTAE, fe A at, ma eect; A eam fonts TAT els, 6 eg! Wa, mn, MTA, f.: beside ordi freing pst ps tcp (160 1), ao adjective atl subsantves ee. a rend, “Black? ; Taf vér-pa, m.'colour”; Wil porns, n." wing” TMT es, ftir? fad, mm. ER ag 8” ae) Sg sé a Way weg AT Sh, on “Tah? BR wend, ‘out bates or . Wma, sj. sob hg amok? fe canoe aaa Ge nee a Asean, "acho, BM rosy a" yroper”y WEEE man, m.‘sfone™ (Gk, dear), RGM Urabe, , “on who 1938" (90 2. FRU ak A aay fo CARA ean mags Weis tents APA Mt idly TW lke, “poner? Bye, mee. AY mens, 2 ARR ths, “ere YR 5 AY rey death! iiss PRIMARY NOMINAL SUFFIXES 163 rw Mi ma bee TR og tome ovstn nn of go WA abhi woud? re djs nave og AED, nid"; abn, Piva, adj: ns onbet jeg, Wiad Trams hon! (Ese) Seuuul ‘man. subet.;—e.g PRM pi-van, “fat”; UTE exon, eo” (04): EAL eva mj? 2. Becondary nominal Suis ements me mult: froma, iy with tad ly cnet ee tation commen ih the Moh wnat, WT mina "Yelonging to” Eat) Man ofthe hve become softs in the mac Tenancy tener ese ROAR gs, hon ee ee Gree prs ‘onany? us annes! Whe fred wth ‘ni, these derivatives alwaya take in tho ferinin Care orme th feof actives which nthe mat ac see in Wate RT ant, "love (07 “Wea ange oye fn the name of den ending Weg RETA ina STM Ayana, mors ystroncn wth iil Vb e.g MNEs, desea of Aa inte fs pti ith iil Veg TT intricate a he erate Shy owed i OTT tut "ehavtnr (RPC hing on he se ck”) Tins fms, inte sine of “young” jets from ‘stems ending in Wa;—e.g, TFA bal-in, strong,” from A at os ett Eis foe the en of asst de with sufi ening sn coronas (gee with i (01 ef there ie Bu al? (Lat. sero) 164 SECONDARY sUPFIXES Vitis (08), on Wa ates whe formed with Vi): dev “goddess” (2a dev-s, god"), Cp. 107. ce Kt ina: fore adjectives, hi expreniv of direction and ama fom woud in WR e;-o.g RTA pets enten” (OME, pate, “ear ‘Celiya: forme general adjoctives;—a.g. WHY parvat-ipa, “mmoatainoue; AYE tl, "blogg to hi "he Wen: forms jeter ninutiver;—.g, UW fla, ings with Vd TEA vreka, “teenage the lae* (var): ETH "pep Kn! ME pte ii son. The fm of ch derivatives (in wa) ion formed ith {Car eg eng GPA pte “elo doar? We tana: forms adie: witha tempor! meaning YR ana, “pect?” FETA porta Dy ancient” "WH tas form superalivor and eral eg alan “highest; sacs, hndroh? WE tara: forms conpasaives:—s.g SAE dear, "high? ‘AT ts tay a: form ste utes nth the eae cousyed by tho Bnglih soir nes! eg, SWAT deve “divinity; GME artes inmowaly"s WRT pao toa treme” dislli into the ve lemons), ath? WE tye, aj on a frm noun fom prepmaons verte) g PRA aye, oostan; UR etps Sorin”: ETAT waka oncmpanion (RA ee) Wea, frie some onl from eras ag ccatur-thi, ‘fourti” ay Ha ons fr the names of ani “ase UR pbb aa rae smo eager pl fm prepositions, sad snc ola eg. WA ves" lovet: WEA ral ‘emiddemost"; WR ped," em MEM garded, v4 183 SPCONDARY SUFFIXES. 165 wa mat, ol: forms, ia the sense of prteatng? derivatives oom oabtantves (estent suchas cml tn Ws) s—e.g FRE nto, ‘rsinining the (sate) fre"; “fers? faa maya, oii. (£ 3), ‘consisting of) eg. WATE anon, onsstng of mind “pital” ‘yas adit m. subst: forms adjectives io the sense of hi, «gaan tyne patooyncs wo wouter ain we se well cada jeter withont Velde. g ais, Fang tothe neck? AT gi) WORE iy, moon of ane"; RPRTEN stg, “goo fortene” (om BA o-bhden, fortunate"); FARE pitraya, ‘yoternal” (FR pith, "ther" “Tras: forms evngarativs Sum prepositions nd ontiary adjectives; ese, WIE fos, lowes"; YA (tom taba, “ack ies adh; ms sub: firme adjctines and 8 few dinine iver e.g. FAM kapi-14 (‘ momkey-coloured"), “brown,” TH Aad," abundnt”; HW eps lil ea, "ma of ow case! "Shea? “WR wat," possesing’ e.g, HOUTATL ‘typing’; MBER nibh, ‘clos “in” ‘ava: forme fa the sense of *postoning*alectvs aod mae states; AAR ghee, "ofl, a. a iot of dn; RAR stare, "Breit? FRU rin forme actives meaning posrnsng' eg. IH ‘fea yaiae-vin, ‘ glorious” 183. The sve lst practically supply theres of gone forth Sails now, ‘Thor ay be suds a fll fara, “having Sposktng generally ll stern ending in the lng vowels WI; 1, 5, are feminine; stoms ending in Wa, Mt, Ae, may Le 366, GENDER v1 184 masculine nour; str ening is Ci or w may bo of any sede ‘4 Feminine sr al stems formed wit the sos "WE 6 Ei, Wa ata, Tes, Hu »b, Meater areal stu formed with the sulies Rts, ru HAL, Hw, wal (anlos ve nam of living being) We, snd (oust meaning an agent) WM ans € Mawouline ae (aa far ex thoy ae no ed ajay) Ml toms formed with the sues ts, % va, Y yas WE yuna, Ti patronymic), ka, # bb, a, 4, Mase. oF fom. re stems forted with the wuticos FH ni, ‘vs, FH mi, B17; also stems famed with the bare cook (neuter ag if adjective) ‘Mane. oF nent, ace ses fore with the sulfses Wiha, Was, TW na, Aims, B ya, Tra, Aye, Wis, J so Fan, AML a, AM sk; also the adjctves formed with Rin, i, Ei, EH ya, AM ts, A tana, Alaa, Fas, RA mss, TL f Mase, fom., or next, se stems formed with Ei or 8 2B. Compounds: 184, T, Verbal Compounds ao formed ly combining roots vith some trenty prepositions shila few adveris, ‘The com pourit verb i conjugated ike the simple ver, ‘Thos Resin, oobines wih WAR sn, “together? to BA sega, “to go together? “waite! 3. slag. pres. RATA ssc as. ‘The compound root cau Le wed to form nominal stom Uy wens of the primary sufses enumerated above (18, 1)s—exg. sama ‘4. The papositons which re comyounded with rots are the folowing: — "WFR ai,“ eponds "WAR ats, "upon", HR sn, vrs ‘VERBAL comPounps 167 “ate, WA ants, et “on; RF aby aga, WL Sv, "dows wT A, ar 3 Gi," op"; TIGya, "np 0"; Fa, downs PRR, “ons BET pity "wy", FC paso” py eh ari" tonarde Fv, ansnar"; ah, together! 1. A few avert are slo compounded with limited numer of vena: FCA tin acon” aid” with Bhs! IT Ai, pat? AL, ene PRRRFAT eho they bn’; FART to-ds,pot aide? evocnl"s FRTSAM, theo haven, they despa”; GER wos vith B ky and XT ig, “pat in ons “honour —o.g, FRAP, pore Aegan, “ut hom be boned TPR, openly! th Bk, "to manifest? wih Wee aed HAG, “to pear” eg safer CHA sist shows IRCA Se," appre: ROR la,“ with Bk, to adore dy an old word meaning “heat” (Lat cond), ving acquired the Camel fat ave ie compounded with WT Uh, “put ul snarky nde, “alin! WBA Stim, ase. of WE ta, "oa compounded with prin o ie“? sod Tigo suena —ege AAEM adda," rt ath? "eed (Lat cra); MRA amas kips "havo wo”; RETR Stat, nt (of theo). (Nar, Adjectives or eutatives say bo compounded with B wy and Sh, Define which al ay WE, or Ki bosses final Bu besones B Gima.g. FA ys, m.cotl”: A valy reduce to ashi” HR aie, "orem sate ject"; FCO pase, “teaed inl 9 mest? CAFC mks), ‘The went ofthese vertal expounds fmlos a tans= ray? fi ‘the peeprson WT 8 revere th ote of vate of gag ot ving eg ATA Segue, “cues WET ba, “ae! 168 ‘VERDAL compouxps Vt aks fovontion: dhs CAH ata-stn would mean “tured ita a jenel? but CARY raat, ing jvel ae nama ouyound (288 e) XE, Nominal Compounds, 185. The porer of combining two or more words ilo one. hich belongs to all the Tado-Raropesn languages, bas teen sore largely developed Sanskrit than in any of tho th [Not only are long and comploxcompeonds hae fy constaut ue, ‘ut thay aio tke the place ofthe analytical modes of expression hich provall im the other cognate tongues, Thos Kiidisa Aeceribos a river ‘waveegitnionLoquiious-bindzowegnllee ssvingsed’ while wo shoald aay: “hur gindestring is & ow of Linde Toquacions beonnse of the asitation of the waves” Come unde being therfore great syntactical importance Sensei, it ie mecesety to disinguoh and clay the various kind, in onder that the meaning of ndarstood, The most convenient division i into the three slasen of Covrdintives, Deternnatives, and Ponesives, ‘The Determinaives, «9 clled Neca the former meniber datermines (or qualides) the later, ate of to kinds, Dependent and Descriptive, Possessivas are secondary compound, consisting chity of Detersitves toned ito aljectivs, 12 All words making up a compound except the lst, ordinarily sppese in the form of thee unineced stem ;thoe with two ting Use weak, and thote with thes, the middle stem (13 Te last Word in tho ease of Co-ondinatves aud Deterinatives, retains, ap a ule, ite uatal form and ineion, ag walla, if utatactve ita gender; while io Pososives, itis variable like an adjective, BURT doves, "saran ofa gd or ofthe gos; kit sentence nny be elealy vi 186 NOMINAL COMPOUNDS 169 ‘earfsrat namie ‘earings maates's CTRL kar, ‘duty of king? AATAM(suman, "homonymous": now. wae, fare, n, WTA. 1, Coordinative (Dvandva) Compounds. 186, These consist of two or more) mons fe leu consmeny aajetves, very rarely adverts, counted in sense by the eopule snd? Dvandva tho name applied to Co-ordiautives bythe Hinds gramearins, cana “pe” ot ‘couple! 1s Gomponedstaastiver re nested i the dal or part accoringewo or oe jects re dented tb gender Bing hat th la snr e.g: CATT nya, a ep and hoe"; GENET Bay-sfab‘elophaate ad bones? Whe however, he urs of fhe onipound expres not nds bt categorie, the Dearne the etter sngulat me fb ealectie;-—evg. TARR gavasivan, “kine and bore” omer of objec tcl nye by my of contrat ae oe combined in Dendvas ime. g. FEET: sinha on nd lap’ drameye fy: dosed ets SHETCTR whowatn, a. ‘day and aight®? The number af mentes inthe componud eet Hite wd ten one Sdershe; e.g. RMRAATITCTTTTT: dora guniharre teinorgrege ke” godt, heavenly mila, men, serpent, sed denen” 2 Adjectives (icallng pst pantciples) are comersvly aoa compoed a+ Doandear, e.g. SCRA tase ing» longged! 82. SRE os 10 senha = fais oe lena Gab ae ing 79 Teahaenatd: TE Ta betas 18, dnp abbr 6 eee apt, at Sebotiereemestar et sates ese Sse tad as onde, EEE iene — ee in se it = . gi cmpt aes ate “om eet Dhasenaya, «twinning bts bana wah 8p Set Sige Farin of te? ara 252 SANSKRIT INDEX hay ple m2. mas pe | sae tba eB Hats ah al! | a esl tegen eet eda) |i elisa BEE ramon en | SET. “BMT log. west tier id, Spoth pp 3, S| eet Ma Setar; | Ma ayy ne, Bal, 3 ei. ot ha, 134 B1 | ney apy. aanea 103, 2 Bn Tow nag ipa oor ops Somali Mnf | SS drome as ‘changed we dvan, tla”? Boal San faa 36:01 4 praiaiigs tie 3, Sea Sal en 10983 198, ya, dorama ge "piggy bya refines ng FG ay ay Eten eo ig) Vee ‘loinc gh a 39. Fateh wie 9p. 2 me | ENR wen Fe mas | ch se | Rau tee ee ee ae aa Siete aebssy. | Mag moines ait ERT ee aoe Shag piesa apa, | PND PE, a caer He Bada aks Hn ie ray a pend? 2 ‘dept with onaa0g. | Bape one anlar 1889 ites ma PGE in! mem, | Fata utet? fae 7) sig applak? w. dat, ton, | feta ead ety 177 eos hese ei elon at manne | Rea stag : Soe 41 per hy ‘Pade, pep. adv ‘alter, saxsiner oNDEx 253 — ri oo ty 0 seem tat — Sea eR cy pas eer sea). | BEEP lis non 253395 ese aera Fi te iplata? 186, 3 Bape ike area ise ac ad gm en 2088 | peg et ot fr Biraeea'a Enah se ont lng Feces deg dre con 17s. | ey rnb 27. Putri fi, 18830 FER! deed ft 6 ergnat Pan ah i was tes" jf sare, se! 33 Eetie, “ot the ort Sertcan pep nie. bebee! 177d. | 1933. Rintaeectatmttyessartagh | fame’ ade eng! Sal kr E slr haec art | a BH, Seer | lrg pm roped | Pi to a. meee ee POD ee bt et tee porean, a ‘prentng’ ph, | Meet ofp Ferran ta REaccas. | ypu mobo 25098 2 Peete i ht Prares cain wasn FeO "pcos 88, | Pen Serb mB 0828 So apa fae ore Fig tn cst pm, peo "bern’ day 2008. ete pes, wat, on ne 9 ese, ite soya art 198 5 Pe | Ra aT ith teats ze paste | Bae at, Mei sloae See a eras are eh : Fimripses metre, | Bai m,n tt fk cheat ope iby sega aoa | a ei = Feancre/Ubwards ryt: Ob” | bela od daed 80 154. ree aetamrnagae | RR ora Fora ean eda at, oe, | abr 254 SANSKRIT INDEX teint, | anh pe opm Netowkas, snide | tha, Pe TBBBU: phy ‘Ran eg» aera aes TAIRSERTTET Saw ono | Maken ee 3 Sn 4 ta I aca gto Bem oti oe ES. wea egcacimatyetas, | mae" Inpclsenee Sears . ES FIG ys ms ssu | MIP 28, ao, 5: PP 160, Th. Th . " age tt ns op 6 sein, 86. ra, mtr Hater’ a: | Sa, Te Spo eae SS, Fee ae eae senna theta pew tbsing? 86a a6. | Sant adj doepiag? 22, at SEP Epa ie iy of | St hyo! peta ereeon atria fol pa. gee? 95 ‘Bharat of Baus 9s our avi tee og is ine sy pen a te: Mal sh BO! pe, fo 16, theme rita 20m ab lees een Bint let ler rg Weta! Cat, sore, | Bae on pe age RBS "bend, 36, «5, : Fe ae sad erin Bag ttt, | mai, tap tiocz2 po aes aon Aly | aly ema ese Biles Rene coos Se | me ae, Pyar an is eid, |e eae 15,164; la, 1677 da 160! fot, ee Ree retiee: | ROS ani ne, Fee | tka 85 1, 3d -bhGta, pp, “Being,” 185, Ze. ‘why 3. evel, ace. of bam, 109 0; Bale opined ot vate | eager nS, aes 3a, | aan t= “te den, as se hy rte, 493 863s oapotnel p26 1 SANSKRIT INDEX 255 nin tare” 19 mel pertiine many yay Deh gland, 6 eee, rit, 068,18 Tiidattdon te da, 186,50, Tacoma Sp Inoktrhy poppe whut? 179 ‘eben py BCH MO a9, es es Eats She ie tr ‘inthe ae tg a ie Yged gio 4; wba np peri a 1a te sate eee tl mil eg ltt dace 4: tm io atten tee so a2 : ape ope yea 1083. Salt amas as Bane ty oh Sea ge aos 6; wae ‘ight Hatta 7. eh yee ak choi ad Penna Bie 180 (88)? Pima te get paige ATs ple ate at i ny 20405 a Fimacilyr Lemp. “etal pan et go 186 Fagnns rh yea 933 Fee thal ge Fale tan of Sl a eee ae oil Soa, 46,0015 45 sa lO; W165. ca Aer gs ihe alan oy Mia Rbag beg 3 fowl rer : rain ist pp "Boome « ove a Io “canter” oes ndhobas, fx metre, p. 234, ‘bby ane as sss he Tat a a £44 3 ta 256 saxsxnan INDEX | SANSKRIT INDEX 257 Stee ade | ny gh SAC ramc eee a ta ge Spurn gst ae SAG Bae 0, | Ra Pap Pepa | Setanta os, ett aia: sat fete, | ull Theta RGTS, | Atta oedeeepgs, ee Sed er Ses rcen : ee Sat EE Feat wr Se ten Sescynten Pea es So fates ioe", | “yh a Peart ican rea seem ae | at seers» eR SN ee eth. | Sept is ae ee cn, | EE ah eetarieed sn | hee Pe | oy eae Et ae MG? es wm | aha a ieee 58 mre pa tbe fs Ba Hes «a [tebe ene [GOES rey muse 3003, Tobi a elojuent B73, Tie Maree eer | rst a ne ib serena, | wena a Aes oy day | Cramayel Joka, t."sg. pl, world," 193, 1, ‘vin, encl. prn.y 109 a. agp 45 128 = le in esas es 16. vehi te toss a pn, | cat writen ply 13645 ote, | Spt tBg de icon py 36, aa fat, vat tarate) won, 20565 wets | Bi z 2 ae Gh jae ia: Mepee Par 2 an [eta Sh em me, | ll rege Boe tee ath 6 | a ml! ns, | SRESRSIS th ao, Met rainy a. 8a tet to Toe Senin, gee en | émbr Aas Sra eg nose; | OB, aD" 26 BE Rly Matas om | Tatinee cael Rag Sita abby ace ely a pe 1S OT yy | Tastee ee nat rh FR BRS «a wees 2, Be | rfactor 15 to aie ein nue yy stg ti Tagtdgy Shiney besa 6 re tian | survive anaet» Pear Tas, PLATT Si, ie Many fehatspiGsrmep 6g; | “aoatde tn | Rae oti 9; toy ge "| sig 25 tema the Ska tee, PT ee eh aeen pte 35 Siem htpe Ger sem aye ea aera AEE pe att we, Tepe is Rata eee (oess6an. | Eup gt ay 20 ‘same ling. lee, 303 ee 3 | saab a Ethane ao 1 ad ing etme OT, nae (le age as Te ee vn, | “ES SRbcee Det 238 SANSKRIT INDRS skp aa hg nd | hh dal 8 eh sia ‘Spe eget sel SS. | ela ig mae SER SESS 08,20 | tinea? a, Binder reete't 4: whe, | eal ey sagC45 wos up i avai 1, eo bono embiatin” | Eales sth 36s tags in ye, med icing? 78, | otter, ag Rhein anced by a | HEY gel 8h | ad eae on 6 SEES SSE aay weeita athe, sake py tet gos. rH Ste ae. vail, wale w ton, ages | tb bathe cy fe wr Sa, Soa Si Seer apa, “tend ry a Eatonton Termes aioe gs ‘lament fie ms Rasen ptt SP | Sart rete, | | poner ah Egan Irevay mp the a, Pe OE ae SANSKIUT INDEX 259 saya, elo? oda, tatty op Din the baad sed ten 8 laliy an a de Prandin ob ES Sg, | eb aa Eta eat U2 pet Tpke ; re | ae a, | li eneelfioe,” prs 27, 23 Ps 3885 ote Leeper re Ensign, ope Shon 195 Beretta ‘tod Se of yoo GENERAL INDEX “he evans ing he nose epi 2 the ‘teganog of Sypunn Tal the Sona Tae, "Phe egue ere jarrah nie page ar pci, sertintee, CBR eas AES wisn am : SUR ace, Mead bys iggstigé hans Ap ve 20h Bg oth 0, adel ant 65,95 18 2 eg ea al, 8 wes Pais ie nee Sipe pati ses ER EES uy ay Stent ign Teenlink apy “Shi phi nin | Atv emer 18 sets Manoa i yee NEP agin STH Mo els | ite arangoent ah cE Sn, 8 Ube dag pts the ASO lee Pattaya; | pa 260 GENERAL INDEX GENERAL INDEX 261 gta | uml oh 5 ope 18.1; pT nr by 240 SSeS | faa 94 oh ears Sse AAs Bp | antes geome nek | pols ae ee eT on samen ile | EE enn an cod samen se | i pe sei Enea, | Saean ath a : Se pamsecatee agi teciamsepigctes | RAR et ae ate | ee 18; acto ns ford wi the? | jaa amas tasy ga 1 2 Si ate ae | Gender Zo Hy: eno 89, len F475 Pot a 8 53, nian ogg” ello yont90) ooo 1¢~ | nsdn 4; blnal nt Toned ep toate, mt em | Prensa Wea a: | pain a tt tap plaid a dae” | Coleen peas 8, 88, ‘tie ropitoy Yale pps a spSlee tend ibs, | Clneing ml oa, eae ae | ot ta we ane it : Select rasta ake | aT le pitnindpirecaporns, Casting, inp 885 104 #5 Penominalivg 175 a, putatal- | _ 198,48) dole, 202 6 sos ys aaa Beier remit ENR Sl wm SSeS Bs amt oe Sp cnet | Sie ein a sateen Bem 2s ages 1085 | odie rpitin Us 6300 sh); fae 684 | comma aE EP | py eens faba eee a i md he one 2! idea A oi a att oP alent Pee Fe, | Garay smo, Be 955 fe Pestansth ieee soon ssa ata Toi atime ae Egleston wrt fo can dh Shor siar 3 ern ieee csi ctneenas. | that ct ape auatronse | Sore ‘ | icc, res coats, eget by i, Hetil = ; = Be a, a 23 oo ar comets snd pc | 02225, he satay Set Sey, SOTA SRR | SEAT as Dae, elbady, 186 a3 Bie se a peal ae, ante in, sr ny. | cat, sarts to tano : u Tecmo wim title atesas ah | ria af ware by calla, ot see A Aes ae sagan | Tate SERRE El ms Sema a TePES | a ag, ve; pt cele | Seer ae ae | aes. Seen mame SRN igs, | epselgelhayh | iets ap, OBS eate tm “Beers ee ka i gy estat Catnative, 1687 ir ne dy ‘topped, | Consocant ‘Feminine, formation of fm 45 | ye, 2005 ‘pasive of 211 es serene Wigs SaaS, sun femme. atten | | Vout at evnimte heii’ | Laws 5 Ee. wince rm ee | ea ei la ea eh aie Pi ate ge Fa a's Sle, Bea yd Tima Oi aGe | deaatie ie emma: Sra ate cola MPO Le G: | path aan aay ERSNapa hese 262 GENERAL INDEX 368, 3) 1548 int); a ar | Navy 2535 Hal sr itgeg (pe temt paths | Neal 1c Spey ia, 99, a til 13 Dr of ajo nat Seabee fon saan Ahh Faget nin toe i Remit ‘wih i onetime ce 15 i aera | rege, fmt Sadi, feomorh Send g's fe ee oho etl fa aa ang esto) Nite 19485 305, 5 (sem) 9 | Name hs cp, aaj letanyi ig FMD; | Objatne golive so, Te aS ay te) | Opie “PaestdB” in ayaa, ala sep 78, ote of wos, 19 em wien 16,24 | Ora soy SS sofas stl | Oa alton ags 35a. ‘a stint iin an Praia or wile cued 6a Weibruoes ert anda, ) Pe essays arama 154 | walt Se (seme pois | gan 133 44 (pe) 5 168, 4 (on); 139, 5 i ee “ Ft | eBags ne ES Se RS ty SERGE) fs Sey | sae eg Manure gi iggsne | args mah RS BET Mette 19.9 GE) 444 a as hie Btls? Sti aay es cea ‘BitirpinclaniclSanrkritpp.232-g, | 202,30; meaning andenosiraction Siete PE “arieuraceae et te np Cy les | tee aan He Eat Greed, | hie wel EARS, ve anys autem by 7236 264 Cedi) ; wy Moti cpremed byabiavononee | 438 geste ata Meniptng" eeaty ioh a: | Patty ais oe a ne vt, vane wil oat fone 5 OENERAL IN 263 Uap ema et | aratentei Tebeaais | Betas a st fn lh £0 Son ibys, nit oid Se Sash, as, aS Mii Beara 1995 nh | Sond ate of 16; 2 extn Pegitior Samm ms | cee i: ay a ike ‘aces faqs of comnts, wae ahi Pepe | Set patlaty 38 etre oe ‘Preosilve (Beovdietive), 1505 34 ‘eal 39; of final nama, 357 of Raat BAG rete, verbal, 1840, Ves 234 the al oy “1396246 (68 ofthe Bal te ida: ba oi Dita: oo rowtl fi sor otras tigas a HEELS Sida ‘Preseat, apniom, 125-345 fee, 232 Meiticebitndacs | Bath aes Bi piSieyedal tues” | Sates jmary endings, 131 wai, 182, | cerebral 6 {of dent vere | Sipe bees Pos dating teste) kesh ec ia, ti fone 185 | See amin POR Sa! Mit | sci po 20554 Est Sew Bea ca Ee BES | SSE they Bete emi my | ae Nigh) Sieh] Sh a oh | Sega mn, a | SSS Eau, | SOE ee 3 Bogor ailing meen 97 pita, 206,205 a tn Plager cnpeteed by dah 200, | 134 (HT ESOCGES! 12 anh 264, GENERAL INDEX ‘ajc gnv 22 Vem of tn 186 8 4 Sohne” warty few ot | VWasonccent of Set TES cer ereatog | vateat ping oli ine ub ig etc, | “Set aa a sn i, 8 scm, | (RA 92 BURY eng spate ie tama, | Yan na ai, Ee abo Miata ar teenie! Su a: spent fe CE i oan 2 weet aa Gs 3 GS Weli nay. | Vowel decom, gp-ton- stems Stas oti ‘characteristics of | eae ‘ome in ay ‘Tene 1285 at2-igt pant 2135 fea 9: eee, ‘in oe 2 Sch" i95, Fd Gost ater SE rh act Se ed SIE, ‘Vossen prmaun109 5 142.65 tgs Velie mea Hin ‘oiieg in gr-tant ene ‘ated frm, Wai 239. Shh pag hee nent ti, Way 1p wi, expen by te 0 ty eq byt, 199,20. | NB fost ts : ed | wwe AOS i etein, 23 842 Vedi, 4 ootinn ofa grammar, | inoofaton S345 Ween Ma np) cows Ebel wach eprom by | wet, tga of oa Femsgpe ie ola g:afomonl ff

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